Sherlock x male!reader

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~Your POV~
I had all of my painting supplies packed up and ready to go, I just had to get Sherlock.
No response
"Sherlock!" I say louder.
Again no response.
I march out of our room and to the chair he is sitting in and grab his face. He finally snaps back to reality and looks up at me.
"Don't what me! I've been calling you for like five minutes."
"Okay so no I'm sorry, but anyway I'm going down to the studio and I was wondering if you wanted to come so you won't be alone."
He does a little Sherlock smile then nods and stand up. He starts looking around for his shoes.

"By the door love."
He walks over to the door and puts them on, I grab my bag of supplies and we are off.
It must have looked funny to people seeing this tall, well dressed man, holding hands and walking with this short guy covered in paint.
When we arrived I unlocked the studio I rented and walked in. Sherlock followed and I locked the door behind us so that no one could get in. Sherlock sat where he always does which is on a stool in the corner of the room. I go and get the canvas I'm working on from the right side of the room opposite Sherlock. I keep the paintings covered so that the light won't fade them unevenly. I set up my easel and put the painting on it.
The painting is beautiful if I don't say so myself. It is a depiction of a quaint back yard. There is a white picket fence and the sky is blue with white fluffy clouds in it. There are wild flowers in the grass and Tulips, Lillie's, and Violets bordering the corners and bottom edge of the painting. Finally the center of the piece is blank because I haven't finished it yet.
"Sherlock, can you describe it again."
"You know, the place in your mind palace where you keep me."
"Which one, there are three?"
"Your favorite."
He smiles for a second then begins just where we left off last time.
"I always see it in first person and you are always sitting cross-legged across from me. You are wearing your favorite pair of black dress plants, your brown dress shoes and your favorite white button up with the fish on it,  under your suit jacket. Your hair is gelled up like the day we went to John's wedding and your hands are holding your face, your elbows resting in your knees and you are sleepy smiling at me."
I almost start crying, that was so detailed and I really needed that, I needed someone to notice the small things. Anyway I began to paint and I stood there for nearly six hours, only stopping to use the restroom and get some water for me and practically shoving some down Sherlock's throat so he won't die of dehydration.
Finally after two more hours I stand back and the painting is finished, and I start to cry. At this Sherlock snaps back to reality and looks over at me. I'm looking at the painting with my hand over my mouth and tears coming down my cheeks. He stands up and walks over to me. He looks at the painting and smiles.
"It's beautiful." He says softly.
"Thank you," I say "thank you for noticing everything, for seeing everything and choosing to remember this moment. It's from after John's wedding isn't it?" I ask still wiping away the tears the slide down my cheek. He nods and puts his arm around my waist.
"Yeah, and you were done with the dancing so you and I went outside and sat down in the little back yard of the hall and we talked about nothing. Then you started to get tired and this is what you looked like before John came out and found us."
I leaned into Sherlock and he looked down at me, he was never very good at this relationship stuff but somehow he got me to stay now he won't be able to get rid of me! Not that he wants to, he loves me because I stayed, he loves me because I understand, he loves me because I love him. He leaned down and kissed me gently. I smile and when he pulls back and we look back at the painting.
"Well happy birthday Sherlock, I made this for you."
He turns back to me and smiles.
"Yes love really."
A/n: #26 I hope you like this one! I thought it was cute and it was requested by that1gaydoggo. I hope this is what you were hoping for. Enjoy :).

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