Chapter 6- The Star twins

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Will POV

After yesterdays insident with Piper, I did not anything crazier could happend. I was wrong. As i was walking to the Huffelpuf commen room, I saw two girl that looked exacly the same. Probably twins. They both hade blue eyes and brown hair. The creepiest thing is that they were walking in sink. The only thing that they had in difrence was their haistyle. One was in a ponytale, the other had lose hair. "Hi" I sad to them "Hi" They said at the exacte same time. "I'm Will. Who are you." "I am Mika" The one with the ponytale said. "I am Jaz" The other one said. "Can you help me a little. I am new." "We know" Mika said. "We can help you" Jaz said right after her. I was about to say something else when Marlie came and toss me assid. Marlie was an 8th year student. Redoing her year. She had red hair and green eyes. Marlie was really small. Maybe 5 foot 5. She was the first one to talk to me. "Don't talk to them." "Why" I asked. "These are the Star twin. They might seem nice, but they can be sociopath." "Oh please, how scary can they be?" And that was my mistake. I should have listen to Marlie. "If you want to befriend them, its you're choice. I was just warning you." I went back to the twins. "Do you have any friends?" I asked. "We have ghost friend." Mika said. "In real none." Jaz finnish. I was not scared. That was Nico. But a girl and two of them. "My boyfriend, Nico, has some  ghost friend too" "Can we meet your boyfriend?" Asked Jaz. "Sure" I said. "You can meet him tomorrow" "Yay" They both said. Hazel came to me. "Will, we are here. Come see."  The room was amazing. It kinda looked like the Apollo cabin. The walls were yellow with black lines. There was a fire place. One sofa right in front of it. It was also yellow with golden lines. Plantes were hanging a bit every where around the room. "Wow" I said. "I know" said Frank who apeard beside me. I spend my night unpaking. The next morning, I showed the twin Nico. "Hi Nico" I said. "Morning Will" he said. "I have some people that want to meet you." "Will, what did you tell them. I never hold up the sky." "Nico, I only told them that you have ghost friend." "What?" Nico said. The star twin walk infront of me. "Hi Will's boyfriend. I am Mika" "And I am Jaz" Nico looked confused. The twin were only a little bit taller than him. "Ehhhh, Hi" He said. "We heard you have ghost friend" Mika said. "We have ghost friends too" Jaz said right after. "Cool" And they went into a deep conversation about ghost. Were the twin a bit creepy. Yes. They would never stop staring at Annabeth or Percy. Anyway, we had our first class this morning. Potion. Lucky me, was in the same class as Nico. We had to make a truth potion. It was really hard. But, Nico and I were able to finnish it. I volunteer to try the potion. "Who do love?" asked Nico "You of course." I did not say it loudly because I knew that Nico did not like it when I talked about our love life. "What is your cabin number?" "7" "Ehhh, last one, did you ever have a crush on Percy?" "No" I said. "Why did you ask that?" "Because I knew that the anwser was no. Even if you never told me" "My boyfriend could be smart sometime" I said out loud. GODS DAMMIT!! The truth potion! "Nico, I am so sorry. This truth potion is really anoying." The whole class was looking at us. It was really akward. But, class ended right after. Lucky us. Sadly, our next class was not toghter. The rest of the day was ok. It was souper and Annabeth came up to me. Because we all had to wear uniform, she looked really cool braking the rule of not wearing her tie. "Will, can I talk to you in private?" "Sure. Lets go" I never turn down the opportunity to help of friend. I followed her into a corridors. "I think I reconise those Star twin. I think I saw them once at camp half-blood. You know practically everyone at camp. Do you remeber them?" Annabeth asked. "Honestly, they look familiar. But I don't remember." I said. "Weird. Thank you anyway." Annabeth said as we both left our weird hiding place. What a weird first day!



Hi! I know I added myself to the story. I wanted to be a wizard! Have a nice day and night! 


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