Chapter 10 Buio

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Ryuko had turned into her synchronization mode and Charged at Nui. The two clashing with each other's scissor blade.

Ryuko: Answer me! Why did you kill my dad?!

Ryuko then slashed her blade all over Nui trying to hit her, Sadly Nui had Blocked them all. Ryuko grew more angry the more times she attempted to strike Nui.

Ryuko: Dad said that as long as I had this scissor, I'd be sure to find the person who killed him! And her was right! It was you that was at my house that day, wasn't it?!

Nui: Yep! Right you are.

Ryuko: Why did you do it?! Why did you kill my dad?!

Nui: You know the reason why.

Ryuko: Me? Don't screw with me! I don't know the first thing about my dad!

Nui: But you're wearing it.

Ryuko: Wearing? You mean Senketsu?

Nui: Yep! Your dad meddled in things that no human should meddle in. One of those "taboo" deals.

(Y/N): No human eh?

Nui: Yep!

(Y/N) had appeared right before the two who were fighting. Nui had jumped back from the two before moving closer to Ryuko. When she did she had slid her hands on Senketsu. On instinct Senketsu jumped away.

Senketsu: What is it with this woman's hands? They're as cold as ice!

Nui: It's so silky smooth! That's 1005 Life Fiber for sure!

Ryuko: Don't dodge the questio-

(Y/N): Ryuko!

Ryuko: ?!

(Y/N): Calm down! I can tell something bad is gonna happen if you keep up with th-

Ryuko: Get real! Why the hell would I be calm when the person who killed my dad is Right in front of me!?

Nui: Gosh, you're so narrow minded. Hate and Love are two sides of the same coin. And your friend is right , you oughta calm your temper. In other words the deeper the hatred, the deeper the love.

Ryuko: Like hell it does!

Nui: Now, now. You're so lovely when you're angry, Ryuko!

(Y/N): Shit what do I do in this sort of problem.

Ryuko: Shut Up!

Senketsu: Calm yourself, Ryuko. Your blood is starting to boil. You're too worked up!

Nui: I'm just dying to see you naked!

Senketsu then started to burst with steam, he was screaming in pain.

(Y/N): Ryuko! Senketsu!

Ryuko: What the-?

Senketsu then pulled himself together and restrained himself from breaking apart. Ryuko then slammed her Scissor blade down on the arena.

Ryuko: NOW!

She then turned around and attacked from behind.

Nui: That's a Kamui for you. I guess this means that it has more than one Banshi, huh?

(Y/N): (sighs) I wouldn't want the cops coming in to see an underaged girl stripped in the middle of a fight.

Senketsu: That's right! I'm not so flimsy that I'll come undone because of something like that!

Nui: How wonderful! I can't believe he was hiding something like that! That sly old dog. He had me completely fooled!

The two continued to attack one another.

Senketsu: So half of the Rending Scissors was stolen, but he managed to keep me hidden. I expected nothing less from Dr. Matoi.

Ryuko: So it was you that I saw that day?!

Nui: It was. If I'd known a cute thing like you was coming, I would've stayed put instead of running!

Ryuko: get serious, Damn it!

Nui: Do you think you can avenge your father like this? Nope, nope, nope!

Suddenly a giant Monstrous version of Senketsu emerged and engulfed Ryuko, Nui was laughing. Suddenly at Monster version of Ryuko had appeared on the arena and it was twitching and groaning.

(Y/N): Shit what the fuck do I do........... Wait.

(Y/N) then looked at the Nui.

(Y/N): I know what to do now.

Suddenly (Y/N) had appeared right in front of Nui.

Nui: Oh, You're that boy th-

Mid sentence Nui was punched and was launched into the school courtyard. (Y/N) looked at Satsuki, both of them were staring at one another.

(Y/N): Satsuki! Go and deal with Ryuko! I'll take care of psycho Mary Poppins!

Satsuki nodded and Charged towards Ryuko. (Y/N) then jumped down to the courtyard. Whilst falling he called Mako.

Mako: (on Phone) (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Mako! Can you hear me!?

Mako:(on Phone) Y-Yeah!

(Y/N): Okay Mako listen to me. I need you and the Elite Four to evacuate everyone here. Can you do that?

Mako;(On Phone) Yeah!

(Y/N): Good I'll talk to you when this is all over.

Mako: (On Phone) What are you gonna do?

(Y/N): ..... Something else....

(Y/N) then ends the call as he lands where he had Launched Nui. What was Different was that Nui's body was nowhere to be found

(Y/N): Come out! I know you're there!

Suddenly Nui was right in front of (Y/N). He was unfazed by this. Nui was pouting.

Nui: Don't you know it's rude to hit a girl?

(Y/N): Weren't you the one who caused a rampaging monster to go Awol.

Nui then puts her finger on her chin and thinks for a moment.

Nui: Gosh, Did I really do that? I just wanted to play.

(Y/N): You- (sigh) Nevermind let's just get this over with..

Nui: Get what over with?

(Y/N): You said you wanted to play, Well I have the right game just for you.

(Y/N) then smirks as he begins to walk towards Nui.

Nui: Really! You want to Play! I'll let you know I don't plan to lose.

Nui then pulled out her scissor blade and pointed at (Y/N) who was still walking towards Nui.

Nui: Oh, You're going to play with me, You're going to play with me even after what I did to Ryuko? Even after seeing me take all those hits from Ryuko and didn't even flinch?

(Y/N): I can't win without getting any closer.

Nui: Ho ho, Then come as close as you'd like.

The two then began to approach each other slowly. After a few seconds the two began to jog. Then they began to run up to one another. Nui tries to slice (Y/N) from above. But he moves to the side before her attack and strikes her gut. Nui was then launched into the air. (Y/N) then teleported above her and clenched both of his hands together and slammed her back onto the ground. He stayed in the ir floating after the attack. Nui recovers from the (Y/N)'s punch.

Nui: What the-?

Nui then Jumped away from where she landed. She then looked at (Y/N) with a confused expression.

Nui: W-What did you do?!

(Y/N): Nothing, Just a couple of punches.

Nui: Are you wearing a Kamui!?

(Y/N) Then inspected his clothes for a moment before returning his attention to Nui. He had a smug look on his face.

(Y/N): Nope.

Nui: T-Then...

Nui then took a step back while staring at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Ohohoh no. You ain't getting away that easily.

(Y/N) then suddenly appeared right in front of Nui. H

Nui: He-

(Y/N) then grabbed her face and slammed her onto the floor. He then teleported with her face in his hands. He slammed her into the school walls and dragged her across the entire school, Broly style. After about a minute of Dragging her around the School (Y/N) tossed her and grabbed her by the leg. He teleported to a giant empty space and slammed her down making a small crater. (Y/N) then backed away. Nui slowly recovered.

Nui: W-What- Who are you!?

(Y/N): ..... Someone from the dark.....

Suddenly the Area around (Y/N) and Nui Shifted. The two were on top of a giant pillar glowing bright colors ranging from green to red to yellow. The floor looked like stained glass. And had the image of someone unknown to Nui but all too well to (Y/N).

Suddenly (Y/N) had these two odd swords in each hand one in a bright White and shining color emitting a holy feel to the blade. The other being all dark and gloomy, it had a purple crystal between the blade and the handle.

Nui didn't understand what was going on but she tried to fight. When she got close to (Y/N), he had put his two blades to his hips and pointed back. Nui took another step forward. The instant she did however she was knocked back, as (Y/N) sent spherical energy to cut Nui down. (Y/N) then Dashed forward to Nui's position. When she landed (Y/N) was behind her. Suddenly these pillars of light were surrounding (Y/N). As he did he dashed began to hit Nui from around her body. He then knocked her up into the air and when she was about to land (Y/N) had cut her down with pillars of light going in Nui's direction. Nui recovered but really slowly.

Nui: Wh- What the-!?

(Y/N) Was now far away from Nui as he Jumped up really high and Spin around making the impact on Nui twice as painful. After a second (Y/N) then floated around Nui spinning his Keyblades in a saw motion, cutting Nui multiple times with blood gushing out. He did this three more times.

(Y/N):... Magneza.....

He then pulled Nui closer to his position before erupting in a dark energy that bursts out and knocks Nui back. Nui recovers a bit quicker.

She stands up and readies her scissor blade. But (Y/N) had other plans. He ran up to her spinning around hitting her. Nui was able to dodge a bit but she had to block the rest. (Y/N) then slammed his Keyblades down on her, over and over. Knocking her off balance. He then knocked away her scissor blade and knocked her in the air.

After a second (Y/N) went to the center of the platform. The dark atmosphere then changed to a sunset glowing ever so beautifully as Bright balls of light were sent in Nui's direction. Knocking her into the air.

Nui was on the ground panting from the damage (Y/N) had done.

(Y/N): Y'know this wouldn't have happened if you didn't mess with Ryuko's life. Or her anyway. Besides you Had my interest at first. Shame really..... I might've actually liked you.

Nui: (pant) W-What (pant) are you?

(Y/N): A nobody. Someone who isn't human.

Nui: ?!

The scenery then changed back to normal.

(Y/N): I'll let you off the hook for now, but you had better not interfere with Ryuko's life. Or else I'll step in.

There was a bright light for a moment. The two were back at Honnouji Academy in the Courtyard. (Y/N) then grabs Nui by her neck.

(Y/N): And if you were to kill me..... Then We shall go together.....

(Y/N) then, with all the force in his arms, Threw Nui out of the arena, out of the school, Out of the fuckin' City.

(Y/N): (sigh) There goes one problem. Now to Ryu-

When (Y/N) turned to see where Ryuko was he saw Mako holding her and Slapping her. Trying to knock her out of her trance.

(Y/N): *smiles* Mako you really are something else.

(Y/N) then teleports to where they were. Suddenly smoke came from where they were. The Life fibers that held onto Ryuko was then fixing itself. Ryuko was back to normal.

Ryuko:..... Mako....

After a second Mako continued to slap Ryuko.

Ryuko: Hey! Cut it out! OW!

Mako: Darn it!

Ryuko: Hey, I'm okay! Hey Dial it down! Ouch! Cut it out!

The two then fell to the floor Mako on top of Ryuko.

Mako: (Gasp) Ryuko!

(Y/N) then walks up to the two.

Ryuko: Thanks.

(Y/N): Yeah Mako, We wouldn't want things to get worse when they did.

Senketsu: Ryuko..

Ryuko: I'm sorry for dragging you all into my drama.

(Y/N) then waves his hand sideways.

(Y/N): It's no big deal.

Senketsu: No, I'm just glad that you are all right....

Mako: You were about to die of Blood loss!

Mako then tightly hugs Ryuko.

Mako: Dummy! Dummy! Dummy!

Ryuko then passes out from exhaustion.

Mako: Huh? Ryuko? Ryuko?! Ryuko!? Ryuko! Are you dead?

(Y/N): Mako let her rest, she's tired.

Satsuki: She survived thanks to you, Mankanshoku.

(Y/N): All in a day's work

(Y/N) then walks towards Satsuki. He then stood right in front of Satsuki.

Satsuki: hmm?

(Y/N): Tell me who was that girl.

Satsuki: Someone who works for me..........Good work on keeping her distracted.

(Y/N) then looked at Satsuki with a serious face.

(Y/N): I warned her not to get any closer to those two. So if she does, She's out of business.

Satsuki looks at (Y/N) with wide eyes. She then smiles with her eyes closed and taps (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Satsuki: Thank you again for helping.

Satsuki was about to walk away. (Y/N) had other ideas. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into a very tight hug.

(Y/N): I should be telling you that.

Satsuki unknown what to do just stood there. After a second she complied with hugging back. (Y/N) lets go and the two backed away.

(Y/N): I owe you for that. But ...

(Y/N) looks to see The Mankanshoku family picking up Ryuko and carrying her off to their home.

(Y/N): I think today we rest.

Satsuki: Right

Satsuki then looks out to the Mankanshoku family. She then looked at (Y/N) who had a bright smile.

Satsuki: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): hmmmm?

Satsuki: Tell me who you really are...


Chapter 10 is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK! I'm So sorry that this one was a short one. I promise to make the next one a bit longer. But for now this is what I had delivered. I hope you all enjoyed and look forward to the next chapter!! Take care Y'all!!!! 

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