Date? or Not

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I was at a café for my break and reading my book while occasionally taking sips of my coffee. I was now able to move back into the house as my father was no longer there.

'What might you be doing here'? I looked up to see a smiling Alan Rickman.

'Oh, hello, I'm just on my work break, please take a seat if you want'. He took my offer and sat down across from me.

'So, how have you been since yesterday'?

'Fine, that was a ride to remember, am I right'? I laughed, half-heartedly.

'May I ask about your life overall if you're comfortable that is'. I sighed and placed my book down.

'Well, I guess I should start with my childhood, I am the only child of my parents but you see, they were so busy arguing that they were neglectful of their daughter. I had a friend that lived near me, his name was Lucas Evans, he has one brother, Peter Evans. Lucas became friends with me at the age of 9. At the age of 15, we had a heated argument which lead to our friendship ending'.

'I'm sorry'.

'It's not your fault, it was mine, you see, it lead him to marry one of my bullies from school at the age of 19. They had a child, a girl, Harriet Evans. Then, the girl was just 1 year old, 31st of October, I found both Lucas Evans and his wife died, murdered, only the child survived'.

'Did they ever find the killer'?

'No, Lucas died protecting his daughter, I found him in her room'.

'I'm sorry I ever asked'.

'But it was my decision to tell you'.

'How was this Lucas Evans'?

'His was great, green eyes that can get you lost, he had red hair, almost ginger'.

'You loved him, didn't you'?

'I could never admit it to him, he was my only friend, anyway, sorry to pass on my depression'. I laughed. 'How have you been'?


'Okay, I think I must go, I'm doing something at the house and I want to finish it today'.

'Mind if I tag along'?

'Not at all'.

We left the café and walked toward my place. It was a silent walk for a while until my favourite little person in the world showed up.

'Hello, Robbie', she waved.

'Hello, my little white flower, how's your aunt and uncle treating you'? She shrugged her shoulders.

'Same odd same odd'. Her eyes widened when she looked behind me. 'Is that-' I picked the adorable now 11 year old girl and placed her in front of me, facing Alan.

'Alan, this is Harriet Evens, little flower, this is Alan Rickman', I introduced. Harriet held out her hand and Alan shook it.

'Nice to meet you, sir, I'm a big fan'.

'Nice to meet you too, Miss Harriet'.

'Robbie, where are you and Mr Rickman going'?

'To my place, you can tag along if you want, little flower'.

'I don't want to get you in trouble with your father'.

'You won't, little flower, his long gone'.

'Okay then'.

It was a fun walk to my place. Harriet asked too many questions about Alan. She also asked how I met Alan. She was happy when I told her it was for a movie.

Once we all stepped foot inside my house, paintings were scattered everywhere.

'So your a painter', Alan pointed out.

'Yeah, she's super great at painting, she painted me a horse and now its in my room just under the stairs'.

'Don't give information you will regret, little flower', I told her while putting on my oversized collar shirt for painting. 'Feel free to roam about you two, there's food in the fridge if you ever get peckish'.

'Food'! Harriet ran to the kitchen and Alan came over to me.

'Her room is under the stairs'?

'Her aunt and uncle are not that kind to her, especially her cousin'.

'Not kind in what way'? I hint of worry in his voice. I laughed a little.

'Don't worry, they don't beat her, just mistreat her, she's lucky to get a meal a day, usually I was lucky to get a meal a week, if my father wasn't here, she would come and eat some food'.

'That's kind of you'. I blushed and looked away.

'Thank you, I promised myself to protect her for Lucas'.

'I understand. Are you excited for the movie production'?

'Yes, of course! I dreamt about it all my life, it starts this coming Monday, right'?

'Yes, how far have you read of the script'?

'I'm finished actually, just reading it again, most scenes are... interesting'.

'Yeah, I should of warned you', he laughed.

'I mean, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just I hate when sex is written, so I was wondering... I-if maybe you want... to have a picnic with me tomorrow'?

'Oh yes, Robbie, it's a date', Harriet said in a squeaky, high pitched voice, when she came to the same room me and Alan were in.

'Shut up'. I flicked my paint brush at her, causing her to be splashed be red paint.

'Oh, your on'.

'Hey hey hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry'. She got my paint water and started to chase after me. 'Alan! Help me'. I heard Alan laugh.

'Relax, I'm only joking'. I stopped.


'Nope'. She splashed the water on me. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

'So, picnic tomorrow, just before sun down'?


'Don't eat dinner tomorrow then', I laughed.

'It's a date', Harriet giggled.

'Shut up, little flower'.

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