What your wearing and the rings above (relax you're not proposing🙄)
The next day was Ben's birthday, so I decided to get some flowers and some matching rings. Ben is my first ever boyfriend, I was the one to confess to him that I had feelings.
The rings and flowers all came from my savings but it didn't really cost the whole world just about $100.
I was walking to the theatre. I told Ben the other day to meet me there because I had a surprise for him.
I finished rereading the card I wrote for him and looked up. Ben caught my eye sitting on a bench in the park with... another girl.
My heart shattered. I did everything for him. Liam and the others said I was the fluffiest person in a relationship but all my love was just thrown away.
I watched as the girl leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the lips. That's why he stopped kissing me on the lips.
He was my first and that what made me so blind. It was nearing 11:30, I had to meet Alan at the theatre. I wiped away my tears and threw the bouquet of flowers in the trash, walking in the direction of the theatre.
'Hey (y/n), how you doing'? Theo asked me once I came inside the theatre.
'(y/n), are you okay'?
'No'. I broke down in tears again.
'Hey hey, shhh... what happened? Let's go to your room'. He took me to my room and sat me down on the couch. He sat opposite me on the table. 'Who did this to you? Tell me so I can give them a lesson'.
'It's Ben, how could I be so blind'.
'Your not saying he... that bustard, his an idoit for doing that to you and letting you go, come here'. He hugged me tightly.
'Hey (y/n), Alan is- Hey, what's wrong'? I heard Robert say. Theo rubbed my back.
'Ben cheated on her'.
'That bustard, you gave everything to him, I'll kill him for breaking my Robin's heart'.
'No one gives a shit, no one gives a shit, NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT MY LIFE', I yelled.
'Shh... that's not true, we both do, everyone here in the theatre... here'. Theo took the box with the rings in it and got a chain necklace that was just there as a prop. He then slid the two rings on to it.
'Keep them until you do find the right guy and let's hope this time his a gentleman and is as fluffy as you'. He put the necklace around my neck and hugged me, Robert came over and did the same.
'Hey (y/n), are you here? Babe, what happened'? I looked up and stared at Ben hard.
'What happened? Are you fucking mental'? I stood up, Robert and Theo didn't even try to stop me. I grabbed his collar and pushed him out to the main area.
'Please (y/n), it was a mistake, I love you'.
'How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine. How long'?
'A year'.
'You bastard'! I punched him in the face and then someone finally tried to pull me away.
'Let me explain'.
'No, leave', I said, struggling in the persons hold.
'Please, let me-'
'I believe she told you to leave', Alan's voice came from behind me. He was the one holding me back. Ben gave me a pleading look.
'Go Ben, leave', I said, sternly.
'I'm sorry, I was going to tell you'.
'Leave you bastard or I'll run you through', Robert yelled. And he left. I broke down crying again, falling on my knees, bring Alan down too.
'Maybe we should cancel our lunch', I heard Alan say to me in my ear.
'No, I'll be alright', I said, lifting my head from his chest and wiping my tears.
'You sure'? He tucked a lose lock of hair behind my ear. I didn't think anything of it.
'I'm sure, it will take my mind of things'. I smiled and stood up. 'Shall we'? He nodded and stood up.
'You mind if we have a word with our little Robin before she goes'? Robert spoke.
'Not at all, I'll be waiting outside'. He smiled at me before leaving.
Straight away, Theo and Robert started fixing my dress and hair.
'Guys... what are you doing'? I laughed, trying to forget what happened minutes ago.
'We're fixing how you look... okay, done, go on now'. I nodded and went outside, meeting Alan.
'I hope you don't mind walking there, it's not so far from where we stand'.
'I don't mind'.
The whole way, walking with Alan, I fiddled with the two rings that hung around my neck. We sat in a booth when we reached the café.
'Are you alright'? Alan asked as he watched me staring at a couple at a table.
'I'm fine'. The waiters came to our table, notebook at hand.
'The usual, (y/n)'?
'Yes, thank you, Annie'.
'And you, sir'?
'Just a black coffee'. Annie wrote it down in her notebook and left.
'Clearly this isn't your first time here'.
'Nope', I laughed. 'You know... I should probably apologise for the scene at the theatre but I'm grateful you were there to hold me back because Robert and Theo would of let me kill him'.
'You don't need to apologise but I'm glad I was there to hold you back', he laughed. 'Now, the script, I want you to read a couple pages and tell me what you think'.
From his suitcase, he pulled out a pile of papers, bonded and handed it to me. Annie came with my cappuccino and my pastry and Alan's black coffee.
I shuffled in my seat under the gaze of Alan, as he watched me read. It was about Alice Dauphine, a Princess. The king, her father, wants her to marry a foul man that she doesn't approve of.
She finds her true love that lies with a normal everyday man but her father disapproves. From what I read, so far there was a lot of kissing.
'Well'? I looked up at Alan.
'It's an interesting story, I will continue reading when I get home but it's a good story so far'.
'I'm glad you liked it. So, how long you've been in theatre'?
'Ummmm... 5 years, since I was 18', I laughed, nervously. I mean it was kind of embarrassing working at a theatre for 5 years and now just talking to a movie star.
'That makes you 23 years old right now, am I right'?
'You said you have three jobs, I know two but the third'?
'I work as a graphics designer'.
'After I graduated college I worked at a graphics design company'. I knew that, it was one of the reasons why I took it in school. 'But I guess you already knew that'.
'Yeah, sorry'. He just smiled and shook his head.
'Auditions will be held Wednesday next week, I'll pick you up same time'?
'Sure', I drawled and smiled at him.
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