Requested by: anime_bitch456
This request is also very very old I'm so sorry it took sooner to write
Words: 1935
"Oi! (Y/n), are you going to go with me to look at the new island or not?" Asked your captain, Luffy.
You looked up to see him looking over at you, his smile as wide as ever. You smiled back at him and got up from where you was sitting.
"Of course Sencho." You said and Luffy laughed. "Good, no one else wanted to go with me because they all had something they wanted to do." He said as he pouted, clearly disappointed that he couldn't go with any of his other Nakama. "But I have you so that's fine!" He said as he jumped down the ramp and onto the island.
You slowly followed after him watching him as he looked around.
"Wow this place is great, I wonder what kind of food they have here? Hmmm just thinking about it is making my mouth water." Luffy said as he closed his eyes, thinking off all the delicious food he could eat.
"Well why don't we go check out the restaurants than? See if they have anything." You suggested and he gasped.
"Really! That would be a good start to this new island, the food! Let's go (y/n)!" He said as he grabbed your hand and ran off to look for the closest restaurant.
You looked at your connected hands and bit the inside of your cheek, you soon looked away, trying to not think to much of it.
"Oh there's one right ahead! It looks cool too!" Shouted your captain as he soon gain more speed in his steps, practically dragging you behind him.
He soon came to a screeching halt, you ran into his back hard and stumbled a bit. You rubbed your head as you looked past him at the restaurant.
"This place looks nice, oi (y/n) let's go in and get a table!" He said as he ran into the restaurant leaving you outside.
You looked around at the signs for anything that could be different from the usual foods offered at other restaurants. Your eyes soon landed on a sign that said.
'Try our famous jellyfish pies'
You smiled at the sign and walked into the restaurant, you soon spotted Luffy in the back of the restaurant, a fork and knife in his hands as he impatiently banged his fists on the table.
You walked over to him and sat down.
"There you are, I thought you left me behind to pay for the food, I don't even have any money for any anyways I was worried." He laughed at his comment.
"Well I stayed outside to look for any specials." You said placing your hands on the table and resting your chin on your hands.
"And? Was there any?" He asked and that's when a voice came in.
"We do."
You looked up to see a women with dark black hair with a deep tan and grey eyes. She smiled at the two of you.
"I can tell you two are Pirates right?" She asked and you tensed up. "Y-yeah, does that matter?" You asked and she shook her head.
"Not at all, I worked here for so long so I know new faces when I see them. Also-" she said as she soon pointed to Luffy. "-I saw a ship dock here on my way to work this morning and the pirate flag had a pretty similar marking of your hat." She finished with a smile on her face.
"Wow that's pretty observational of you." Luffy said and she laughed. "Thanks, anyways what would you two like today? The special I assume?" She asked and Luffy nodded once.
"What is it anyway." He asked as she finished writing on the notepad in her hands.
"Jellyfish pie. It's pretty famous we get people from all around the New World that want to try it."
"Hmmm pie..." Luffy muttered as he looked at the table.
"It will probably be good, at least it's not cherry pie right?" You said to your captain and he looked up at you.
"ah true, well than we will have that!" He said turning to look at the lady.
"Got that, give them about 10 minutes alright?" She said and she soon walked off.
"Jellyfish pie huh, how would they even catch one, it's a jellyfish!" You captain asked and you laughed.
"Well most islands we go to have a climate of their own, so maybe jellyfish are indigenous here." You said and he hummed.
"True..." he turned to look at where the doors to the kitchen was and he made a noise of impatience.
"It will be here soon, we just ordered." You said and he groaned. "I know it's just I'm curious..." he said as he looked back at you.
"Hey, do you want to play Rock Paper Scissors while we wait?" He asked and you smiled. "Sure why not."
~~~10 minutes later~~~
"Here you are, two jellyfish pies." Said the waitress from earlier as she placed both of the pies in front of you two.
"Ooooo this looks so tasty!" Shouted Luffy.
"Itadakimasu!" You both said as you two soon ate.
"Ooo so yummy!" Shouted Luffy as he scarfed his down in a few bites.
"Hey lady I want another one!"
"That was really great I never thought a jellyfish could be put into a pie!" Said your captain as you two soon walked out of the restaurant.
You looked up at the sky to see it was still light out.
"What do you want to do now Luffy?" You asked and he hummed out for a while.
"Let's go to the beach! I'm sure Nami and Robin might be there!" Luffy said as he grabbed your hand again and began to run to the edge of the island.
You two soon made it to what looked like a private beach, but no one was there.
"Huh, I guess it's just us than huh?" He said as he ran to the water laughing.
You smiled for a second only to realize the problem, " Luffy wait-!" But it was to late, he jumped into the water to only start failing around.
"Help me! Help me (y/n)!" He shouted as water was flying everywhere.
You ran down to him as fast as you could and quickly pulled him from the water.
"You idiot did you forget your a Devil Fruit User?" You asked as he coughed up water.
"Shut up!" He said as he sat up looking up at you.
"Thanks for saving me though!" He yelled with a laugh.
"A-anytime, Sencho." You said a faint blush dusting your cheeks, he looked up at you. You looked at him nervously as he looked at you. "What?" You asked and he smiled.
"Nothing you just look cute when you blush." He said as he stood up dusting the wet sand off of himself. He soon looked down at you to see you haven't moved. "Oi, you alright? What's wrong."
You shook your head and looked away from him quickly, "nothing, l-let's just get back to the Sunny." You said as you started turn to walk away, only for a hand to wrap around your wrist.
"Does it have to do with what I said? Did that make you uncomfortable?" He asked and you looked back at him. He had a serious yet concerned look on his face.
"What? No, it's just it's hot out and I want to get some shade on the Sunny is all." You said as you tried to pull away from his grasp but he tighten it.
"Don't lie, please tell me...if it made you uncomfortable I'm sorry." He said as he looked down at where he held your wrist.
" it didn't make me uncomfortable...I just wasn't expecting you to say it was all." You said and he looked up.
"Huh? Wasn't expecting me to say that you looked cute?" He asked and you looked away.
"Yeah, I never thought you would say something like that about another guy." You said softly as you watched a crab walk past you two.
"Well I was telling the truth so I don't see what there is to worry about." He said as he smiled.
"But Luffy, most people-"
"No buts! Also you know I'm not most people, like I said , I was telling the truth so-"
"Don't say stuff so casually like that, someone might take it as you having feelings for them or something." You said as you pulled your hand away from his and turned around.
"But I do have feelings for you." He said and your shoulders tensed.
"Yeah as Nakama, and nothing else it's-"
You soon felt yourself being spun around so fast you got dizzy for a second. The hands on your shoulders tightening.
"Will you let me talk for a minute, and stop interrupting me!" Yelled Luffy and you looked him into his eyes, and nodded softly gulping slightly from the shock.
"I like you for more than Nakama, for more than a friend. I don't care that you are a guy I like you for you. 'I like you for either way'." He said and your eyes widened.
"Really really." he said with a small huff.
You looked down at his chest, looking at the scar there.
"You really do?" You asked once more and he made a noise of confirmation.
You soon pulled him into a hug and made a noise of relief.
"Haha, I never thought I'd be here." You said and Luffy made a confused noise.
"Here? At this island? You mean you knew about this island before hand, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Asked Luffy and you laughed.
"No I meant here, admitting my feelings for you." You said.
"Oooooh that makes much more sense." He laughed and you laughed too.
"Wait so does that mean you like me too!" He yelled and you nodded.
"Yes it does Luffy." You said and he smiled grabbing ahold of your hands. His smile widening.
"Good! I was worried you wouldn't!" He laughed as you laughed too.
You two hanged out for the rest of the day at the beach until the sun was starting to set.
"Let's get back to the Sunny before Nami sends Sanji to look for us." Said your captain and you nodded. "Yeah."
You went to walk with him till he grabbed your hand softly in closing his fingers with yours. You looked over at him and he smiled. You smiled back and you two soon make your way back to the Sunny which everyone was waiting for you two there.
Zoro looked over his shoulder when he heard the distinguishable laugh of his captain, he made a "tch" noise as he pushed himself off the railing of the Sunny.
"Oi Nami they're back!" He yelled and soon enough the navigator came running up to the swordsman.
"Finally it feels like we have been waiting forev-" she soon cut herself off when she saw that yours and Luffy's hands was interlocked. Smiles plastered on both of your faces.
"Man, finally." She said with a smile on her face as she pointed to the two of you. Zoro looked down and saw what she was pointed at. He laughed while smiling to himself, "Usopp owes me 2,000 beli."
Usopp sneezed and shivered as he was working in his factory. "Man I must be getting a cold."
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