GEORGE WAS WAITING FOR LORELEI OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM. He grabbed her arm and spun her into his chest. Then, he smiled down at her. "All right?"
She pushed off his chest and gave him a small smile. "Done making me feel like shit for being a Prefect?"
"Oh, Lor. Come on, you know we were, messing around," George tried while scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, okay?"
"Mhm," she muttered and turned to walk off. He grabbed her hand to pull her back. "What?"
"Don't be mad, please. Lor, you know we like you too much to let you go," he tried with a smirk. "Oh, Lor. Smile, would you? Now, you're really looking like Percy."
Lorelei harshly pulled her hands from his. "Dumb arse," she muttered and walked away.
Lupin coughed from the doorway. He was watching the scene with amusement dancing in his eyes. "She can't control Dumbledore's decision, Mr. Weasley. Best not to make a row out of something that isn't worth fighting over."
"Right," George muttered watching her walk away. "Is there a way you could teach me that spell Diggory used for the dementors?" he suddenly asked Lupin who was wide-eyed at the suggestion.
"I think it's a spell everyone needs to learn, but most don't teach it. They don't put it in the curriculum. I'm sure if you can persuade Miss Calypso, I will be happy to teach you both."
"Great. Thanks, Professor," George said with a smirk and ran off after the girl.
"Merlin, he acts just as arrogant as James when he was pining over Lily," Remus muttered to himself.
Oliver found his team sitting at the Gryffindor table later that evening for dinner. He smiled brightly at them. Well, all except Lorelei. Oliver asked where she was, but no one knew until Hermione said she saw her go straight to her dorm after lessons. Sighing, Oliver then said to let her know they had a meeting tomorrow morning before lessons.
Lorelei was found that afternoon by Hermione. Brizo was sitting in Lorelei's lap as she thought about those nasty dementors since her boggart took it as its form. She couldn't fathom being around another one, but they were all over the school.
The next morning, Lorelei woke up with a determination as she decided she was not going to mope about the idiocy that was Fred and George. When she made it to the locker room, there was only Oliver and Harry speaking. Angelina sat down a few moments later followed by Katie. After a few moments, the twins rushed in.
"This is our last chance--my last chance--to win the Quidditch Cup," Oliver started while pacing. "I'll be leaving at the end of this year. I'll never get another chance at it. Gryffindor hasn't won for six years now since Charlie left. Okay, so we've had the worst luck in the world--injuries--then the tournament being called off last year...But we also know we have the best ruddy team in the school!"
Oliver had that crazy, manic glint in his eyes that Lorelei loved. She grinned at him.
"We've got three superb Chasers," he paused and gave the girls a smile. "We've got two unbeatable Beaters."
"Stop it, Oliver, you're embarrassing us," Fred and George said in unison while pretending to blush at the captain. Oliver rolled his eyes with a grin on his face.
"And we've got a Seeker who has never failed to win us a match!" Oliver said patting Harry's back happily. As an afterthought, he added, "And me."
"We think your pretty good, too, Oliver," George said with a smile.
"The best this school has," Lorelei added.
"Spanking good Keeper!" Fred hollered.
Oliver went on a bit dejectedly about how they should have won, and how he was so upset about it being his last year. Oliver had been captain since his fourth-year. He deserved a win for how great of a captain he was.
"Oliver, I have a good feeling about this year," Lorelei said with a smile.
Fred nodded. "This is our year!"
"We'll do it, Oliver!" Angelina said joining in on the cheer.
Harry nodded. "Definitely."
Lorelei was glad to have their Quidditch schedule. She was ready to practice again and feel better. She always felt better on her broomstick. Always.
Lorelei decided to take it for a spin while the sun had started to rise. She went to the cupboard where her broom was kept and almost yelled when she saw a hand grabbing two brooms.
She turned to see Fred and George standing there, now equipped with their own brooms.
"Can we be forgiven?" Fred pleaded. "We can't take the silence anymore!"
"I don't think I started this. It's your own ruddy faults," she muttered.
"We know. We are the biggest twits and arses. Come on, Lor," George said desperately.
Lorelei sighed and nodded. "I'm still angry."
"You love us," Fred said with a grin.
"Don't push it, Frederick."
"Want to race?" George questioned making Lorelei smirk. "Oh, I don't like that face."
"You're on."
Lorelei hopped on her broom and began to hover. Fred and George were not far behind. The trio flew around the pitch for about an hour before they realized they were missing their first lesson.
Snape had given them all detentions.
But George didn't care. Seeing Lorelei laugh like that around them again--there was no better feeling.
The next week and a half, almost every evening was a practice as Oliver was training them at probably his worst. He wasn't allowing failure this year, there was no way. Oliver was a wonderful Captain, but after these practices, Lorelei wanted to strangle him. All out of love, of course.
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