Zack lifted you up by the back of your shirt and placed you in the room in front of him.
(Y/n): 'I guess I double as a meat shield...'
The room was filled with multiple seats facing forward, all accompanied by a life-sized wooden doll. There was a different chair on the other side of the room from you, of which the dolls were facing. It stood behind an open iron gate with crimson curtains draped on either side. On the East wall was another iron gate, however, it was closed.
(Y/n): "How comforting."
Zack: "Why is every room more screwed up than the last one?"
You walked over to the closed gate and examined it.
(Y/n): "Guess what..."
You rhetorically questioned him, hinting the gate was locked. He stared at the bars in silence.
(Y/n): "Are you going to swing at it or what?"
You almost chuckle at the thought.
(Y/n) 'I wouldn't mind seeing that again.'
Zack: "What? Those bars are made of iron. It won't work, duh."
You chuckled and He grabbed you by the top of your head and shook you around. He really didn't know what it meant to be gentle, but it didn't faze you.
Zack: "HEY, why are you so surprised?! Just because I'm not smart doesn't mean I can't learn, OKAY?!"
(Y/n): "Hehe. okay."
He took his hand off of your head, and you fixed the disrupted hair.
Zack: "You told me you'd be useful, remember? You're the brains of this outfit, now figure it out."
(Y/n): "Alrighty then, you should look for clues while your waiting, too. It helped last time"
Zack: "Well, whatever you say big boss."
he joked.
You both looked around for a bit, you more so than Zack Naturally. He gave up about 30 seconds in and sat down against a wall.
Zack:" Hey, you better have some kind of plan by now."
(Y/n): "*sigh* I don't really get any of this, to be honest with you."
You stated, shutting an empty cabinet .
Zack: "well, if you cant find anything, I say we should bash all these weird-lookin' dolls into little pieces."
(Y/n): "They might be important though...It's best to be cautious."
He stood up and rested his scythe back onto his sturdy shoulders.
Zack: "Seriously? Where was that logic when you were tryin' to convince me to take a whack at those iron bars, huh?! Aghhh! Now I'm pissed off!"
(Y/n): 'A bit dramatic, aren't we? I suppose he's just tired more than anything...'
Zack: "This puzzle shit is frickin' exhausting."
(Y/n): "If you're feeling tired it's okay to can sit down and rest."
Zack: "Oh, yeah, you want me to pop a squat in a doll's lap like some demented lap dance? Don't think so. I'll just take this spot here."
He diverted his attention to the odd chair in the center of the north wall. He sat down on it without a second thought.
(Y/n): "I don't think you should-"
Zack: "Quit nitpickin' me!"
(Y/n): "Zack that chair-"
Zack: "Spit it out, what's the problem?!"
(Y/n): "I think It's an electric chair!"
The lights went out in the room, the sound of a pre-recorded drumroll played throughout it. Four small stage lights danced around sporadically before centering on Zack's face. The curtains quickly shut and the sounds of moving mechanisms filled your ears.
The curtains pulled away to reveal Zack's wrists had been clamped to the armrests. A metal headband was now fitted around his irascible head.
Zack: "What's the deal with this crazy thing?! Don't just stand there, do somethin'! "
He struggled in the restraints, more irritated than fearful. A large tv monitor descended from the ceiling behind Zack. Lurid colors flashed from the screen. A small cartoon woman waved at the viewers, standing in front of large childish letters.
The clip cut to a live action stream of the woman who was previously represented by a little bobbing cartoon. Her voice matched that of the obnoxious one you've been hearing over the PA System on this floor.
???: " I've decided I'll join you via this television screen! After all, what's a good trial without a judge?"
???: " I'm Cathy! It about time we got to know one another."
You heard the familiar sound of recorded applause play again.
Zack & (y/n): "shit."
Cathy: "My, it looks like Zack plopped right down in the electric chair! Hahahaha!"
Zack: "Let me go, you sadistic bitch!"
Cathy: "Oh, don't be absurd. I'd never dream of such a thing. What kind of Judge doesn't deal out punishment to her criminals?"
She flipped her unique hair sassily and pointed a small, red whip towards the camera. A half-lidded gaze and a blush rested on her face.
Cathy: "Alright then, Zack. Let's see how much retribution that body of your can take~ Oh! I can't wait!~ my heart is starting to beat out of control!~
(Y/n): 'She's getting off on this shit...'
Cathy: "Now here we go! are you ready? It'!!!"
You heard electrical whirring and your face paled. Electricity surrounded Zack's stiff, writhing form as he screamed in pain. You stared in shock, not knowing how to help him. The electricity stopped and Zack went limp.
Cathy: "Oh, is he dead already?"
(Y/n): "Z-Zack say something...!"
He shot up, looking at the monitor.
Cathy took a seat on red, leather chair. She clapped her gloved hands mockingly.
Cathy: "Very impressive. Anyone else would have been fried! You really are a monster, Zack. That's what makes you such an ideal criminal!~"
Zack: "HEY!, don't be so happy about it! Get me off this chair so I can kill ya!"
She poured herself a cup of tea.
Cathy: "Very well, if (y/n) can solve the mechanism's puzzle, you'll be set free. Hehehe! And Zack, until they succeed, you~ are going to keep getting zapped over, and over."
(Y/n): "You bitch. Are you trying to kill him?!
Cathy: "Oh my, how disrespectful your are.~ He'll be fine. We've already seen what a powerful monster he is. Surely it'll take more than that. And besides, didn't it sound like fun?~....
(y/n), a sinner has no right of choice."
Zack spat to the side in protest.
Cathy: "Boys, girls, and everything in between, it's time for this sinner to face his judgment!~ I'd like you all to watch closely. You wouldn't want to miss the satisfying sight of this heinous criminal writhing in agony, would you?"
Suddenly, all of the doll's heads rose to look straight forward, and began bobbing from side to side. Their eyes opened and emanated a white glow.
Zack: "listen, (n/n), if you're still obsessin' over findin' a way to make yourself useful, now's a good time."
(Y/n): "Y-Yes."
Zack: "Just one thing... whatever you gotta' do to get me out, make sure you save the bitch for me to kill."
(Y/n): "y-yeah! Whatever you want! I'll do my best!"
You turned and desperately looked for something to help him. Anything at all.
Cathy: "A criminals value is determined by the hate-filled stares of the onlookers who bear witness to his execution. Their eyes will bestow sweet justice upon you. Good luck (y/n)!~"
His body went stiff, then limp again.
(Y/n): "Are you still alive?!"
Zack: "Barely...EUGHAAAAAAAAAA-"
(Y/n): 'I have to hurry...are these dolls supposed to be the onlookers?'
Zack: "-AAAGH!!!.. C-can't you think any faster? You know what it'll mean for you if I die, dontchaAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!"
(Y/n): "It's not about me!"
You picked up Zack's scythe and directed your attention toward the 'onlookers'.
Cathy's POV
You watched with pleasure as Zack suffered in excruciating pain, while his little partner struggled to lift his heavy weapon in desperation. It made your heart flutter.
Cathy: 'Driven mad by his own regret, the sinner wails in pain and begs for death. A pitiful, hopeless display of rage and suffering. Lovely!'
Zack: "I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you-AAAUUUUGHHH!"
(Y/n)'s POV
You began swinging the scythe in a rage, destroying the dolls one by one. You were overloaded by noise. You heard their heads clunking and rolling on the ground below you, Zack's screams of agony, the electricity whirring, and the giggles of Cathy from the television.
And then there was silence.
You dropped the heavy scythe and ran to Zack's side. A bit of foam bubbled from the corner of his mouth, and his body was smoking. You fell to your knees in front of him. A spotlight shone down on the both of you, and his restraints suddenly came undone.
(Y/n) 'Was..I too late...?'
You clung to his torso and buried your face in his chest.
(Y/n): "please...say something..."
(Y/n): " P-please Zack...c-come on... You can't..."
You gripped his hoodie even tighter.
(Y/n): 'Why am I so fucking useless? Why did he have to die because of me? What do I do now?...'
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
He jolted up from the chair, shaking your shoulders violently.
(Y/n): "'re alive!"
The tears streamed from your eyes and you hugged Zack tightly. He was taken aback by the action.
Zack: "jeez, calm down. It sure seems that way doesn't it? So quit clingin' to me like a little leech!"
You let go and backed away to give him space, wiping the tears from your eyes.
(Y/n): "I am so, so sorry, Zack...I-"
He gently placed a hand on your head, opening his mouth to say something of comfort to you. He was interrupted when the monitor switched back on, showing Cathy sitting down with her legs crossed, clapping slowly.
Cathy: "You're amazing Zack, I can't believe that didn't kill you! That stubborn will to live is precisely what makes monsters so charming."
Zack: "One sec."
Zack stepped away and retrieved his scythe.
Cathy: "You're dying moment's will be glorious to-"
Zack slammed the scythe into the screen, shattering it, and quieting Cathy. At least until she went back to using the PA system.
Cathy: "Out of respect for (y/n)'s hard work, I'll let you advance.
There's more where that came from. Enough punishments to match all your sins! hahahaha!"
The gate at the east wall opened.
Zack: "Damn, that chicks a pain. I swear, her ass is so dead........Hey, let's get goin."
He took a step towards the new hallway and accidentally kicked the head of one of the dolls. He turned and observed the redecorating you did while he was incapacitated.
Zack: "What the hell?"
(Y/n): "The mechanism was the dolls eyes. I had to do it to 'em.. Sorry I used your scythe..."
Zack: "*sigh* I get lit up like a Christmas tree, you use my scythe on toys... Man, screw my life."
You both walked through the recently opened pathway.
(Y/n): "I'm sorry, but I had to.
You sat down on that electric chair."
Zack: "Shut up! You didn't tell me in time!"
You looked at him, a bit annoyed. You felt absolutely horrible about what had just happened. You felt angry at him, but even more at yourself for allowing it to occur. you especially felt enraged at Cathy. You were suppressing your anger, but you planned that there would be a time that Cathy would get the brunt of it all.
(Y/n): "...Well, anyways, we can always take a break and rest if you need it. I wouldn't be surprised if you needed one after that.."
Zack: "like hell! I ain't sitting down anywhere for a while..."
Had to do it to 'em
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