Chapter 11 Spina

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(Y/N) was sitting on the edge of the school wall staring out towards the sunrise. His popsicle slowly melting away. As looks up to the sky with a breathtaking look. Eyes slightly open. Mouth slightly open. He breathes as if he were born.

(Y/N):.......You can come out now.....

There was no response, only the wind pushing itself around (Y/N). He takes another bite out of his popsicle.

(Y/N):...... I know you're there......

Again no response. (Y/N) then turns to his left, still sitting on the edge. He looks to see a teenager with blue hair and a blue school uniform and glasses.

???: I'm Shinjiro Nagita, Formerly of the Newspaper Club!

(Y/N) just stares at student. He then returns his gaze to the sun rise.

Nagita: Please Take me to Ryuko Mato-

(Y/N): You can drop the facade....

Nagita: I'm sorry, I do not understa-

(Y/N): I'm not dumb y'know

Nagita then looks at (Y/N) and smiles before removing his clothes and wig.

???: Gosh, I spent so much time with disguise Y'know.

(Y/N) turns his head to the side. Where Nagita use to be, now stood Nui Harime.

(Y/N): And what do you want? Didn't I warn you not to come here.

Nui then puts her finger on her chin and looks up to think for a moment.

Nui: Nope!

Nui then begins to get closer to (Y/N).

Nui: You told me to not get Close to Ryuko. Not here.

Nui then gets next to (Y/N).

(Y/N): (sigh) I hate to admit that you're right.

(Y/N) then looks back to the sky.

(Y/N): So, what's your plan here? Gonna kill me? Or what?

Nui: Nope! I simply want to talk.

(Y/N): Just say it and let's get it over with.

Nui: Remember when we fought?

(Y/N): You mean that one-sided pounding?

Nui: Gosh, Let a girl finish.

(Y/N): I don't think you have the right to be called a girl.

Nui pouts to (Y/N)'s comment.

Nui: Jeez, But anyway, What you said back then did you mean it?

(Y/N): Mean what?

Nui: That if things were different....

Nui then leans in front of (Y/N)

Nui: You would've enjoyed my presence.

(Y/N): (sighs) What am I to say. Suddenly a cute girl in all pink interrupts a fight and hordes off a Three-star Goku Uniform. I'll admit......

(Y/N) then leaned his back against the floor of the school wall

(Y/N): You did interest me, and you still do.....

Nui then hovers over (Y/N).

Nui: Awww, did I give the big strong man a crush?

(Y/N): Nothing of the sort. Now please.....

Nui was on top of (Y/N).

(Y/N): Can you get off me.

Nui then just leaned closer. She started to caress (Y/N)'s face.

(Y/N): You know what happened last time correct? You didn't achieve the best ending. And don't think I don't see the Life Fibers wrapped around your fingers.

Nui knocks her head back for a second before smiling.

Nui: You are a keeper y'know that?

(Y/N): Don't push yourself.

Nui then got off of (Y/N) and walked away.

Nui: Well it was fun while it lasted, but I promise things won't always stay this way.

(Y/N) just stared at Nui who was simply walking away.

(Y/N): I'm gonna fix that girl.

(Y/N) Then takes a bite out of his popsicle.

(Y/N): I still owe Satsuki that favor.


Satsuki: (Y/N), Tell me who you really are...

(Y/N) Stared at Satsuki for a moment before looking up to the sky.

(Y/N): I told you before, I'm just a nobo-

Satsuki: Don't give me that excuse! I know there's more to it then that.

(Y/N) looked to Satsuki with wide eyes. He then gave her a comforting look. He then closed his eyes.

(Y/N): I'll tell you one day, just not today. There will be a time when You and Ryuko will get along. And with that.....

(Y/N) opens his eyes.

(Y/N): I will tell you everything.


(Y/N): (sigh) I have lots of stuff to do.

Time-skip to the next day.

(Y/N) had awoken from his slumber from all the Racket from the Courtyard.

(Y/N): (groans) W-Why the fuck is there so muc-

(Y/N) looks down to see the Students preparing for the Tri-school raid trip.

(Y/N): Oh right....

(Y/N) then hops from his spot to where the Students were. He spots Gamagoori holding Mako from her clothes.

(Y/N): And what the fuck is going on over there.

(Y/N) then walks to where Gamagoori and Mako were.

(Y/N): What's going on here?

Mako: (Y/N)!

Gamagoori: Ah! Good Morning, (L/N)! I see you are Tardy for Today's Classes!

(Y/N): There were classes today? I thought we were gonna raid area 51.

Gamagoori: That's Not The Point! You Were Late To Class!

(Y/N): Yeah, Yeah. Anyway have you seen Miss General Satsuki Anywhere. I can't sense her presence anywhere.

Gamagoori: She had Other Business to attend to. But Enough About That!

Now Mako and (Y/N) were in a line of Students passing Cargo into the trucks.

Gamagoori: NOW! Load That Cargo Onto The Trucks!

Mako; E-E-E-E-EEH?!?!??!?

(Y/N): (sigh) It's better than nothing

Time-skip to the afternoon.

(Y/N) had escaped the Clutches of Gamagoori's Hard labor. And he this time he was STANDING on the edge of the school wall.

(Y/N): Why am I standing.

(Y/N) then notices a helicopter coming his way.

(Y/N): There's the little misses.

(Y/N) then jumps down into the school courtyard Where Satsuki was. Satsuki was back to her regular self being all serious and such, You know. The usual. (Y/N) then waves his hand.

(Y/N): Good Afternoon Gorgeous.

Satsuki hears this and turns around to see (Y/N).

Satsuki: (Y/N).... what brings you here.

(Y/N): Nothing much just got something really important to tell ya.

Satsuki: Go ahead.

(Y/N) then changes his jolly expression to one like Satsuki's.

(Y/N): Nui Harime came back.

Satsuki flinched for a moment.

Satsuki: I know.

(Y/N): You know?

(Y/N) then sets his gaze down Satsuki's arm to see Ryuko's Glove. (Y/N) was slightly angered by this.

(Y/N): You-

Satsuki: (Y/N) Listen!

(Y/N) stops for a moment.

(Y/N): I'm listening.

Satsuki: This is all a rouse. I want Nui gone as the next person. But for right now I need you to believe me.

(Y/N): How can I you let Nui get Close to Ryuko. She's probably naked in the streets or something.

Satsuki: Trust me I will make this up to her. For now I need to do this.

(Y/N): Why are you so obsessed with being above everything!?

Satsuki: (Y/N)!

(Y/N) flinches for a second.

Satsuki: Ryuko needs to be tested. With all that's happened She will die if Nui Harime Strikes again. She needs to be stronger.

(Y/N) stops for a moment. He then turned around and began to walk away.

Satsuki: (Y-

(Y/N) lifts his hand to stop Satsuki from speaking.

(Y/N): For now I will trust you, but if this goes wrong. I'll deal with everything myself.

A black void appears before (Y/N). He walks in.

Satsuki: Get the Tri-city Raid trip started. We leave tomorrow.

(Y/N) then teleports through the dark portal to where Ryuko was. Unknown to him Aikuro was there.

Aikuro: (Y/N)?!

(Y/N): I see you've beaten me to it.........

Aikuro: My, It's great to get help from the you-



CHAPTER 11!!!!!!! Sorry again for making this one a bit short. I didn't know how to continue off from this episode to the next so I left it as is. But Hopefully we get a better chapter Tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy and look forward to the next chapter. Have a good night Y'all!!!!!

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