★·.·'¯'·.·★ Post 21★·.·'¯'·.·★

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Brrrrr! Lucy here, freezing her butt off!

It's 38 degrees outside! Yesterday it was 77 degrees and they wonder why people get sick! Sheesh! I feel myself getting sick all over again! This is madness! Well, this post will have a song attached with it. Dedication to ALL the people I have befriended on this app and just overall good peeps that could potential be friends in the near future. I remembered this song when I watched the very first All Grown Up with my kiddo last night.

Could someone help me with mine? I have no idea who that character is for May. I have never seen this anime yet.

... I'm not dark and twisted! WTF?! 😠😤

All the above for me. What about you guys?

I found this on Facebook and couldn't help but to share this

I'll end this post on that note. See ya ✌️

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