"A couple of pretty ones"

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Zack: "Not bad. I never would've figured out that he was usin' a remote to control the lights."

(Y/n): "Uh.. yeah...Thank you."

A butterfly flitted by your face, catching you by surprise.

(Y/n): "These in a basement?...Weird. But it's kinda pretty, I guess..."

There were a myriad of colorful flowers and butterflies littering the ground. You and Zack took a break and took it all in before progressing. You had explained that you were still quite sore from being hit in the stomach by the handle of Eddie's shovel, and he understood. You wouldn't be surprised if he was sore from fighting, too.

A pretty (f/c) butterfly landed on your nose before gracefully flitting away, evoking a content chuckle from you. Zack quickly snapped his gaze away from you for an unknown reason.

Zack: "Ugh. So, I hope you found the "up" elevator while you were at it."

You tried to see if you could recall any memory of seeing something remotely like an elevator.

Zack: "Well, did ya?"

(Y/n): "I'm afraid not, but maybe this remote's like Danny's. We can try to press some buttons and listen for it opening...?"

You pressed the largest button on the remote. You heard some mechanisms moving behind a wall. There was small waterfall of which the water suddenly ceased to pour. Once the water completely stopped flowing, the wall behind its stream opened to reveal a hallway to the next elevator.

Zack: "It was hidden back here the whole time. Nicely done. Don't let it go to your head."

He looked back at you and smiled.

Zack: "Heh...well (n/n), let's go."

(Y/n): "Did you just call m-"

Zack: "Move your ass! We gotta split."

He stomped ahead into the hallway, almost looking embarrassed. You smiled and followed behind.

(Y/n): "'Kay."

You stepped into the elevator, and it begun making its way to B3. You realized you were getting far too familiar with this person. That would only cause problems for you both. you had to pull back. It was just business, after all.

(Y/n): "was I useful, sir?"

His face contorted. 

Zack: "Quit that "sir" crap. your givin' me the friggin' creeps."

(Y/n): "Should I call you Isaac?"

He turned to you, a bit surprised. He didn't seem to realize you were serious at first.

Zack: "Uh...Nah I'd rather you just call me Zack.."

He seemed uncomfortable at your sudden shift in attitude.

(Y/n): "Okay then, Zack. Was I helpful?"

Zack: "Yeah, kinda. But just a little."

He looked up with a big closed-eyed grin, head tilted in a feigned snobby manor. You could hear the joking sarcasm in his voice. He apparently wasn't going to give into your emotionless act. Even if it made him uncomfortable though, you knew it was for the best.

 Zack: "Keep it up on the next floor too, would ya?"

(Y/n): "I'm glad, I want to able to hold up my end of the deal as best as possible, and continue to do whatever makes you happy."

You smiled in relief that you were actually doing your job well. His smile didn't falter, the playfulness in his voice still present.

Zack: "Jesus (n/n). You're starting to sound like a broken record."

He leaned down to your eye level. Quite close to your face. A sympathetic and playful expression adorned his bandaged features.

Zack: "hah...don't worry, I know."

The elevator doors opened and revealed a concrete hallway, only a few feet in, the hall was blocked by iron bars. Cameras watched the both of you from every corner.

Zack: "Well, this is gonna suck."

You walked up and tugged on the bars of the iron gate. No surprise, it did not budge.

(Y/n): "It's locked, figures. I don't see anything in here to help either..."

Zack: "Yeah? Well, if you don't have the answer, then I sure as hell don't know what to do. I thought you were supposed to have a knack for this kind'a stuff. Try somethin'!"

He seemed to get frustrated easily when it came to things like this. You cogitated for a moment, and thought about your satchel. Maybe one of the items inside could help. You examined the gate and noticed an electronic lock in the corner.

Zack: "Ugh. Got anything useful in that little bag of yours?"

(Y/n): "...."

Zack: " Don't be shy, what's in it?"

(Y/n): "Well there's a needle and thread...and some other things but... they wouldn't help."

Zack's face lit up like an excited little puppy.

Zack: " Hey! Are you one of those bad-asses who can pick a lock with a needle?!"

(Y/n): "haha... well, I could permitting, but this has no keyhole....it's controlled by something, kind of like the other doors...see?"

You scratched the back of your neck and pointed at the lock mechanism at the top of the gates door. A little red light glowed on it.

Zack: "Then what good is havin' that kind of crap gonna do us?!"

You looked down in defeat.

(Y/n): 'I started out okay but now I'm right back to being useless.'

You brought your hand to your chin and closed your eyes to focus.

Zack: "Gah. Move! I'll smash the door open!"

(Y/n): "Those bars are made of iron-"

Zack: " Well, until you come up with a better idea, I'm gonna try things my way!"

You sighed, stepping out of the way and covering your ears. You accidentally touched the remaining flowers in your hair, and felt a twinge of guilt.


You saw the vibrations from the impact ricochet throughout Zack's body.

Zack: "Eugh! WHAT THE HELL?!"

(Y/n): "Zack, they are Iron bars."


(Y/n): " I did, smartass."

Zack: " YOUR'E THE-"

An alarm started blaring and flashing a red light. A gun lowered from the ceiling.

Zack: "GET DOWN!"

In the blink of an eye, Zack quickly dashed over and pulled you down, shielding your body with his. He held you in a tight embrace. The sound of bullets and their shells colliding with the concrete rang through your ears. After about 5 seconds, the rapid gunfire ceased. The guns retreated back into the ceiling. The ground, where you and Zack were standing only moments before, was absolutely obliterated. Zack slowly loosened his hold on you and stood up, keeping his arm out to help you stand. You both held a baffled expression.

Zack: "We almost got turned into Swiss cheese..."

(Y/n): "Heh...good job Zack. R-really nice.. job..."

You took Zack's arm, squeezing it slightly, and used it to stand. You remained close to him, both of you not tearing your eyes away from the destroyed floor. The sound of static from the PA system broke you of your shock. A female's voice resonated from it soon after.

???: "Hi~ Zack, darling, terribly sorry I'm late. It was taking you two so long to get here. I nearly dozed off. Still, I'm shocked you weren't killed by those bullets. You sure have incredible intuition, my dear. "

Her voice was snide and flirtatious. You assumed she was the owner of this floor.

Zack: "Huh?"

???: "you know something? I had a feeling you would make fantastic criminals. ahm~ I must have needed some excitement because that woke me right up.~"

(Y/n): (whispering)"did she just fucking moan?"

Zack: " Yeah, well, that's great and all, but I don't give a shit about your sleeping habits."

(Y/n): 'I don't think he understands what she really means...'

You cringed.

Zack: "Enough with the chit-chat, just let us pass."

???: "I suppose I can do that."

Spotlights flashed on and centered on you and Zack. Audio of an audience clapping and cheering played while confetti rained down onto the two of you.

???: "Good job. You passed!"

You and Zack looked at each other, having an unspoken agreement between you that this woman was absolutely obnoxious. The celebration ceased and the woman began speaking again.

???: "On this floor, I'm the judge. Oh!~ you're such terrible, detestable, sinners, and you must atone for all that you've done! Luckily, you have me here! I've been given the duty, and the pleasure of punishing you! ahahaha!~"

The iron gate opened, allowing you to pass.

Zack: "I was starting to think that annoying voice would never shut up."

(Y/n): "You said it."

Zack: "The hell she think she's supposed to be punishing' me for anyway?"

(Y/n): "...you.. You really don't know?"

You ask more toward yourself in disbelief than to Zack.

Zack: "Ugh! Would you quit mutterin' to yourself? Let's go!"

You trailed behind Zack. You made your way around the corner and to the rest of the hallway. There was a door on the left side, and at the end of the hall was another locked, iron gate. You went to the door on the left and tried to open it, but it was also locked.

(Y/n): "This one's locked too, no keyhole either."

Zack turned his head towards one of the security cameras.

Zack: "Hey, you wack job! I thought you were gonna let us through!"

???: "My, your more impatient than I expected. At least give me time to finish putting on my face."

Zack: "What?'"

(Y/n): "She's really putting on makeup for this? If I didn't know any better,  I'd think she wanted to impress you."

He gagged comically.

???: "There's a certain procedure each criminal must go through before their punishment is assigned. If I were you, I'd start getting ready now. In fact, I'll even open up a room for you. Every legitimate criminal must have a mugshot, Right? Take a couple of pretty ones for me...Oh, and it's not a proper mugshot without your name boards, of course."

You walked into the room she unlocked, there was a camera pointed at a height chart that doubled as a wall. There was a desk with a small wooden crate on top, containing your name boards. You noticed your name was written in blood while Zack's was written in what could only be lipstick. You took your name board and hung it around your neck, a bit irked from the obvious favoritism this woman was displaying.

Zack: "All the crap we've had to put up with- Now, we've got a photo shoot?"

(Y/n): "Hey, Zack. This is yours. I'm sorry but we probably have to do this if we want to move on."

You offered Zack his name board. He stared at you in a defiant manor, which you returned at him with slight annoyance. You were both now participating in a stand off.

(Y/n):  'So childish... '

Zack: "ugh....


ARGH FINE! Gimme that."

He snatched the board from your grasp in defeat. He looked down at it, very confused.

Zack: "What the hell does it say?"

(Y/n): "It says your name?...can.. you not read it?"

Zack: "No shit Sherlock."

(Y/n): 'I guess that's why he kept asking me to read stuff for him...'

(Y/n): "Oh, sorry. Just put this around your neck, like I did, and stand against that wall over there."

Zack: " Argh. All right. 'Goin'..."

You stood Behind the camera and waited for Zack to get into position. Once he did, he kept moving around, constantly fidgeting. You tried to find the right time to take the photo, but it was proving to be quite troublesome.

Zack: "What's takin' so long?"

(Y/n): "You have to stay still so I can take the picture, please."

Zack: " Who cares?! It's not like it's gotta be perfect! Are you actually takin' this seriously?!-"


He looked at you in shock, taken aback by your audacity to interrupt him via impatiently taking the photo. He trudged over to you and shoved you out of the way playfully, not as hard as he very well could have, mind you.
You stood in front of the height board, your were quite (s/t), but Zack still felt incredibly large in comparison. He stood at 186 cm while you stood at (y/h). Maybe it was his presence, though. You smoothed down your (h/c) tresses.

Zack: "So I just press the button?"

(Y/n):  "mhm."

You looked into the camera, a mischievous smile playing on your face. You decided to hold up your middle fingers in an act of childish vengeance towards the owner of the floor. Zack was silently amused by this. He slammed his fist onto the button, taking the photo. The camera crumpled like paper from the force.


(Y/n): "Hell , you really smashed that thing, huh? Can't take any redos after that."

He seemed lackadaisical about that fact, and simply brought the photo over to you. You compared them. Despite the mistakes of how they were taken, they came out relatively decent in quality. Upon examining yours, you remembered who's face you were wearing, and you didn't like it. Zack, on the other hand, looked handsome as always.

(Y/n): "Man, I forgot I look like ugly as hell."

Zack's POV

You looked at them annoyed at their comment, and flicked their nose.

Zack: 'Jeez, if they think THEY'RE ugly, then what the hell do they gotta think about me? They think they have it bad...'

Zack: "Oh,well, we did what we had to do. Gimme."

You snatched the photos from their delicate hold and shoved them in the face of a security camera.

Zack: "Here, bitch! Happy?!"

You heard the sound of the iron gate opening echo in from the hall. You looked at each other and nodded, making your way through the next section. (Y/n) took the photos and placed them in their bag.

The hallway grew darker as you ventured further. Eventually, you came to a point where there were multiple childish drawings scrawled along the walls.

Zack: "Jeez, those drawing really suck."

(Y/n)'s POV

(Y/n): "indubitably..."

Zack looked at you in annoyance that you were still using 'big words'.

???: "Hey! Don't be mean! I did the best I could... They're illustrations of the glorious punishments I've designed especially for you. I'd like to give you a choice. There's more than one way to punish a sinner, you see. So, I've got a variety of painful options waiting for you. Of course, if you'd rather spend the rest of your life rotting in a cell, that's always on the table."

Zack: "Tch. What kind of pathetic loser would pick something like that?

(Y/n) '...well...'

???: "Aw, too bad.~ and here I was hoping I'd get to keep you forever~"

Zack positioned his thumb in front of his neck, then moved it horizontally. He let his head drop to the side and tongue fall out making an "eugh" sound. You praised him with a small chuckle.

(Y/n): "Yeah, deserved or not, I'd rather die immediately."

He bonked you over the head with his fist.

(Y/n): "Ack!"

Zack: "She likes it when you say morbid stuff like that!"

He then yelled at the lady.

Zack: "Ignore them!"

You kept traveling until you reached to door at the end of the hall. Zack kicked it open and you both walked inside, surprised at the unique interior design choices. 

(Y/n): 'The fuck..?'

I lub you, gib me a kith ( ˘ ³˘)

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