slight trigger warning for some violence and swearing
Words: 1565
"Don't move a inch or your neck will be sliced open you got that?" Can a gruff voices from behind you.
You felt a sharp object which you assumed was a knife being held lightly against your neck.
'How did this happen?' You thought to yourself. You was just taking a walk on a new island you and the crew found and you got hit in the back of the head, at least that's what pain you was feeling in the back of your head was telling you. You noticed your wrists was tied from the ceiling of the dingy room you was in. Your feet dangling slightly over the floor.
"Where is your captain, I know you are a part of the Straw Hats right? I want to show that little brat who's boss, he walks around like he's the shit and owns the place." Said the voice again, the knife at your throat pushing deeper into your skin.
"Like hell I'll tell you where he is!" You shouted out.
You wasn't going to let some jerk on the street talk shit about your captain. Not on your watch.
You felt a hand grab the back of your head pulling it backwards at an awkward angle. You made eye contact with the man. His right side of his face was scarred from what seemed to be third degree burn, his right eye was a pale blue while the other was a deep green. Probably indicating he was blind in one eye.
"What did you say bitch!" He asked, you felt his spit hit your face. His anger and frustration very visible.
"I said, like hell." You muttered.
He roughly let go of your head, throwing you forward.
"Why are you protecting a little shit like him anyways, he's not worth it. He's only got a high bounty because all of the rats he beat up happened to be too weak." He said as he walked to the front of you.
"Well your not wrong about them being weak." You muttered to yourself. "But if you think even for a second you could beat him, your gravely mistaken. I'll never let anyone underestimate my captains strength." You said as you looked up, making eye contact with him.
"You little-" he said and he walked up to you, soon his foot was flying and it landed directly at your stomach.
You coughed in pain, but you still didn't waver. You looked at him again. "Is that all you got, I'm not going to let someone like you beat me either." You said and he clenched his teeth.
"My captain will find me, and kick your ass." You muttered and he snarled.
"Like he would want a weak underling like you to be a part of his crew, all pirates are the same even the captains, once they see that someone can't be of any vital us to them anymore, they toss them away like trash."
"Not Luffy, he'd rather die than loose anyone he cares about." You said and he laughed. "Care? Care!" Pirates don't care about anyone but themselves!" He yelled as he threw a punch at your face.
You felt the blood from your nose drip out but you didn't look away.
"You don't know my captain like I do, he's different."
"That's what they all say." He muttered as he soon raised the knife to your throat again.
"Say he's weak, say he will never be the Pirate King, and I might spear your life." He said and you smiled.
"He's not weak, he's the strongest person I know..."You said.
"And Luffy will be the Pirate King!" You yelled out, "no matter what!" You said and as soon as you finished those words the door flew open and crashed into the wall beside you.
The man in front of you gasped as he turned around and saw who was standing there.
"Well said (y/n)." Came the voice of your captain. His head lowered as his hand was holding his hat.
"Took you long enough, Sencho." You said and he looked up with a large smile on his face as he soon began laughing.
"Sorry I was too busy eating!" He said soon laughing again.
"As always huh?" You said and he nodded.
He turned to the guy who was holding you captive and gave him a dark glare.
"You hurt my Nakama, you'll pay for that." He muttered darkly and almost like lighting, his fist connected with the mans face, sending him flying through the wall.
"Haha! Look at him fly!" He said laughing to himself. He soon walked over to you and quickly untied your wrists and held onto you.
"You alight? Your face is bleeding." He asked and you nodded your head.
"I'm fine Luffy, that guy barely even left a scratch on me." You said and he hummed.
"Good, let's get you back to the Sunny so Chopper can at least check on you." He said and you nodded in agreement.
You was about to walk till you felt him grab your hand, holding it tightly. You looked at him a small blush appearing on your face.
"So you don't get lost again, like Zoro!" He did his signature laugh and he ran with you out out of the room.
~~~at the Sunny~~~
"There... your nose should be fine it doesn't seem broken. You don't seem to have any broken ribs either." Said the cute doctor Chopper.
"Thank you Chopper, you're the best!" You said and a large blush appeared on the Reindeer's face.
"The best you say, I'm not anything like that you bastard." He said rubbing the back of his head as he did a small dance.
"Well if (y/n) is ok is it ok if we go back outside and explore the island?" Asked Luffy as he stood beside the doctor.
"Yeah that should be fine, just don't get to over exerted alright." Chopper said and you nodded.
"Alright let's go!" Shouted Luffy as he grabbed your hand and pulling you with him.
"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!" Yelled Chopper from behind you two.
Luffy and you stood at the top of the ramp that connected Sunny to the island and and sighed out.
"Hey hey where should we go first?!" He said excitedly and he pointed everywhere that seamed to grab his attention.
"What about that weird rock over there!" He said making you look at a rock that was indeed weird.
It was shaped like turtle.
"Sure that looks interesting." You said and he nodded enthusiastically.
"Alright hold on!" He said as he threw you onto his back, "Gomu Gomu noooooo-"
'Crap!' You thought as you scrambled to hold onto his neck.
"- ROCKET!" And soon you two was flying through the air his laugh ringing in your ears. You soon buried your face in his neck as you two flew through the air. Than with what seemed like a few seconds you two somehow managed to land on the rock in just one move.
"Woah this view is amazing." he said. You still was holding onto him tightly. You face flushing at how close you was to him.
"Huh-oh do you need help?" He asked and he reached around him and grabbed you, placing you by his side.
"There we go!" He said patting the top of your head.
He turned back to look at the ocean, a few seagulls visible. "This island is really pretty huh?" He asked and you nodded.
"Yeah, I could stay here for a while if I needed to..." you said softly as you watched the waves crash onto the shore.
"Me too...It kinda reminds me of the village I grew up in, just with less windmills thought!" He laughed out at the end. He held onto his hat as he watched a seagull fly over head.
"I was really worried you know..." he soon said as he looked over at you. "When you went missing after you didn't meet up with us back at the Sunny at noon, we all got worried and began searching for you."
You looked at him as he spoke, giving him the time to speak since serious moments with him like this was rare.
"I was glad I found you first though, with me being your captain I feel more responsible for your life, I felt like it would be my fault if something worse were to happen to you. But I heard most of what you said to that guy before I kicked his ass, I really appreciate that you feel that strongly towards me." He said as he smiled.
You tensed up and looked away, your eyes started to tear up.
"Oi, are you alright?" He asked as he placed a hand in your shoulder.
You turned to look at him and smiled deeply. "Yeah I'm alright, I'm just happy is all, happy that you think all of that of me."
"Well of course I do, your my Nakama after all." He said as he placed his hat on your head than grabbing your hand with his, squeezing it reassuringly.
"Let's stay up here for a while, yeah?" He asked and you smiled at him.
"I'd like that, I'd like that a lot, Sencho."
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