Hello peeps!🖐
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!☺
Hope you all are doing well?
So are you all ready to meet with our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee☕ and Chat.
Interviewer: aiieeshaaadfff
And please welcome the Most Fabulous and Hard Working Author soulfulSAZ 🤝
So yeah let's get started😚🤞
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!! My name is -wait! Lemme just hide behind a curtain- *saying sheepishly* Sarah. I am an old soul from India. Currently I am just lazying around at my home. And believe me, I am too old for doing just that. Lol.
🎤What inspired you to start writing?
Umm.. I loved reading stories since I was a child, (well As far as I can remember), and while reading them I always used to make my own plots in my head with the same characters or just liked to predict the ending with various variations. I guess that was my head start, and I never really did it until I came across Wattpad.
🎤When did you start writing?
When I was in college,haha.. too late I know. But that's when I came to know that there was a platform as wattpad that existed. The rest is history ;)
🎤Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Not really. In fact I never really thought about it. I always fancied writing articles or stories though. But I never gave it a thought. Now though, I want to be one, one day Inn Shaa Allah.
🎤What comes first the plot or the Characters?
Sometimes it's the plot, sometimes it's the characters and sometimes they both are aligned. Its mostly the plot though and it comes to me whenever I am reading a story or watching a movie or any show and then create my own plot.
Also most of the times the plot comes from a real life situation or real life characters.
🎤What is the most difficult part about writing for you?
There are two things. First and the most important is when writing about Islam- the information, facts or any dua, or any kind of dawah I am giving through my book. Its not about writing them, its the constant nagging feeling that whether what I am writing is correct and authentic. Of course I check it from the sources, but, to be honest, I am no scholar, and I fear I'd portray something which is not right.
Second, which I am sure is the difficult part with every writer- the ominous writer's block. And believe me it stops me from writing for months and keeps my readers hanging. Pheww..
🎤When you're writing an Emotional, Sad, Romantic scene,how did you get in the mood?
When I am writing an emotional or sad scene, I mostly put myself in the characters shoes, and voila, even before the character cries in the scene, I find myself crying.
As for the romantic scene, (No I don't imagine myself in the characters shoes *Hiding behind my palms) I just imagine the scene and place the characters in that scene.
🎤What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing Journey?
The likes, the amazing comments and most importantly the personal messages my dear readers send me to appreciate the book, Alhumdulillah, are absolutely, undoubtedly the most lovable part of the publishing journey. I never had the slightest of idea in the beginning that I would be showered with so much of love. I am blessed to be sure, Alhumdulillah.
About the least favourite part, umm... what I don't like a bit, just a teeny weeny bit, is when people follow, and then unfollow. It does faze me a little initially, but then I get over it and remind myself that there is hikmah behind everything.
🎤Did you find it more challenging to come up with your First Book?
Not really. For other writers, the first book is the most difficult, but for me it's the other way round. Of course writing it was difficult and challenging at the same time, as I had never written anything before, but the plot was the easiest thing that came to me. If you read it, you will see that I had written about an Indian girl and the struggles in her life each and every day, and the most challenging thing in her life- Arrange Marriage. The plot of dealing with chauvinism and patriarchy in a male dominated society was what came naturally to me.
🎤How many books have you written? And which is your Favorite?
Well to be honest, whatever I have ever written is published here on wattpad, apart from some articles on my blog. And you can see that the only completed book is 'DNSR' and one short story. Other than these I have two ongoing stories 'The Hijabi Terrorist' which is currently on hold and 'In The Pursuit of Love' which is being updated from time to time.
All these stories are my babies and I can never choose any one from them. I love all of em.
🎤Which of your books where most enjoyable to write?
If the question is about being enjoyable, then it definitely has to be DNSR. I loved writing all Wali scenes.
🎤Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?
Well, I had already mentioned a few things in one of the questions above. To sum it up, it was a journey of two people who love their Creator and because of that they love each other. The journey throughout was awesome. I loved how the characters develop and with it, me and my beautiful readers as well. Of course it took time before the story got recognised, but after that it was smooth. Till now I have people messaging me how they loved the story and how they were reading it for the nth time.
It was is a beautiful journey which I wish never ends.
🎤What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?
Well who am I to give any advice to anyone out there, when I am still learning and struggling. But a tip I would like to share with my fellow writers is that READ. Lots and lots of it. Never stop reading. Be it any story, article or just the daily newspaper (Of course I have to follow that first ;)). It will definitely help you with your vocabulary.
🎤Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?
I am currently working on 'In The Pursuit of Love' which I is already in the process of being published.
🎤How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?
Oh there are soo many, like millions, waiting to be penned down. Its just I am a lazy writer, and I hate that about me.
Well, there is this one, which I have been wanting to write since my very first book. And its Wali's book, tada.. Well, there is nothing to tada about it coz every reader of DNSR knows this, and I am as eagerly waiting for it be written as my beautiful readers. The plot would be something like,he would meet this beautiful broken girl and then try to mend her,if he ever will be able to. That's the only thing I can reveal. Alas, even I don't know when I will be able to write it.
🎤Which was the first book you read?
On wattpad it was, 'A Muslim Girl's Love Story, by NiqabiUndercover and I loved it. Apart from wattpad, I don't really remember the first book, but I loved reading Nancy Drew books. And I think I still would love them.
What is your favorite genre to read?
Mystery/Thriller, all the time and Romance as well.
🎤Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?
Of course I read them. They are the pathway to your improvement (which is what I believe). Alhumdulillah, I never got bad reviews, which is a rare thing, I know. Oh there was this one person, who found the plot somewhat not to his liking, if you count that to be a bad one, then that was it.
Alhumdulillah I have always had good things being said about the book and it always swells my whole being with happiness.
🎤Who is your Favorite Author?
Oh there are so many.On wattpad, its sajmra ,roshannay ,TheQueenofDarkness, Your_amazyn ,abdofRahman and many others, which if I start mentioning, the day would end.
Apart from wattpad, Dan Brown, Sophie Kinsella, David Baldacci, Veronica Roth,..
🎤Which book is currently on your bedside table?
Well, I don't really have a bedside table, haha.. But the book which is beautifully placed on my bookshelf, eagerly waiting to be read, is 'The Kite Runner' by Khalid Hossein.
(Aww... Mine Fav Book😙)
🎤Do you have any writing goal in General or just Wattpad?
Right now, just on wattpad. I know I am not good enough and I am still learning.
🎤Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?
I have a few, though I don't really talk much being an introvert, but I guess I can count them as friends who don't need to chat every now and then to keep being friends. Ayesha was the first one to like and comment on my book, I am not sure if she is on wattpad now, I do get in touch with her from time to time. And then there is this lovely sweetheart HiddenInHearts , I call her my doll; Pearls_Queen, as the handle tells, she is a queen of hearts, Yusrine talking to her feels as if she is my long lost sister, hahaa, then there is my beautiful Anaira ThatBeatificBravery She is Amazing, I wish I could learn a thing or two from her, the dawah she gives through her wattpad wall is just enlightening.. I can go on and on about them and many others. I am sorry if I didn't mention anyone, the answers are already so long, no one would read them then.
🎤How does it feel when you get so much Support and Love from Readers?
It gives me immense pleasure and happiness. It makes me go soaring through the skies.
🎤Lastly would you like to share something with your Reader's or Writer's?
Jazakumullahu khairan everyone!! For loving me, supporting me, showering me and my stories with your love. I couldn't have done it without you and of course Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
To all the writers, thank you for giving us such beautiful stories, the stories, which were the world to me and more, they helped me improve and motivated me to write one of my own.
At last, may you all (The beautiful Interviewer included) be blessed with the best, may you all get success in this world and the hereafter and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala shower you with happiness, health and contentment.
🎤Hope u had fun doing this interview with me?☺
I loved it. Thank you dear Aysha for reaching out to me with such amazing questions. Loved every bit of answering them. BarakAllahu feeki.
It was fun chatting with you😚
Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation soulfulSAZ 💜💙
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