LORELEI WAS CALLED TO PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL'S OFFICE WITH HARRY AND HERMIONE AS SOON AS SHE STEPPED OFF THE CARRIAGE THAT SHE RODE WITH CEDRIC DIGGORY. The boy was now afraid of leaving the girl alone because the dementors were around the school. Cedric smiled wearily at her when she was called away.
"I'll see you later, Lorelei?"
"Y-Yeah, Cedric," she mumbled as she felt Harry tugging on her robes.
After explaining to Madam Pomfrey numerous times that they were indeed fine (Harry and Lorelei who had both fainted), Madam Pomfrey tried to shove chocolate in their faces. Harry declined, but Lorelei gladly took it. If Remus knew anything, chocolate was the best remedy.
They had missed the Sorting, but Lorelei couldn't care less. She walked with Harry and Hermione, and she heard sniggering from the Slytherin table. She allowed her eyes to grow dark as she looked at them and hissed slightly. She sniggered when they turned quickly away in fear. Bloody idiots.
Ginny grabbed Lorelei's hands and pulled her down. "Oh, are you all right? Watching Harry go through what I heard you went through was horrible! Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine, Gin," Lorelei whispered as she bit into the chocolate bar. She saw Remus watching her, and she gave him a slight wave. He bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment with a smile on his face.
Lorelei could see Fred and George glancing at her worriedly. Even they knew they were being twits when being rude to her before the train ride. They had to hear from precious Diggory that he had saved her and she was in Professor Lupin's hands. They immediately wanted to go check on her, but Diggory told them it was best to wait.
"Diggory's been watching you all night," George muttered across from her. Both twins sat there looking guilty. Angelina and Lee weren't angry that she had gotten the prefect badge, and actually, Angelina told them to apologize immediately. Dumbledore picked it, not her.
"Yeah. That bloke is about to get a rather rude finger in a moment," Fred commented.
"Leave him be," Lorelei said glancing at him from behind. He sent her a smile to which she returned. "He did save me, after all."
"We could've easily performed that spell...er, which was it?" George then asked making Angelina snort. Ginny and Fred smirked at each other while Lee stared longingly at the table for food to appear.
Lorelei sighed. "I just want to go rest. I wish they would hurry."
The feast began after Dumbledore announced the new Defense teacher (Lupin) and the new Care teacher (Hagrid). Lorelei groaned when he began his long speech about the dementors. She had just wanted to eat then go to bed.
The next morning, Lorelei was supposed to be helping first-years find their classes and schedules. She rolled her eyes after a while and decided she was hungry. Finding Percy, she told him she was going to find her own schedule and eat.
Once she saw her terrible O.W.L. schedule, she wanted to burst into tears.
"Oh, it can't be that bad," Fred said grabbing it from her hands. "Oh, well. It can be with that schedule. Dear Merlin, why would you do this to yourself?"
Lorelei shrugged and fell in the seat next to Harry while placing her head on the table. Harry gave her what he thought to be a sympathetic smile, but it was really a grimace. He saw his schedule and made the same face as Lorelei.
"Didn't you say Divination was useless?" he questioned her. He groaned and leaned his head on his hand.
George snorted as he glanced at Harry's schedule. "What's up with you, Harry?"
"Malfoy," Ron muttered as he sat across from them. Lorelei could see many Slytherins sniggering at the pair who had fainted. "Montague hasn't been saying very nice things about you either, Lor."
"Used to it."
"Ah, the little git," George said calmly and quickly a smirk graced his face. "Neither were so cocky last night when the dementors were on our side of the train. Malfoy came running into our compartment. Didn't he, Fred?"
"Nearly wet himself," Fred replied with a grin as he flicked Lorelei's braid because her head was still down. "Eat something, Miss Prefect."
"Sod off."
George shivered a bit thinking of the dementors. "I wasn't too happy myself. Horrible things, those dementors."
"Sort of freeze your insides, don't they?" Fred muttered.
Lorelei glared up at the twins. "You didn't pass out, did you?" They were talking as if they had a weird reaction to them. She hated how everyone acted like it wasn't a big deal.
Harry sighed in frustration next to her. He agreed with her unsaid thoughts.
Lorelei grabbed a piece of toast and left the Great Hall toward Defense, which would be her first class. George frowned when saw Diggory follow her out.
"Well? Why the hell is Diggory up her arse?" George demanded.
Fred sniggered. "You better hurry, Georgie. She'll be gone before you get a chance."
Harry snorted into his pumpkin juice.
George groaned and ran a hand through his messy hair. "I just don't...er, I don't know. She probably likes him like every other girl here."
Angelina sat down next to George and whacked him in his head. "Really? After all, she went through last year when you were snogging Spinnet? She wouldn't just forget that. She's probably just glad Diggory was there to save her from the dementor's kiss."
Harry frowned when he thought of the dementor again. Fred nudged Harry's side playfully and recalled how Malfoy sucks at Quidditch. Harry would always beat him in Quidditch. That made Harry crack a grin, glad the twins always tried to make him feel better.
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