Mycroft x ftm!reader

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~Your POV~
I roll over in my sleep and 'fling' my arm across Mycroft's face. At least that's what he said I did. All I remember, like any normal person, is waking up cuddled up to Mycroft's side and him snoring like an earthquake.
"My, you gotta wake up!"
"Mmm... no."
"Come on! We have Greg's wedding today!"
"Mmmm... fine." He says pulling himself out of bed.
"Morning grumpy." I giggle then kiss him.
Neither of us are particularly passionate by any means so usually a kiss is the most intimate we get, well kissing and hand holding. Mostly we just enjoy each other's company and kind of want to have that forever. But we also want to sleep in the same bed, ugh, it's complicated but it works.
When I kiss him he puts a hand on my cheek and kisses back. When we both pull back and open our eyes he's smiling at me and looks completely awake.
"Better." I laugh at the way he says 'better'.
"Now come on sleepy head, we need to get dressed. I have to be there to help Katherine get her dress on and help do her hair."

He nods and we both get dressed, I start with my pants. I put on my nice black tux pants, my socks then the beautiful shoes we got from Belgium on vacation. Then I pull off my shirt and look down, I don't want to it's just a habit. When I do I sigh, roll my eyes and look up again. Mycroft catches it but says nothing. I pull on my binder, hook it, then I adjust it so it's comfortable. I shrug on my white button up, button it up, tuck it into my pants then go to do my hair before I put on the jacket. I jell my hair so it's kind of a mess, but a mess with a purpose. Mycroft walks in behind me and fixes my hair for me.
"Thank you love."
"No problem because whatever you were doing there, wasn't working."
"Mean, but fair." I walk up and stand on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.
Then I walk back out into our room and put on my jacket. I take off my jacket because I had forgotten my tie. After I put on and tie my tie, finally I put on my jacket.
"My, are you ready?"
"Almost, just need my umbrella."
"Hurry or we are going to be late." I say walking down the stairs, shoving my wallet, phone, and handkerchief into my pocket. I get to the drive and the car is waiting for us.
A few minutes later Mycroft and I are in the car. He is fixing the handkerchief in my pocket and once he's done I sneak in a kiss.
"Love you."
"Love you too (y/n)."
"Hey My, remember our wedding."
"How can I forget the day I married the the man of my dreams."
"Wow Mycroft your feelings are showing."
"Don't be rude."
"There we go." I say and smile.
"What do you remember about the wedding?" Mycroft asks.
"Well I remember almost throwing up back in my dressing area because I was so nervous. I remember walking down the Isle with John because my parents wouldn't come." I look off to the side a little and sigh but then I look back at Mycroft and smile. "I also remember seeing you standing at the Alter in your dress uniform and I remember thinking how lucky I was to marry you. I also remember how proud you looked when I stood next to you during the ceremony." I started to cry a little. I mean all weddings are emotional but when you go through your entire life from  the age of twelve till the age of forty thinking you are unlovable, you start to believe it yourself. Mycroft knew how emotional of a memory it is for me, but he sometimes forgets I cry. This is an issue because Mycroft is horrible at dealing with people who cry. It's not that he doesn't like them, he just doesn't know how to interact with them.
"Don't cry (y/n)."
I look up at him and smile.
"You are so bad at these things." I say then smile. He holds out his hand and I take it. I move across the isle that separated us in the car and sit next to him. I then lean over and rest my head on his shoulder.
"Mycroft, you are so amazing."
"My darling (Y/n), you don't understand how handsome and wonderful you really are." I blush and smile as we continue to drive to the wedding.
A/n: #27. I love Mycroft! I figured that I would do a fluffy one in the midst of all this despair. So here ya go!

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