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Hello everyone! Welcome back to Celebrity Buzz! I'm your host, Janelle Eiko! On today's episode, we have a very special guest with us today! She's an ex-sorcery weekly model, one of my faves aside from Mira! She's a celestial wizard from the infamous Fairy Tail Guild! She's also a writer and a journalist who's married to The Great Salamander of Fairy Tail! Show some love for Lucy Dragneel! *shows some Sorcery Weekly issues and her book as she introduces her*

*Applause audio hand clapping!*

*The beautiful blonde strolls confidently into the room, the clicking of her heels could be heard as she entered* Hello, Janelle! Thank you for inviting me to your podcast show! *she squealed happily giving the female a greeting hug!*

Pfff! No ways! I should be thanking you for taking time out of your day to stop by! *she exclaims being star-struck! 🤩*

Haha! Really it was no trouble at all! *she smiled softly tugging her skirt underneath her before sitting in the chair with one leg over the other, hands folded neatly in her lap waiting to get started*

*Clock Ticking effect*

*As time goes by the women are speaking about multiple things regarding the blondie's career status and regarding her book: The Adventure of Iris plus upcoming books including her autobiography!*

Annnd we're back from commercial! Lucy has been telling us a little bit about how her life has been treating her! We even learned about her daughter Nashi before we went to break but now it's time— *she rubs her hands eagerly together with a mischievous twinkle in her orbs making the brown-eyed maiden sweatdrop nervously*

Let's talk about you and Natsu! So word on the street is that you two have known each other for nine years!

That's correct! We have known each other that long!

Ooh nice, nice! So how's the sex? *she asked with a creepy expression and twinkling eyes!*

Uhh... Excuse me?!

You heard me! How's the sex? On a scale of one to ten?! *she asked leaning in closer those glints in her eyes turning brighter and bigger!*

*she backs away in her chair turning fifty shades

red!* I would rather not disclose mine and his personal business in the bedroom! 😳

Awww! Come on Lucy! Is he bad? Good? Do you guys do it rough?! Slow?! Fast?! *she's foaming at the mouth and rotating her cranium rapidly, fingers twitching freaking the star mage out, but she stands her ground!*

Look I'm sorry but that's totally out of the question! Like I said I'm not telling you that! That's personal between me and him!

*Janelle breaks out the puppy dog eyes* Please tell meeee!🥺

NO! Absolutely not! Now drop it and ask me another question! What's with you wanting to know about our sex life?! Change the subject! 💢

*The host pouts her lips disappointed that her curious question isn't being answered!* Fine, Stingy! I'll just pick some questions from your fans to ask you! *she huffed folding her arms!*

*sighs with relief and unscrews the cap on the top of the water bottle, taking a sip!* Thank goodness! I'd love to answer fan requests!

Mhm! But not my question! I see how it is! *she grumbled before pulling out a card reading the lettering printed on it* Anyways this is from Shelia H. Her question is: What is one quality you admire about Natsu?

Hmm? First, thank you Shelia for your question! The answer to that would be his strength and perseverance to keep fighting even when things look bleak. He's the one to uplift you and encourage you to keep fighting even when you want to throw in the towel. He's able to smile despite a lot that has occurred in his life. He truly is a fighter! He always has that fire burning inside of him! There's so much more I admire about him but that's just one of many!

Awww! Aren't you the sweetest wife?! *she cooed back in fangirl mode!*

*she blushes profusely scratching her cheek sheepishly*

He really is something and just mentioning him— *she pauses bringing her hand to her chest, smiling the softest smile!*

Makes my heart flutter. I truly am lucky to have him in my life. He's done so muc—

Stopppp! I'm single here! 😭 Don't get me wrong! You two are cute together but dial down the admiring a tad, I'm trying not to be salty!

Sorry, sorry! I can't help he makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! You're a beautiful girl Janelle! I'm sure you'll find your Prince Charming one day!

Pff! I doubt it! I never have good luck when it comes to men but this isn't about me! *she waves her hand dismissively, clearly wanting the topic off of her!

Haha! Okay, okay you're right! *she chuckled putting her hands up in defense!*

B-Besides time is winding down and we have one more question before we head off-air! *she embarrassedly stutters, red as a tomato with a tiny scowl!*

Okay, I'm ready! *she states placing the now empty water bottle in a nearby trash bin*

This last question is from umm Anonymous! Their question is: How are you and Natsu so perfect?

*she looks at the woman stone-faced for a moment before shaking her head* Perfect? Sorry, Anonymous but nobody is perfect. Natsu and I are no exception to having our fair share of misunderstandings and disagreements. However, we have learned that it is important to communicate openly and honestly with each other, even in times of conflict. Even when one of us is being stubborn in that moment. Despite our differences, Natsu and I always make an effort to come together and discuss our issues. We both recognize that we still have room to grow as individuals and as a couple, but we are proud of how far we have come together. By facing challenges head-on and working through our disagreements, we have been able to strengthen our relationship and deepen our understanding of each other. We are both mature when it comes to apologizing as well. So please with all due respect do not use that word with me. Besides, I'm not complaining because how would a relationship truly be if you didn't have a squabble or two? The important thing is to stick it out with your partner, there's the true meaning of love to respect and accept each other even at their worst.

Whoa! I'm completely speechless! My eyes have been opened to what to do in my next relationship! Thank you, Lucy! You have inspired me! Thank you, thank youuu! *shakes her fingered appendage vigorously causing the ex-model's entire form to tremble!*

D-Don't m-mention it! It's just really how I feel when it comes to him and our m-marriage t-together! Aww! I'm rooting for you! *she manages to say even being shaken up literally!*

You really should be a motivational speaker! Or a relationship counselor! *she rambled on unknowingly tightening her grasp!*

Ahaha! 😅 Maybe!

N-now d-do you m-mind if I get my hand back, please?! *she attempts to pull her hand away from her iron vice grip!*

Oops! My bad! *releases her manus!* Well, folks that's all the time we have for this episode of celebrity gossip! I'm your host Janelle Eiko! Don't forget to tune in next time when another celebrity comes and spills the deets! Let's give one more hand for Lucy Dragneel!

Bye, everyone! Take care out there! *she waves goodbye!*

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