"LORELEI! WAIT UP," Cedric called and followed Lorelei out of the Great Hall. Lorelei smiled at Cedric as he caught up with her. "How are you?"
"Been better, to be quite honest," she sighed. "What have you got first?"
"Potions, you?"
Cedric grinned and he began a conversation about his family that Lorelei didn't realize she had found funny. She found herself laughing with the boy. She told him a few things about her mother that he found fascinating. He asked her about mermaids and such, which she replied as she had done many times before. When they arrived at Lupin's classroom, Cedric grinned at her.
"I'll talk to you later, yeah?"
"Looking forward to it," Lorelei replied with a smile.
When she walked in, she knew she was the first one to arrive. Professor Lupin looked up in surprise and gave her a slight wave. She sat near the front because she knew she was going to enjoy this class. Lupin made her happy in an odd way--a friendly way.
"Where're your friends, Miss Calypso?" Remus asked with a knowing smile.
"Probably in the Great Hall pigging out and discussing how much they hate that I'm a prefect," Lorelei muttered.
Remus let out a loud laugh at that. "Yes, I've heard a lot about those Weasley twins."
"I just don't understand why they care so much! It's not like I'm going to actually dock points from them. Why Professor Dumbledore chose me, I'll never know. Half the time, I'm involved with their pranks!" Lorelei said in a frustrating manner. Remus laughed louder. "What's funny, Professor?"
"Did you know that I was friends with Harry's father, James Potter? And Sirius Black himself," Remus asked, his chest aching a bit at the thought of his two friends. "Those two twins of yours remind me so much of them. And you, of myself. And a bit of Lily Potter with the motherly instincts you certainly possess... bit of Sirius, as well. James and Sirius were quite the pranksters."
"I can see Harry got his mischief from his father, then," Lorelei replied with a smirk. "How do I remind you of yourself?"
"Dumbledore made me a prefect my fifth-year. Sirius and James bugged me about it for weeks. Lily and Peter Pettigrew, our other friend, were the only ones who left me alone about it. Sirius and James thought I'd actually take points from them, too," Remus explained. "They realized after a while that Dumbledore only chose me to calm them down, which did wind up working a bit. I was the calmest of the group."
Lorelei smirked at the professor. "So, you're telling me that Dumbledore knows I'll let them go, but they'll be better because they still have that fear that I may dock them points?"
"Oh, this is great! And here I thought that Dumbledore thought I was a good influence or something!" Lorelei said with a laugh. Remus only smirked at her with his own chuckle. Lorelei certainly reminded him of himself. No doubt there.
"Yes, well. Go ahead and help me move the desks. I've decided all my classes third-year and up will face a Boggart today. Fun beginning to the year, would you say? I'll be depending on you, my dear, to tell me if I suck," Remus commented.
Lorelei snorted and helped him move the desks with her wand. "I don't think we've ever done a Boggart before, Professor."
"Oh, dear. I see you've had very rough Defense lessons through the years?"
"You have no idea."
When the class started, Remus was watching the reactions of the students. He was worried they wouldn't like him, but when he saw Lorelei giving him a thumbs up, he felt at ease.
"All right, no wand waving. Repeat after me: Riddikulus." The class repeated and he smiled. "Good. Boggarts are what we are facing today. Miss Calypso says you have never faced one in class before, so who would like to tell me what a Boggart actually is?"
Angelina rose her hand to answer, which was, of course, correct. They had to picture their greatest fear as something hilarious when shouting the spell. The point of Boggarts was to scare the witch or wizard, and humor was the best medicine.
They all stood in a line to face their Boggart, and Lorelei was afraid of what would appear. She didn't really know what she was afraid of. She was near the end of the line, and she enjoyed seeing her friends laughing as their biggest fear turned into something hilarious.
When it was her turn, she didn't dare look at the Boggart yet. She took a deep breath before looking up. She saw Lupin watching her from afar with concern laced in his features.
The Boggart quickly transformed as if it was confused. It changed into George, making the boy himself cease any laughter. Then, Fred appeared right next to him. Both looked furious at her. Then, Harry appeared. She saw them begin bleeding, slowly dying before her very eyes. In her head, they were yelling how it was her fault. Finally, the boggart was confused and changed into a dementor. After the train incident, she had never been so frightened. She didn't think that was her biggest fear, but the best physical one was this dangerous, soul-sucking demon in front of her.
She pointed her wand at the dementor and stammered, "R-Riddikulus!" but nothing happened. She tried again just as the dementor came closer to her, Fred, George, and Harry's faces all morphing in and out of the dementor. She hadn't felt the person push her away until she looked up from the ground where she had tripped.
Remus had pushed her aside. He should have known that was what it would turn into when thinking of her frightened self on the train. When the full moon shone brightly in the room, he muttered the spell and a balloon flew around the room.
He looked over at her with a small smile. "Class is over for today. Really good job! You are dismissed." He leaned his hand out for Lorelei to take. "You all right, Miss Calypso?"
"F-Fine. Why didn't it work?"
"You seemed too frightened to allow the spell to find the humor, I'm afraid. Here," he pulled out a piece of chocolate from a wrapper in his robe pocket. "Chocolate. It'll help."
Chocolate did help.
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