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I don't have any special greetings for you this time nor a lot of time so I'll try and make this quick, Mr.AlwaysLate. 

Something happened finally! Bakugo blew a hole into someone's car looking for his backpack. Crazy I know, but believe me, you'll see the glass if you're actually here like you say. The stupid part, he left it inside Kirishima's room. Because 'I WOULD NEVER GO INTO THAT LOSER'S ROOM DUMBASS'! 

 Red Rock tried to tell him, but obviously didn't work. Guess who's paying for the window now ^^. 

 And if you see MIc looking oddly pissed, it was his car. 

 I honestly don't know how he intends to pay it off, but I did see him with a Mc'Donalds hat earlier. Looked funny as hell, don't think he got the idea of a uniform thoGee, you suck at this 

 x . .

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 With all regards, Tokoyami Fumikage. 

 P.S, Did you know he can eat? Apples worked for a while. Idk, I think its some period stuff. Out of nowhere like this....Gosh.

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