Requested by: MPMuskan
Prompt- one about Liam having a nightmare and the boys help him
Liam's pov
We have just finished our up all night tour. For about a month now I have been having the same nightmare every night. I haven't said anything to the boys but I think they know something I'd wrong with me. Harry comes up to me and says to me "Are you ok Liam. You look tired" I say "I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well last night. I think I might go and relax in my room." Harry looks at me suspiciously but I go upstairs.
When I get upstairs I yawn and get into bed. I curl up in a ball under the duvet. I close my eyes and soon I am asleep.
Harry's pov
I call a family meeting and Niall says "Where's Liam if it is a family meeting?" I say "That's what we need to talk about. Liam looks exhausted sure I know we have finished tour but he looks more tired than he did when we were on tour." Louis says "I've noticed that too and I have seen him trying not to fall asleep on the sofa a few times" I nod and Zayn says "I'm going to check on Liam and see how he is" I nod and Zayn goes upstairs.
Zayn's pov
I go upstairs and walk into Liam's room. I go over to his bed and see he is sound asleep. I smile and go back downstairs. I say "He is asleep" Niall says "We need to do something to help Liam. What are we going to do?" Harry says "Each of us will go and ask him once he is awake. Niall he will probably most likely tell you" Niall says "I'll go last then" Harry nods and says "Who wants to go upstairs first? Once Liam is awake." Louis says "I will go" we all nod and I say "I'll go next" Harry says "Alright I'll go third." Niall says "If we all go right after each other then he won't tell anyone" I say "let's give it like half an hour in between each person yeah" everyone nods in agreement
Louis pov
I go upstairs to check on Liam and I see him sat up in bed. "Hey Liam. Are you ok?" He nods "Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me" I look at him and see the bags that are under his eyes "Are you sure? You look so tired buddy" he says "I'm fine Louis. Please can I be alone?" I nod and leave the room. I go back downstairs and Harry says "What happened?" I say "He wanted to be left alone. He didn't say what was up with him though" we all sigh.
Zayn's pov
Half an hour later I go upstairs and see Liam awake staring at the ceiling looking exhausted. "Hey Li what's up?" He says "The ceiling" I say "Not what I meant." He says "I know. Seriously I'm fine" I say "You look so tired" he says "I'm fine Zayn. Leave me alone" I say "You'll come to one of us if there was something bothering you won't you" he nods and I leave the room. They all look up at me hopefully and I shake my head. They all sigh.
Harry's pov
Half an hour later I go upstairs and knock on Liam's door "Come in" I walk in and say "Hey Liam" he gives me a small smile but it disappears quickly "Are you alright Liam" he rolls his eyes and says "I'm fine, why is everyone asking me if I'm alright. I am absolutely fine. I wanna be alone" he turns on his side I say "Li we are worried about you. What's wrong" he looks at me and glares at me "Nothing wrong I'm fine leave me alone" I sigh and leave the room and I go downstairs. I shake my head
Liam's pov
Why are they all asking me if I am ok. Im fine just tired. I feel my eyes start to close and soon I am asleep.
Niall's pov
It has been half an hour since Harry went upstairs so I go upstairs and see that Liam is asleep. I decide to leave him and wait for a little while. I go back downstairs and Louis says "If you haven't found out what's wrong we will never find out" I say "I haven't spoken to him. He was asleep. I'll go up in half an hour.
Half an hour later still Niall's pov
I go back upstairs and I hear Liam screaming. I quickly run up the rest of the stairs and I run into Liam's room and see he is having a nightmare. I shake him he says in his sleep "No don't kill them. NOOOOOO" I shake him "Li wake up" he screams one last time and shoots awake breathing heavily. I gently touch his back and say "Li are you alright?" He shakes his head and starts sobbing. I gently pull him into a hug. He buries his face in my chest and sobs harder. I gently rub his back and say "Hey bud what's wrong?" He sobs more and says "I...I...I ha...hadd aaaa nnn...nniigghttmmmareeeeeee" I gently rub his back and say "What was your nightmare about buddy?" He curls into me more and sobs. I pull him back slightly and I say "Li you need to calm down bud. Take deep breaths" Liam slowly manages to calm down enough to talk but he still has tears running down his face and the occasional whimper. I say to him "Can you tell me what your nightmare was about Liam?" Liam nods slightly and says with a shaky voice "Ev...everyone ddddiiiieeed. You all got kkkkiiilleeeeed by aaaa cccraazzyyyy grrrooupp offff fanssss" Liam starts sobbing again and I pull him into a hug again. He sobs into my chest.
After a few minutes Harry, Louis and Zayn all walk into Liam's room and Louis says "Did you find out?" I nod and say "He has been having nightmares" they all come over to the bed and we all end up in a group hug with Liam in the middle crying and telling the boys about his nightmare.
A few weeks later still Niall's pov
We have all been helping Liam get through his nightmare. We all take it in turns to sleep in his room so he isn't alone when he wakes up. He has been getting less and less nightmares at the weeks progress and he now normally only gets one or two a week.
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