For the next week, I was living at the theatre. I still did everything like normal like, going to my shifts at the restaurant and going to the graphics design company. I had got my acceptance letter from my audition and I was yet to play the main character, the princess, Alice Dauphine. The bruise on my arm was still there but it was faded now.
'You've been sleeping here, haven't you'? Robert asked me.
'Yeah, just some problems at home at the moment'.
'Surprise'! I looked up to see everyone that worked in the theatre up on stage, standing around a table with cake and other snacks.
'What's this'?
'A party to celebrate your first ever film', Gwen replied.
'Thank you, guys'. I jumped up on the stage and joined them at the table. They all raised their wine glasses.
'To (y/n) Robinson and her future', Robert toasted.
'To (y/n) Robinson and her future', everyone repeated and drank their wine.
'Started the party without me'? I turned my head to see Alan. I smiled at him and he returned it.
'Oh my God, it's... it's Alan Rickman', Gwen exclaimed. She was going red in the face a little and breathing rather fast.
'Gwen... Gwen'. She was overly excited. I ran over to her and caught her before she hit the ground.
'She's just fainted', Theo pointed out.
'You know Gwen when she greats to excited, get some water and a cloth'. I laid her down gently, taking off my blazer and putting it under her head. Alan now jumped up on to the stage.
'Is she alright'? He asked.
'She is, just your sudden appearance made her overly excited'. I put my hand to her forehead.
'(y/n) has always been the better gentleman than all of us here'.
'Thanks Theo for comparing me to a gentleman', I said sarcastically.
'Well, you are, even with Ben, you were more of the man than he was'. I rolled my eyes. Robert came with a wet cloth, I took it and placed it on Gwen's head. Gwen slowly opened her eye lids.
'Don't get excited again Gwen'. I told her. She nodded and hugged me.
'And (y/n) is very huggable, like a big warm teddybear'.
'Thanks again Theo, for comparing me, this time to a teddybear'.
'Well, you do radiate heat well', Alan pointed out. I blushed.
'Thanks, I guess'. I took a rose that was on the table and handed it to Gwen.
'In all honest, Robin, Ben didn't deserve your love, you put so much effort into the relationship rather than him', Theo told me.
'Really'? I sat down on the floor, eating my slice of cake. 'Gwen, your shivering'.
I stood up and draped my blazer over her and looked back to everyone. They all stared at me.
'What? It never hurts to be kind'.
'Right, come on, your different, from your father'.
'And I intend to keep it that way'
'Hey (y/n)'?
'What is it Jack'?
'Can you do it'?
'Do what'?
'Come on, you know, say it'? I shook my head still. Alan looked at me confused too. 'Say darling'.
'Oh come on, please'. Robert, Theo and Gwen made all pout faces.
'Come on, you have to hear her say it, Mr Rickman, it's just the way she says it, her voice, her velvet voice'.
'I don't do it on purpose, I just say it like that for some reason'.
'How do you say it'? Alan now asked. I blushed and shook my head.
'Oh please, we won't stop bothering you until you do'. I sucked in a breath.
'Fine'. I pinched the bridge of my nose. 'Darling'.
'Omg, I felt that, it hit me in the heart, how do you say it so seductively'.
'I don't try to do it Theo, it just comes out that way'.
'Right', he drawled. I rolled my eyes.
There was a loud slam, the theatre doors were opened with such force and guess who stood there... my father.
He saw me and was quick to walk up to me and grab my arm.
'I thought I told you to quit theatre'! I struggled in his grip.
'Father, let go'. He punched me and I fell to the ground.
'Don't you dare hit her'! Theo yelled. My father kicked me in the face and stomach.
'Don't you dare'! Theo and Robert rushed to my aid and pushed my father back. Alan helped me up.
'I'm calling the police', he told me. All I did was nod. I felt rage.
'Give me the bat Theo'! Theo handed me his baseball bat that he took to scare my father off but I had other intentions. Rotating the bat in my hand, I took a swing at my father.
As he fell to the ground, I pinned him down by the throat.
'Don't ever tell me what to do again or I'll rip your fucking throat out, the fact that you didn't care my life was in danger that night'!
'Okay, (y/n), calm down'. Theo and Robert grabbed me and took me to a separate room to cool off.
'Just why can't I-' I started breathing heavily.
'Because you get like this when you get too much adrenaline'.
'Your... right'. I started to choke not getting any air into my lungs.
'Come on the police might be here'. Theo took me back and lucky enough the police were here. John was one of them, my childhood friend. He came running to me.
'(N/n), there's an ambulance outside, we need to get you some air'.
John took me to the ambulance truck and they hooked me up to the oxygen tank. A blanket was draped over me and they started cleaning the blood off my face.
'Your breathing evenly now and your heart rate is going down'.
'Thank you'. The man that tended to me left me and Alan came to me.
'Remind me to not get on your bad side'. I laughed.
'I apologise that you had to see that'.
'It wasn't your fault, may I ask something'?
'What did you mean when you said you were in danger that night'?
'It's nothing'.
'If you were really in danger, you have to tell me'.
'I can't, it's not something I would like too talk about'. I looked at him and saw worry in his eyes. My face softened.
'Tell me, what's going on'?
'Alan, I'm sorry, I just can't, okay? When I'm ready I might... maybe'. He nodded in understanding.
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