Moriarty x male!reader

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A/n: READER DIES. Just a warning if that isn't something you want to read. They die of AIDS, again if it's something you don't want to read. Anyway if you do read I hope you enjoy :).
~Your POV~
I had been doing a lot lately. What I mean by that is I joined a competition swim team! Practice every day for two hours, 5:30 to 7:30. Jim is worried about me, he says I'm over working myself but it doesn't feel like it to me so I say I'm fine.
I get up from the table after dinner and have to catch myself on the table. I get a rush of dizziness to my head and stumble. Jim sees and immediately puts his plate down and is at my side in a second.
"Are you all right?!"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, just stood up too fast, maybe I didn't drink enough water today." I say looking embarrassed.
"Maybe you should sit down. You have been working hard this week."
"No I'm fine, just a little dizziness, calm down okay."
He nods then stands back and lets me walk into the kitchen. I walk up to the sink and start washing the dishes, then suddenly everything starts going black and I try to reach for the sink. Then I'm on the floor unconscious.
When I wake up I am in our bed and when I look around the room I don't see Jim. Then he walks out of the bathroom holding a washcloth. He brings it over to me and smiles.
"Oh, so your awake, that's a good sign."
"A good sign of what?" I ask a little worried.

"That you are getting better. You have been out for about two days. The doctor says it's because you are a little sick, plus all the extra strain you're putting on you're body lately, you just couldn't handle it and you fainted."
"Oh I say and start to sit up."
He pushes me back down and shakes his head.
"No, the doctor said to stay in bed and so that's what you are going to do on my watch."
He then takes the washcloth he is holding and starts to wipe off my face and his eyes go soft and are filled with love not worry this time.
There is something off though, I know those eyes like I know the back of my hand. Those eyes hold all of his emotions and they say he's lying. They say that it's more then just a cold, something so much worse.
Over the next few days I keep getting weaker and weaker. Jim will occasionally help me outside and we sit on the grass and watch the clouds, or if there are no clouds we just sit and talk. It is on one of these outings he tells me the truth.
I am sitting next to him and we are holding hands, he takes my face and turns it to him, he smiles then takes a shaky breath.
"(Y/n)... there is something I haven't been telling you. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry but..." he reaches up and puts his hand in my hair. "You have AIDS... I'm so sorry..."
I didn't hear what else he said, all I did was sit there frozen in time with nothing to say, I didn't know what to do, how to act, all I knew was that I was going to die.
When I tuned back in Jim was crying and holding my hands.
"... it's all my fault, I took and HIV test after you got sick and fainted, it said I was positive. I'm so sorry.... I should have taken that test earlier or something..."
I lean forward and kiss him gently.
"It is not your fault, you didn't know this would happen, you didn't know, and I'm not blaming you for that. Just don't get all sappy and be like 'we have to take all these trips and cross off your bucket list' because I don't want to do that. I don't want the possibility of dying in another country, or dying when you aren't there. I just want to stay here and I want to be with you right up until the moment I die."
He nods and I pull out a handkerchief from my pocket, then I wipe away his tears and he gives me a shaky smile.
"You are so amazing, and you don't understand how much pain I feel for doing this to you."
"For doing what to me, loving me? Because how I see this is, it is just an unfortunate combination of genetics, and I happen to be susceptible and you happened to be a carrier. I wouldn't change what has and will happen in a million years. I wouldn't do it if it meant I would have never met you because I would rather live ten years as your husband and die in your arms rather then live fifty years as someone else's and have never gotten the chance to meet you."
"Really? Do you really mean that?"
I nod then smile softly.
"I meant every word."
It was just like I said I wanted it to be, I only lived two months longer and when I was really sick, and really weak, Jim was right there by my side. When I woke up in the middle of the night with a coughing fit, when I knew I wasn't going to make it to the next morning, Jim was right there and he held me close.
I know the pain I caused him by doing that. The pain and the picture I left in his brain, but I wanted to do one more selfish thing before I left. I wanted to die in my lovers arms. Now some may say this isn't selfish but the marks and scars I left on his brain by doing that will never heal. So call me a bitch, call me cruel, but I'm not sorry for wanting to die surrounded with love instead of with my own thoughts of hate.
A/n: #28! Last one of my one a day one-shots. I'm sorry I made it so sad but I kind of wanted to do a sad one since normally I do fluffy happy ones. Anyway enjoy :).

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