(Y/n)'s POV
Zack: "So, what should we do?"
(Y/n): "I thought I heard something open earlier, but that boy is probably waiting for us there."
Zack: "Great. Sounds fun. Let's go."
You and Zack located the newly opened passage and went into the new area.
(Y/n): "I smell dirt again."
Zack: "Don't tell me there's gonna be more graves up ahead."
(Y/n): "There probably are..."
Zack: "Great. Well. Do me a favor and don't go divin' into the first one you see."
(Y/n): "I won't, Zack. Like we said, I won't die until I help you."
Zack: "Oh yeah, did mention that huh?"
He remarked sarcastically.
(Y/n): "Heh, No kidding."
He stopped walking when you entered a brightly lit room.
Zack: "So, anyway, I don't think I caught your name."
You frowned and lightly punched him in the arm.
Zack: " You got one don'tcha?!"
(Y/n): " I already told you, dumbass. It's (Y/n)."
He smiled.
Zack: "heh... I guess I'm fine with keeping you alive 'till I can get some use out of you. But I gotta say, dealin' with a sad sack like you...is a pain in the ass."
He got into a fighting position as he said that. You looked past him and saw Eddie standing on the stairs in front. He was blocking your path just as you suspected he would.
Eddie: "So, we meet again...Is there any way I can ever be good enough for you, (y/n)?"
(Y/n): "Eddie, it isn't about tha-"
Eddie: " You have no idea what a scumbag this guy is. He's got no sense of beauty at all! And he was just as worthless before he came to this building."
(Y/n): "I am fully aware of what he has done, I read the profile."
Eddie: "Then why would you choose him over me? I can put you to rest so much better than he can!"
Zack: "What?! Dead is dead, you smug little bastard."
(Y/n): "I'm sorry, Eddie. But I told you, it isn't about that."
Eddie lifted his shovel into his hands. The sweetness in his voice was replaced with a sinister tone.
Eddie:" That kind of freedom doesn't exist in this place, (y/n). We don't get to make choices like that. The only thing we've been given is the right to hunt down anyone who comes into the floor were in charge of. We make them sleep forever. And I'm in charge of B4. So what will it be?"
(Y/n): "I've made my decision...Eddie..."
His masked face lit up at the sound of his name.
(Y/n): "...Zack is going to be the one to kill me, he knows better than to waste any care on a wretch like me."
Zack: "Suck on that! Guess you're the loser, Pipsqueak!
You could hear Eddie begin to sob. You felt a pang in your heart, but you knew this was the right thing.
(Y/n): "I'm sor-"
Eddie:"Y-you can't do that. It's not your choice!"
Zack smirked and cupped his hand to his ear.
Zack: " What was that? Can't hear you over all this victory!"
(Y/n): 'I didn't know this was a pissing contest*...'
Eddie: "It's not fair! YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE!"
(Y/n): " C-calm down, I'm not worth the trouble..."
Eddie: " (y/n), I wanted to preserve your perfect beauty in death. But, at least you can rest now. A grave is really comfortable, you know? All dark and cool and quiet. So... let me put you inside of one!"
Eddie launched himself at you, ready to hit you in the head with his shovel. Zack quickly blocked the blow with his scythe and pushed against Eddie's unconventional weapon, sending Eddie backwards.
Eddie: " You don't deserve them! You're just a violent brute!"
Eddie dashed at Zack with his shovel, the two weapons colliding again.
Zack: "You're trying to do the same damn thing!"
Eddie Jumped backwards out of the way of the swinging scythe.
Eddie: "Don't compare me to you! No matter how much bigger and stronger you are than me, you're so dumb you can't even kill people right! You're stupid, That's what make you so angry!"
Zack: "You're the one who's getting all worked up because you've got such a raging hard on for dead bodies!"
Eddie: " Now your getting nasty!"
Zack: " Ha! That's what your mom said!"
(Y/n): "pfft haha..."
Zack looked at you, both surprised and proud his joke made you laugh.
Eddie: "just be QUIET! All I want is you, (y/n). Nothing else. I'll seal you up for eternity under a lovely tombstone with your name on it...Once I bash your head in."
Eddie laughed evilly, and the lights went out again.
Zack: "Agh, The hell's with these lights?"
Eddie: "Doesn't matter how strong you are if you can't see who you're fighting, does it? I've had plenty of practice digging graves in the dead of night, So I can see you JUST FINE!"
You heard the shovel collide with Zack's shin. His stance hardly faltered even though it sounded incredibly painful.
Zack: "Agh! Nice try! It's gonna take more than that to hurt ME!"
Zack sliced wildly through the darkness, just barely missing you at times.
Eddie: "How long can you keep up that tough guy act?"
You hear another impact made on Zack's body, and he swung at Eddie again.
Eddie: "Whoops! Almost had me!"
Zack: "Dammit! Show yourself you psycho!"
Zack continually swung in the dark.
He managed to slice some of your loose hairs off, not having any sure direction in his attacks.
Zack: "Shut up!"
Zack turned to you.
Zack: "Hey, you. Do somethin' about the lights. I'm sure there's a switch somewhere. There damn well better be one..."
(Y/n): "Ok! Be careful!"
You ran past Zack without hesitation, pulling out the flashlight on your way. You pushed the button to turn it on, and to your surprise, it worked again.
Zack: "I'm not the one you need to worry about..."
Eddie: "(y/n) wait!"
Eddie tried to follow you, but Zack stepped in the way.
Eddies POV
Eddie: He can he see? How is that possible?
You jumped backwards, barely escaping a slice to the stomach. Zack stood still for a moment, trying to listen for your movements.
Eddie: Ah, he's just running on instinct...
(Y/n)'s POV
You make your way up another flight of stairs and into another area. You heard Eddie's giggles echo around you.
(Y/n): 'I need to hide from him, he's going to kill me as soon as he sees me.'
You saw a single, extremely large grave and ducked behind it. You thought you heard footsteps approaching, but seemingly no one was around. You waited a moment to see if the coast was clear. You stood from your spot and took in your surroundings. In front of the headstone you hid behind, there was an open coffin that was occupied by hundreds of fragrant flower blossoms.
Eddie: "I designed it just for you!"
(Y/n): "Uhng!"
Eddie harshly slammed the handle of his shovel into your stomach, causing you to fall to your knees in excruciating pain.
Eddie: "(y/n)..."
You weakly looked up to meet his gaze.
Eddie: " I'll close you up in that coffin so you can rest forever. But first, I need to kill you,"
He raised his shovel, the tip of the tool pointed down at your head. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to fall into your coffin. The scent of the flowers and their vibrant colors set you at ease.
Eddie: "*gasp* wow, you look like an angel... Now our love can be complete. I'll make sure your timeless beauty never fades away..."
He readied his shovel for a second time.
You then quickly flashed your light in Eddies eyes, and pushed him out of the way. He hit the headstone and fell into the position you just came out of. A remote control fell out of his pocket and you quickly grabbed it.
Eddie: "(y/n)...please..."
You dashed a short distance away, turning the lights back on with Eddie's remote. You saw him sitting up in the coffin, you could sense his sadness. It pained your heart. He really did have kind intentions.
Eddie: "...Please, tell me why... even after I built this amazing grave for you...I'm the only person who understands what you truly desire... you hurt me so bad, (y/n). Why?"
(Y/n): "Eddie I didn't mean to hur-"
Zack: "Sorry little man! But the babe shot you down!"
Zack hit Eddie in the head with the back of the scythe, sending his mask flying off of him and forcing him to lay down completely. Zack laughed as he lifted his scythe again, and sliced Eddie in the stomach.
Eddie gasped for air and coughed up
blood. It was a painful sight.
Eddie: "Oh, (y/n)... I wish I could've put you in here. I hope you can see how much I love you...."
You knelt by the defeated and planted a kiss on his forehead, while taking a flower from behind your ear and putting it in his gloved hands. You sadly smiled at him. Eddie smiled back up at you weakly. The light drained from his eyes as his body relaxed. You stood up and stepped away from the grave.
Zack: "Hey, look at that, it's a pretty good fit."
Zack went behind the headstone and kicked it down over the coffin, sealing Eddie inside to rest forever.
pissing contest:
"a contest or rivalry in which the main concern of the parties involved is the conspicuous demonstration of superiority."
😭 I'm all sad now
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