Chapter 5- First night

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Piper POV

Not gonna lie, Hogwarts was amazing. When we arrived inside, the lady that looked very old and wearing a beautiful green dress told her to follow her. "I am your headmistrice, Prof.Mcgonagall. I know about your situation. I know you won't tell anyone about this until it is time." She said. We followed her. She was also taking youg chid with her. She talked for a few minute. Then, huge doors open. A great hall. Nice. Four table were placed. It was color coded. There was flying candles. Right over the candles were beautiful stars. When Percy and Annabeth saw on of the constellation, they said hi to it. I guess the star was someone important that died. After a few minutes(I did not listen), Prof.Mcganagall called our name. "Students, today we are very pleased to have new students that are not in first year. Please make them feel welcome. Now for the sorting" One after the other we got called.

Percy-Gryfindor, Annabeth- Ravenclaw, Jason-Gryfindor, Leo-Ravenclaw, Hazel-Huffulpuf, Frank-Huffulpuf, Calypso-Gryfindor, Will-Huffulpuf and me Gryfindor.

It was NIco's turn. I was scared for him. The hat could see your memories. Nico did not have a nice past. After a few minute the hat screamed "GRYFINDOR!" Nico ran out of the hall crying. "I will go get him." Will said from his table. When I looked to my left, I saw Harry and Ron disapear. I got up and went to see Will and Nico. Will kissed Nico. I heard giggling. I took out my hand. I felt a cloak. I took it and puled it. Harry and Ron were giggling about Will and Nico. When they relised the cloak was not on them, they stoped smiling. "Oh you guys are so dead." I said. I throw the cloak to Will who was looking really surprised. I took both of them by their hair and brought them to the hall. They were trying to get rid of my hand. They were not able to. I throw them into the Gryfindor table. I took out Katropris. I put it at their throat. "YOU DO NOT LAUGHT AT THEM OR YOU WILL GET IT!" I screamed. They looked really afraid. "Got it?" I asked. "Y-yes" Ron said. "Good" I put away my dagger. "Go say sorry to them" They got up and said sorry to Will and Nico who were standing next to the big doors. "You can continue the fest!" I said. "Oh! and boys, you will not have you cloak back." Will came up to me and gave me the cloak. "Thats death cloak." Nico said while sitting down next to me. He forced Will to sit next to him. Jason gave me a tumb up and sat down next to me. The hall was shook about what I did. I stood up and said "if any of you think about hurting anyone here" I pointed to each of my friends. "You will get it!" "Mrs.Mclean thats enough." Prof.Mcgonagall said. I sat down. For the rest of super, Hermione was looking at me with a 'Hurt them you die" glar. After a while, Will went back to his table. "Students, I would like to introduce you to our new teacher against the dark arts, Mr. Brunner!" Percy spat out his water. "What!" he said. Mr.Brunner AKA Chiron waved. He was in his wheelchair form. "Thank you for welcoming me." The hall claped. "What is it Percy?" Ask Harry. "Notghing. He just looked like someone I knew." Our super randomly aperd on the table. Because we were half-blood, we needed to burn some of it. Percy went up to Prof.Mcgonagall. When he came back, a little fire apeard. We all got up and burned our food.I was the first one back. So, of course all the question were asked to me. "Why did you do that?" Asked Hermione. "Its a tradition. We burn half of our food to show how luck we are." "Oh" Harry said. And I went back to eating. When the super was over. "New commers follow me!" Hermione said. We followed her into halls after hall. We finally arived at a staricase. IT MOVED!!! Stair were moving from diferent direction. We finally got off the moving stairs. "The password is 'Zeus trident'" Hermione said. "Insulting much" Said Percy. When we got inside, there was two red and gold sofas. A nice fire pit. There was also a staircase leading up to dorms. "Do the stair moves?" I asked. "No not these one" Said Ron who randomly apeard. Hermione showed me and Calypso the girls dormitories while Harry and Ron showed Percy , Jason and Nico the boy dormitories. The beds were red and gold. There were 5 beds in it. " Where do the other sleeps?" I asked "The dormitories only apears when you are there. So, if some one else who does not sleep in this one, an other door would be there insted of this one" Hermione said. "Cool" I responded. While me and Calypso unpacked, two other girl showed up. "Hi" said the girl with brown hair. "My name is Sofie and that's Mary" Sofie said as she pointed at the girl with blond hair. "Hi! My name is Piper and that is Calypso." We spent an other 30 minute to unpack, and I went to see Jason. I got up in the boys dormitories. "Hi Guys" I said as a arrived. The dormitories looked exacly the same exepte there was more beds. "Hi Pipes" Jason said. "You are not really allowed to be here" Said Harry. "Oh, sorry. Where we are from, boys and girl share one cabin." "Cabin?" Ron asked. "Yeah, we sleep outside" said Nico. Harry did not have the chance to reply cause Calypso arrived. "Hi" she said "Who are the other beds for?" "Oh, these are for Neville and Dean" "Cool. Oh and Percy, it was nice to see you again." And she left. I don't know what history Percy and Calypso had, but it did not seem happy. I sat next to Jason and started talking to him. After a few hours, I am pretty sure we fell asleep together. Best first night!



I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I might have made Harry and Ron mean, I will figure out a way that they will apolagize in a better way. Have a great day and night!


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