Liam heartbroken (Request)

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Requested by: MPMuskan

Prompt- a Lilo one where everyone ships Larry together but Liam and Louis have a crush on each other but they don't tell each other. Liam is upset about Larry and starts not to eat and he develops an eating disorder and one day on stage he faints. Louis takes care of Liam and they tell each other

Liam's pov

We have just started out take me home tour. I don't really want to be here because there is someone in the band I have a crush on but he will never like me back because of Larry. He will obviously like Harry more than me. I mean we argue all the time. No one knows about my crush on Louis. It's true I have a crush on Louis and I don't know what to do about it. Telling him is not an option. I don't want him to hate me.

We are having a band movie night on the bus but I don't wanna go and join in because I will have to suffer through Larry being all cuddly with each other. I hate it. Every time I see it another part of my heart breaks.

Niall comes in and says "Li are you coming to join us" I say "I don't wanna" Niall sits next to me and says "Li you haven't done anything with us lately. What's wrong?" I say "It's nothing." Niall suddenly says "You have a crush on someone don't you?" I nod and a tear slowly makes its way down my face. "But he will never like me back" Niall says "He? Is it someone in the band?" I nod and Niall says "Is it Louis" I nod and Niall says "You need to tell him" I shake my head and I start crying "I can't with the whole Larry thing. I mean Louis will always choose Harry over me. We argue all the time. Every time I see Larry together a piece of my heart breaks. I don't wanna go out to the movie night" Niall hugs me and says "I'll tell the others that you are not feeling well. I'll be right back" I say "You don't have to come back you can stay with the others" Niall shakes his head and says "You are upset I am coming back" I nod.

Niall's pov

Poor Liam. He is so sad. I thought he had a crush on Louis because of the way Liam looks at Louis I go out into the main area of the bus. I say to the others "Liam isn't feeling well. He is going to stay in bed. I'm going to go and look after him" before anyone could say anything I go back into the bunk room and I see Liam curled into himself facing the wall and crying quietly to himself. I gently tap his shoulder and he turns around and I say "do you need a hug?" He nods and I get into his bunk and he curls into me crying into my shoulder. I gently rub his back and soon he is asleep. Louis comes in and says "Is he alright?" I nod "He's fine Lou. I've got him" he nods and looks at Liam who still has his face buried in my shoulder. Louis goes back out into the main area of the bus.

The next day Liam's pov

I have seen fan pages today pointing out 'Proofs' of Larry from our latest interview and the concerts. It is making my heart break more. I can't enjoy anything. We are about to go out on stage. I really don't wanna go. I know there is going to be signs about Larry there always is. I can't stand it. We are all waiting for our cue to go up on stage and I am trying to keep my tears at bay. Niall looks over at me and he grabs my hand and starts to take me somewhere private. Louis says "Niall we need to go on stage soon." He says "We will be two minutes"

Niall drags me back to the dressing room and I immediately burst into tears unable to keep them back any more. Niall instantly pulls me into a hug and gently rubs my back as I sob into his shoulder. After a few minutes my sobs has calmed down to sniffles and Niall gently pulls me back and hands me some water. I take a few sips and I wipe my eyes. I say to Niall "I don't wanna go out there. I know I have to though." Niall smiles sadly at me and responds "I know bud. I wish you could stay here tonight." I nod and say "Do I look like I have been crying?" Niall looks at me and says "Your eyes are a little bloodshot but other than that you don't" I nod as Paul comes in. "Liam Niall there you are. You need to go and get ready to go on stage" I take a deep breath and we both nod and we go to the entrance to the stage Louis says sarcastically "At last you two decided to grace us with your presents" I glare at him. I may be in love with him but he is still annoying.

We hear the entrance music for the song and we all run out on stage. As soon as we are out the whole crowd starts screaming. I spot some Larry signs. I try to ignore them but I suddenly see a sign that says 'Larry is definitely real' with a picture of them kissing. My eyes start to well up with tears. I knew it. Larry is real. I take a deep breath not wanting to cry on stage. Through out the whole concert Louis and Harry are flirting with each other. I am trying my hardest not to cry. We are singing little things.

Zayn starts off "Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me but bear this in mind it was meant to be and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me"

As Zayn finishes I take a deep breath and start singing "I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile. You've never loved your stomach or your thighs the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I'll love them endlessly" both me and Zayn sing "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if I do it's you, oh it's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all these little things"

Louis angelic voice rings out as he starts singing "You can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason you talk in your sleep and all those conversations are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me" Harry continues "I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape you never want to know how much you weigh. You still have to squeeze into your jeans but your perfect to me."

Both Niall and Harry starts singing together "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if I do it's true it's you it's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all these little things" Niall starts singing "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you maybe you'll love yourself like I, you sing, love you ohhh"

Harry starts singing "I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth cause it's you oh it's you it's you they add up to and I'm in love with Lou and all his little things" as soon as Harry says that I look over at Louis and see him blushing. I look down with tears blurring my vision. I don't wanna be on stage anymore. I don't notice when the next song starts until Niall taps my shoulder when it is my turn to sing "I've got two tickets to iron maiden baby come with me Friday don't say maybe I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby like you wooooo"

As soon as the concert is over I run off stage with Niall right behind me. I run into the dressing room and lock the door before Niall could come in. I curl into myself on the sofa and sob. I hear frantic knocking on the door and Niall's voice "Li let me in bud" I yell "I wanna be alone." Niall says "I wanna talk to you" I hear the lock click and Niall shuts and locks the door behind him he comes over. Niall crouches down in front of me and I start sobbing more. Niall runs his fingers through my hair and I sob more. Niall pulls me into a hug. I burry my face in his chest and continue crying

Niall's pov

I have never seen Liam so upset. It is heart wrenching to hear his sobs. He must really like Louis. I don't know what to say to comfort him. He is so upset. I start to sing to him "Somewhere over the rainbow wag up high there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Some day I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then oh why can't I. If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow why oh why can't I?" As I finish the song I look down at Liam and see he is asleep.

I carefully lift him up and I walk over to the door and I unlock the door. I carry Liam out to the van and I sit him in the window seat in the back row and I sit next to him. I help him to strap in before I strap myself in. I pull Liam to lean on me and Louis looks round "Two questions. One why are you sat there? and two, why does it look like Liam has been crying?" I say "One because I want to sit here and two it is none of your business why" Louis says "But it is because I am the oldest." I say "Well you don't act like it most of the time. It is not my place to tell now leave me alone" I ignore him. He may be one of my best friend and brother but he and Harry and all the Larry shippers has caused Liam to be like this. He looks so sad even in his sleep. I hate seeing him like this. I am glad we are having a few days off and we are in a hotel. I have already asked Paul if me and Liam could share a room and he agreed.

Once we are at the hotel I am so glad there are no fans outside. I don't want to wake him up. I quickly unstrap myself and Liam. I gently pick him up and I start to carry him up to the hotel. Zayn catches up with me and says "Do you and Liam want to join us for a movie night." I shake my head and say "Maybe tomorrow. I don't wanna wake him up" Zayn nods and says "Is Liam alright?" I respond "To be honest I don't know" Zayn nods. I carry Liam into our room and lay him on the bed. I gently pull off his jeans and put some joggers on him. I put his duvet over him. I quickly get changed and I get into my bed and pull the covers over me and I mess around on my phone. My phone starts ringing and I see Louis is trying to call me. I answer the phone "What do you want Louis" Louis says "I want to know if you and Liam are coming?" I say "No Louis I am staying with Liam. He isn't feeling well." Louis says "He's fine. You don't need to spend every moment with him." I say "Lou Both Liam and I are not coming that's final." I end the call and mess around on my phone" for a while before I decide to go to sleep.

Louis pov

I am jealous of Niall. He shouldn't be with Liam. I should. Only Harry knows about my crush on Liam. He has known since the beginning. We were always close. I hoped Liam and Niall would come so I could spend time with Liam. But Niall said that he isn't feeling well. I should be there for him not Niall. Harry puts an arm around my shoulder and whispers in my ear "You should tell Liam how you feel" I shake my head and whisper back "he will never like me back. We are too different. We argue all the time. Just leave it Harry" I fall silent but I can't focus on the TV

Niall's pov

I get woken up by sobbing. I see Liam sat on his bed crying. I pat my bed and he comes over. He buries his face in my shoulder and cries. I rub his back and say "What's wrong buddy?" He responds "I had a nightmare about telling Louis and he hated me and he didn't want to see me again" I continue to rub his back as he cries into my shoulder. Soon his breathing evens out as he cried himself to sleep. I kiss his head in a brotherly way and fall asleep myself

A few weeks later Liam's pov

Every concert I see more and more Larry signs. I can't stand it any more. Harry and Louis still flirt with each other all the time and my heart is completely shattered. If they are together I don't know what I will do. I would probably lock myself in somewhere and stay there for the rest of eternity. Niall has been trying everything to get me to smile but nothing works. Every time we are on stage and when I am with the other boys I plaster a fake smile on my face to mask the emotional pain I am in. Niall has been very supportive ever since he found out. I have been slowly cutting meals and snacks out because I am never hungry and I always feel sick

Most of the time if we have free time I will ether shut myself in the hotel room or the back room of the bus so I don't have to suffer through Larry. Niall quite often stays with me but sometimes he goes to spend time with the others. When that happens I am quite glad. I get left alone. I love Niall in a brotherly way but ever since he found out he has been very protective of me. Today they have decided to go out for a meal. I didn't go. I don't know if Niall went or not I haven't seen him. I go on my phone and I instantly see all the fan pages posting pictures of Larry. The final part of my heart shatters and I sob and continue to look through them. Niall suddenly comes though the door and takes my phone away from me and hugs me. I gratefully accept the hug and I grip on to Niall's top and just sob.

Niall's pov just before he goes into Liam's room

The other boys except Liam has gone to a restaurant. I decided to stay here to keep an eye on Liam but I have decided to give him some space. I suddenly hear Liam sobbing. I run to his room and I open the door. I see him looking at something on his phone and I take it off of him and I see most the fan pages posing about Larry. I pull Liam into a hug and he grips on to me like I am his life line and he sobs. I gently rub his back as he sobs. He says "Why does it hurt so much to see him with Harry?" I say "I don't know bud, I don't know" he says "I don't wanna be here any more. I want to go away from Harry and Louis" I continue to rub his back I don't know what to do for him anymore. He is so heartbroken. I feel like screaming at Louis and Harry and all the Larry's saying that they are the reason Liam is like this. But I promised Liam I would never tell anyone and I don't break my promises. I feel Liam getting heavier as he falls asleep. I am so mad. But I need to keep my anger in because I need to support Liam.

A few months later Liam's pov

It is now August I haven't eaten much only a snack here and there since June. Niall has tried to persuade me but I refused. I know all the boys especially Niall are worried about me because I am loosing weight quickly. I barely even try any more. They only time I try to fake a smile is on stage and interviews. I have almost completely stopped spending time with the boys except Niall   Who mainly hangs out with me to keep me company. He is trying so hard to make me forget about anything. We have our last concert before a few weeks break. I can't wait sure we have some interviews and photoshoots but I won't have to spend loads of time with Louis and Harry.

We are about to go on stage. I feel really faint today. I really don't want to do tonight's concert but I have to. The entrance music starts and we all run out on stage. About five minutes before the end of the concert I suddenly feel really faint. I say quietly in my microphone "Niall" Niall looks over at me just in time. My eyes roll back and I feel myself falling.

Niall's pov

I hear "Niall" I look over at Liam and see him swaying. Suddenly his eyes close and he starts falling. I run over to him and kneel down next to him. I say to him quietly. "Li, this is why I told you to eat. You have now passed out." Zayn comes over to us and say "Why did Liam pass out?" I say "I don't know" Zayn says "You do though Niall. I know you do." I say "Liam is heartbroken. He hasn't eaten properly in a while. I tried to get him to eat but he refused and every time I tried to force feed him he wouldn't open his mouth at all" Zayn nods and says "I'll go and call an ambulance" I nod

Louis and Harry come over to us. I turn away from them and watch Liam. Louis says to me "Niall what happened?" I ignore him he says after a few minutes "Niall don't ignore me. I have the right to know" I continue to ignore him and check Liam over Zayn comes back on stage and says to me "The ambulance will be ten minutes" I nod and say to Zayn "Zayn you three distract the crowd and I will get him off stage. Louis says "I'll take him." I say "No you won't. I will" I pick Liam up and carry him off stage. I can't believe Louis he doesn't even try and help and now he offered to take Liam off stage. I can't believe him. I carry Liam into the dressing room and Paul comes in and says "What happened Niall?" I say "Liam passed out." Paul says "Why did he pass out though?" I say "He hasn't eaten properly in a while. I tried to get him to eat but he wouldn't. He kept his mouth tight shut and kept his head turned away from me." Paul nods as the others come in. "Niall you can't ignore me like that" I ignore him and watch Liam. The paramedics come in and loads Liam on the stretcher. One of them says "One person can stay" I very quickly say "I'll go." I quickly follow the paramedics out and I go in the ambulance.

Louis pov

Harry wraps an arm around my shoulder as they leave. I shrug it off and say "Why does Niall get to go. Why don't I? I'm the eldest" Harry says "I don't know Lou." Zayn says "Since when do you care who goes in the ambulance with Liam?" I glare at him and say "Because I do. I wanted to go" Harry wraps an arm back around me but I shrug it off again. "Let's get to the hospital then we can find out why Liam passed out" I nod and follow Harry to the van. We all get in and drive to the hospital.

Niall's pov

We have arrived at the hospital about ten minutes ago. The other boys hasn't arrived yet. I haven't heard any news from the doctor yet ether. Louis, Harry and Zayn come over and Louis says "How's Liam" I ignore him and Harry says "Niall stop ignoring us" I suddenly say "I haven't heard anything. Stop talking to me" I turn away from both of them glaring at my hands Zayn says to me "Why are you so grumpy?" I ignore him and we all fall into an awkward silence. I am still glaring at my hands. About ten minutes later the doctor comes out and says "Family or friends of Liam Payne." We all stand up and I am first to the doctor followed closely by Louis.

The doctor takes us to Liam's room. He says before we go in "He is still asleep. He should wake up within the next few minutes." We nod and go into Liam's room. I instantly sit in the chair by Liam's bed and I watch him. Louis sits on the other chair. Harry and Zayn wait by the end of the bed. Louis asks "Niall why are you upset with me?" I say "Not telling you." Louis responds "But why?" I say "Because I am not now just shut up and leave me alone" a couple of minutes later Liam starts groaning. I say "Keep on coming round bud." He slowly opens his eyes and I say "Hey Li how are you feeling" Liam groans again and says "I don't know" he looks around and spots Louis and Harry. I instantly know what he is going to do. He looks at me and I pull Liam into a hug as he starts crying silently.

I see Harry taking Louis out of the room and Zayn says to me "What's all that about?" I shrug and say "Don't know why they left." Liam starts crying harder in able to keep his cries silent anymore. Zayn says "Why is Liam crying?" I whisper to Liam "Can I tell him if he promises not to tell anyone?" Liam nods and I say "Liam has a crush on Louis. But the whole Larry Stylinson thing he is heartbroken. Promise me you won't tell anyone." Zayn says "I promise I won't tell anyone."

A few minutes later Louis and Harry come back in. Louis looks like he has been crying. Harry takes Zayn out of the room and Louis says "Niall could I talk to Liam alone please?" I say "No anything you say to Liam you can say with me in the room." Louis says "Please Niall" I shake my head stubbornly "No if you want to talk to Liam you can tell him with me in the room" Louis says "Ask Liam if he want you to stay." I nod and say to Liam "Do you

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