(Y/n)'s POV
You made your way back to the space in the wall on your own, acknowledging your once beautiful grave when you passed it by. You stepped through the record room, finding that the adjacent door was now unlocked. You looked inside.
(Y/n): 'it's too dark to see anything in there...'
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something shining from a space on the record shelf. It was a small flashlight. You picked it up and turned it on.
(Y/n): 'How suspiciously convenient...'
You entered the dark hallway with the handheld light source. About halfway through sat a new note and flower. You took the flower and united it with the others, then read over the small note.
'π©π ππππΉ ππ π·π πΈπππ»ππππΉ, (π/π). π΄πππ πΉπππΎπππ πΆππΉ ππΎππ πΆππ πΆ π πππ»ππΈπ ππΆππΈπ½. π΄ππ ππππ ππ½πΆπ, ππΎππ½π ?'
(Y/n): "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean..."
You continued walking and came upon a more open space, which was also a dead end.
???: " Hehehehe!"
(Y/n): "*sigh*"
???: " Hello, (y/n). I'm going to grant your wish for you, isn't that great? But there's something I want from you, you have to entrust yourself to me completely.
Love's better when it goes both ways, don't you think?"
Your flash light went out and you tucked it into your satchel.
???: " I understand you more than you know. You want to die. So... just tell me "yes"."
You could tell the voice was coming from directly behind you now, and you turned around to meet the mysterious being.
???: " I'm glad we finally met. My names Eddie. It makes me really happy you like the flowers! You look really nice with them in your hair like that."
You took a few cautious steps back. You couldn't gamble on trusting someone else again, especially being so far away from Zack at the moment.
Eddie: "You don't have to run. I won't try to kill you out of the blue like those other guys."
He appeared behind you. You spun around and distanced yourself a second time.
Eddie: " Zack is so sloppy when he kills people. He doesn't even care about making it look nice. But don't worry, I'm not like that at all. I know everything that happened to you, (y/n). About your mom and dad. Your whole story."
(Y/n): "And you still wish to do this for me in spite of all of that?"
The very concept perplexed you.
Eddie: " Yep! So you're in good hands."
(Y/n): "O-okay, well.. thank you...but, do you know why I'm even here to begin with?"
Eddie: "What, did you forget?"
(Y/n): "Mhm"
Eddie: "That's okay, it's not important."
(Y/n): " It is to me, though..."
Eddie: " The point is, I can give you a totally painless death, and you'll have the nicest grave you've ever seen. I can make your wish come true, (y/n)."
(Y/n): 'I do want this, but... Zack needs my help. I know Eddie means well, but after all I've done... there's no way I can accept something so nice. I don't get to be selfish anymore.'
Eddie: "Hey, why aren't you saying anything?"
He stepped closer to you.
(Y/n): 'Shit, I'm cornered. What now?... maybe I should just act to stall time? Ugh, Zack.. please come on and help me out here.. I hope he notices I've been gone too long already.'
Eddie: "Come on, please? It's easy. You just have to say "yes"."
You backed up as he approached you.
Eddie: "Why haven't you said "yes"?
I know! Say your wish out loud! Maybe that'll help."
(Y/n): "I-I wish for a lot of things, Eddie..."
Eddie: " I know you want to die! So just tell me "yes"!"
Your back hit the wall.
(Y/n): "E-Eddie, it's more complicated than that..."
Eddie: "This is so annoying. Is it because of Zack?"
(Y/n): " P-partially..."
Eddie: "Ugh. Why are you with him anyway?"
(Y/n): "We made a deal with each other."
Eddie: "Is that all? That doesn't matter. Why not let me do it instead?"
(Y/n): "I-I..well.."
You started rambling as you stared at the ground, somewhat in a battle with yourself. Your hand found its way to your aching head. It seemed so easy to just say yes to him. You wouldn't even be there to deal with any of the consequences it may cause.
(Y/n): "Can someone like me really be selfish as a last wish? It doesn't make any sense, does it? It's too good to be true! Besides, I can't just leave Zack like that.. Don't get me wrong You seem nice and I want to make you happy.. but I want Zack to be happy too! And I already made a deal with him so.. It doesn't seem very fair to just break it without saying anything.M-Maybe there's a compromise?-"
Eddie: "*sigh* Why should either of us care about him being happy? It would serve him right."
Zack's POV (small rewind)
Zack: "ACHOO!..ugh...All right, I've had it!"
You were shivering from standing in the water for too long. You lifted yourself out of the freezing pool and returned to the room once full of graves. You paced back and forth, waiting for (y/n) to return.
Zack: "What is taking that little brat so long? Goddammit, they better not try to run away....Eh. They probably won't.... seriously though, what's the deal with their face?"
You thought back to their attempt at smiling, not failing to remember the way your body felt really cold, yet your cheeks suddenly began to feel warm. You unknowingly smiled to yourself.
Zack: "Then again, if you can ignore those blank eyes...I guess it wasn't such a bad expression after all.."
The lights went out without warning, and you could hear giggling echo around you.
???: " You grave ruiner."
You readied yourself into a fighting position as the source of the voice drew closer.
???: "Hey, there, Zack."
You spat to the side.
Zack: " Hey there, little shit."
???: " I went to so much trouble making that grave for you. Why would you go and wreck it like that?"
Zack: "Hahehe, If you really went to so much trouble, then why did it look like crap, kid?"
???: "I was in a hurry. But, hey.. if it's as ugly as you say, that means you'll be right at home in it, won't you?"
Zack: "Not if I put you in a grave first, you damn brat!"
You swung at the vague shadow of the boy, he jumped backwards, dodging the attack easily.
???: "Ha! My names not brat or little shit. It's Eddie, so use it, okay?"
Zack:" SHUT UP!"
You swung again, managing to miss your target a second time.
Eddie: "Did you have to mess up their grave, too? Now I gotta Fix it."
You continued to blindly swing, with no success.
Eddie: "Ah, They're great. I fell in love at first sight!"
Zack: "YOU WHAT?!"
Eddie: "Before now, all I did was make graves for people who had already passed on. It was getting kinda boring. I like digging graves, but I don't have any feelings about the people inside of them. Where's the beauty in that, right? So, I decided to create the perfect grave for (y/n). I understand them. Them and I are near the same age and everything! Loving a person who can love you back... that must be way better than one-sided feelings for a messy, decomposing corpse. Heheha! Of course, if they'd rather it be messy, that'd be okay with me, too~"
Zack: "Are you trying to get me to hurl up my guts or somethin'?!"
Eddie: " I have an eye for what's beautiful and what's not. They'd go so well in here. That's why I'll be the one to kill them."
Eddie: "Hahahaha! What's that supposed to mean, Zack? Are you supposed to be that special?! Did you fall for them too? I don't blame you, their perfect~ ...oh well, well see who wins in the end... heehehe!"
His laugh echoed away, and the lights came back on.
Zack: " COME OUT AND FIGHT, YOU LITTLE NECROPHILIAC!....ugh..That runts gonna pay."
You ran to the space in the wall.
Zack: "GET BACK IN HERE! RIGHT NOW!....Damn it. I guess he can't hear me.. That little corpse lovin' weirdo..! Does he think he can one-up me? No way I'm lettin' him slaughter that dead-eyed asshole before I get to... Where even are they anyway..? I gotta get to 'em before that friggin' creep does... Hang on...They told me there was a room inside and to the right...Ah, man. I gotta do everything around here."
You bolted away and tried to locate the outside wall of the fore-mentioned room. After some searching you finally found it. You could hear their voices on the other side.
Eddie: " -Serves him right."
(Y/n): " But I-"
Zack: There they are...!
You ran to the the wall and start hitting it with the side if your fist.
(Y/n)'s POV (present)
(Y/n): " But I-"
Zack: "All right, you little horror show! You in there somewhere?!"
(Y/n): " *gasp* He did come."
Eddie: "Ugh. I hate the sound of his voice... anyway, you pick! Do you want to be killed by him, or by me?"
Your grip on your hair tightened. Eddie got down on one knee and offered his hand to you.
Eddie: "My sweet (y/n), I'll make sure you rest in peace, and beauty."
Zack: "You don't know a damn thing about what looks good, you understand me punk?! If you did, you wouldn't kill them with that boring look on their face! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Eddie: " Would you please keep it down?! I'm trying to have a conversation withβ"
Hey, weirdo. You can hear me in there, right? Don't think I'm gonna let you run around here on your own. Every sick puppy in this dump wants to end your stupid life. But whatever happens, I'm gonna do the honors, like it or not. So... don't you dare let anybody else do it first. "
You stared at the wall, envisioning him on the other side. You didn't expect such sincerity. You turned your head back to Eddie and gained your composure.
(Y/n): " Eddie, I'm sorry... you may know what I really want... but I know what I really deserve. and it's much less than your kind gifts."
You stepped away from the wall.
(Y/n): "Zack! Break the wall!"
Zack: "Ha! HELL YEAH!"
Light flooded through the room, partially blocked by the tall figure who had come to your rescue.
Zack: "How's that?"
He smirked down at you, and you smiled back gratefully.
Eddie: "This isn't fair, (y/n)..."
Eddie disappeared into the darkness.
Zack: "Ugh. Where is that munchkin at?"
Eddie: "There's no problem with me killing them."
Zack: "What are you, touched? There's a shitload of problems with it!"
Eddie: "But you'd do such an ugly job."
Zack: "What's the difference?!"
Eddie: "Listen (y/n), you don't want this jerk to kill you. He won't be neat or gentle. It'd be better to let me do it."
Zack stood in front of you protectively.
Zack: "I told you to quit your yappin' and leave them be already, or you're gonna get cut!"
Eddie: "(y/n), I'll be the one to put you to rest. When you're ready, I'll be waiting..."
The lights flashed on. Zack turned and pointed his finger at you.
Zack: "Tch, you're dead meat anyway, you know that?! Even if I don't murder you, Something'll kill you before too long!"
(Y/n): "It sure seems like it."
Zack: "Hey! Like I told you before, if you wanna die, then you're gonna have to make yourself useful somehow!"
(Y/n): "Right, just like the deal from before."
Zack: "Yeah, seein' as how that's exactly what I just friggin' said."
(Y/n): "I'll try to be as helpful as I can, as long as you hold up the deal."
His bangs shadowed his eyes.
Zack: "There you go again."
He shoved you against the wall and slammed his hand on it, right beside your head.(Kabedon* style)
Zack: "I really hate liars, okay?!"
(Y/n): 'I guess he means to say he won't ever lie to me then...'
(Y/n): "I...understand. My apologies."
He scoffed and started walking away.
Zack: "Glad you finally got it through your skull."
"Kabedon or Kabe-Don (Japanese: ε£γγ³; Kabe, "wall", and Don, "bang") often appears in shΕjo manga or anime when a man forces a woman against the wall with one hand or leans against the wall and makes the sound of "don"
Thank you for everything to those of you who have supported this story! It takes time and love for sure!
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