Chapter 7- Hogsmeade trip

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Jason POV

It has already been a month that we were at Hogwarts! Time fly's! Me and Piper had amazing dates in the garden. It was so much fun getting to know the wizards and the way that they work. Best part, we don't need to cleen! Little summarize of what happend during the month of September. Leo found the kitchen. It was fun the first few days, but Annabeth found out. Nico made friends with the Star twin. He is socalising. But its creepy how nice the twin are! Will helped out in the hospital wing. Mme.Ponfrey saw how good of healer he was after Nico attack a kid for calling Hazel weak. Got really scary when he started braking bones. Thats really all. It was the month of October. Halloween!!! "We don't usaly dress up for Halloween" Harry said. Of course Percy got offended! He was like "Oh no! I am going to ask Prof.Mcgonagall for a Halloween party!" And he left. This morning, I woke up with Piper beside me and on the sofa. I guess we must of fell asleep together, again! "Morning Pipes" I said. "Morning" She responded. Harry, Ron, Percy and Nico came out of our dorm. "Really Grace" Percy said. "Again?" "Sorry." I said. "Changing the subject." Harry said. "We are going to Hogsmeade this weekend. You guys coming?" "Sure, why not" Percy responded. "Great" Ron said. He and Harry left afterwards. We gave the Gryfindor common room password to our friends. So, Leo, Annabeth, Will, Hazel and Frank came in the common room. "Hi guys" Annabeth said right befor going to see Percy. We spent the morning talking. We had free periods the morning. "Did you know Hogsmeade is a village?" said Annabeth. She only gave fun facts about Hogmeads the whole morning. We were going to Hogsmeade in two days! Exiting! But, we needed to go to class. It was finally sunday! Hogmeads! We got ready. When Percy, Nico and I got in the common room. Calypso and Piper were wating for us. They were wearing a little veat to keep them warm. We went out and meet with the others. We started walking to Hagmeads when the Star twin poped up behind us. "HI" they said. We all jumped exepte Nico and Hazel. "Hi guys" Nico said. Will, Nico and the twin went into a deep conversation about ghost. When we got to the village, Harry, Ron and Hermione were wating for us. The village looked really cute. Buildings were all around a brick path. OH bricks! MY old friends. There were a lot of laughter. "Yo Grace!" Percy said. "Looke, its your old friend!" He said as he pointed to the bricks. We all started to laugh. Harry, Hermione, Ron and the twin looked coufused. "I got knoked out with a brick twice" I said. They did not say anything, but, I'm pretty sure they were wondering how! "Guys, let me show you the three broomstick!" Haary said. We followed Harry. The whole time, Hermione was giving Annabeth some dirty look. From what I heard, Hermione was one the smartest people at Hogwarts. When Annabeth came in, she had competition. Annabeth was always the one with her hand up in the air, like Hermione. Anyways, we arrived at the three broomstick. The inside looked very cosy. Table about every where. A nice fire pit and a very long bar counter. "Hello children, what would you like?" Harry looked around like he was counting. "15 butterbear please" He said. Harry gave the lady 15 gold coins. We followed him to a very long table. Nico, Will and the twin were still talking about ghost. Harry, Ron and Hermione went to see an other friend, so they left our table. The twin with the ponytale looked around and asked "Are you guys half-blood?" I was shook. How did she figure it out!?!? "What?" Percy said with a shooked look on his face. "Are you a half-blood?" The twin with long hair said. "Ehhh" I said I really did not know what to say. Luckly, Harry, Ron and Hermione were not their. "Yes we are. How do you know.?" I said. Every demigod looked at me with an angry and disaponted face. "I am Mika" The one with the ponytale said. "And I am Jaz" The one with long hair said. "We are daughter of Ares. Tell us who yours is" They said at the exacted same time. "Thats how I remeber you" Annabeth said. "Yes daughter of Athena. We remember you" Mika said. "So do you, son of Apollo" Jaz said while looking at Will. "We don't know the others" At the exacte same time Harry, Ron and Hermione came back. "Don't know who?" Hermione asked. "The others" Mika said. "We only know Will and Nico" Jaz said. "Oh" So we spent a few minute introducing our self. When the lady from the counter came with two plater. "Here is your butterbear!" She put the drinks on the table and left. Mika, JAz, Harry, Hermione and Ron took one and started to drink it. I took one and took a sip. It was delecious! I felr so warm after. "Take one. Its really good" I said. One after the other all my friends took one. They all had shook faces of how good it tasted. After we all finnished our butterbear, Ron took us to Honeyduck. Great place for candy! When we arrived, a guy with brown hair and green eyes. He was my height. He did not have a lot muscle, but we could see he was smart. "Hi Leo and Annabeth!" He said "Hi Lary" Leo responded. "Guys this is Lary Thor. He is in Ravenclaw and my new friend. He is also redoing his 7th yesr" "Hi" I said. Lary and Leo went away to get candy. Witch let the rest of us to buy candy too. 



The new students were fun. Leo was the best. He made cool and funny jokes and liked candy. I did not know why he got put in Ravenclaw. He was not very good at answering question. Anyway, we had loads of fun in Hogsmeade! Me and Leo spent most of the time trying out candy. Calypso and Hermione were looking at us with a disaponting look. Lary was also with us. Lary is cool when he is not in class or reading a book. I am pretty sure his eyes turned white. "Yo Lary" I said. "Yes?" He responded. "Did your eye just turn white?" "Oh" He sonded a little sad. "You probably not belive me. But, I can sometime see the futur. I saw Leo jump. I don't know what it means but yeah." I looked at him shook. I belived him. His eye just turned white! But still. Seems weird. "I belive you" said Leo with his mouth full of candy. "I saw some pretty weird stuff. I belive you" We continued walking up to the castle. When we arived, Marlie, a girl from Huffelpuf, was wating. "Hi Lary" She said befor kissing him. "You have a girlfriend?" I asked. "Yes, we've been dating for 2 years now." Lary said. Not gonna lie, Lary, a girlfriend, crazy. "Cool" I said. Lary and Marlie left. Me and Leo kept eating candy while going to our common room. Leo dissided he wanted to stay with us, so, he went to the Gryfindor common room. Prof.Mcgonagall came in common room. "The teachers desided that we will have a Halloween party. Please comme in a costume. And Mr.Valdez, go back to your common room." She and Leo left. Percy was super exited about the party. I did not know what to wear. But, I will figur it out later. Today was a fun day.



Hi! I hope you like the chapter! Have a great day and night. 


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