Hello peeps!🖐
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!☺
Hope you and your Families are doing well.
So are you all ready to meet with our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee☕ and Chat.
Interviewer: aiieeshaaadfff
And please welcome the Most Fabulous and Hard Working Author ShabanaTheStar 🤝
Let's get started😚🤞
Assalamualaikum! This is Shabana aka ShabanaTheStar. My very old readers know me as ShabanaSmiles as well. I actually have a lot to say about myself, but I'll keep it short, Haha. To begin with, there is an interesting fact behind my name. I was named after the Bollywood actress, Shabana Azmi, by my grand father. Yes! He was a big fan apparently. Craziness runs in the family. I'll be turning two decades old this August. I'm studying BCOM, second year, it should have been the final year actually but blame Corona for delaying my exams. I'm the biggest Introvert you'd ever meet. I hate going out of my home. But I love reading and writing, which is why I'm here in Wattpad :D
🎤What inspired you to start writing?
I always had a creative mind, I believe. The fact was, I was obsessed with daily soaps. And I'd get crazily annoyed when things goes wrong with my favourite couples and I'd would start imagining what if something else happens in my mind and that way my favourite couples are happy, at least in my imagination. It happened for years. And then I came to know there are people equally obsessed just like me, and they don't just imagine them, but put them in words as well. I started following all their stories which landed me in this app and something in me wanted to give my own imaginations a life as well. That's how I began writing.
Yes, I was a fan fiction writer at first.
🎤When did you start writing?
I started writing back in 2017. Four years ago. Feels like just yesterday, haha.
🎤Have you always wanted to be a writer?
No, I never gave it a thought.
🎤What comes first the plot or the Characters?
The plot. A solid plot makes a good story in my opinion. And thh, only after coming up with the plot, I'd start searching for the characters' names. Plot is very important for me, the characters then help the story to move forward with their actions.
🎤What is the most difficult part about writing for you?
The most difficult part would be the lack of motivation at times. Writer's block in better words. No body likes it.
🎤When you're writing an Emotional, Sad, Romantic scene,how did you get in the mood?
I start playing those scenes in front of my eyes, and the mood is automatically created on it own.
🎤What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing Journey?
The most favourite part is completing a Novel for me. I know it's weird. I feel extremely happy when I mark the book as complete. I begin a story with the intention of completing it.
The least favourite part about publishing is when I'm unable to give enough justification to my characters. I'd have so much to write, but sometimes I could not give my hundred percent.
🎤Did you find it more challenging to come up with your First Book?
Nope, it was so much fun to write. I didn't care about the grammar, plot or anything. I just wrote my heart out. And it was cool for me. At that time I just wanted to write, something or anything. I wanted to write what I imagined. That's all.
🎤How many books have you written? And which is your Favorite?
I have written more than 20+ stories if we include my fan fiction account as well. But currently only nine are available in this new account. My most favourite among them is "Perfect Together" and then "Don't Let Go".
But PT is my all time favourite, I was able to give my hundred percent there and I loved how good it has turned out.
🎤Which of your books where most enjoyable to write?
Don't Let Go was the most enjoyable journey for me. The character Haya was such a badass, I loved creating her.
🎤Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?
My first book was written back in 2017, it was a fan fiction. Nobody knows about it. So let me tell about my first book from this account.
It was titled as “Destined” at first which is now changed into “Twist In The Tale” I got a minimum of 6-9 votes per chapter at that time and a few reads. Reading it again makes me cringe sometimes. But we all have that one book I guess.
🎤What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?
My only advice is please stop comparing yourself with others. A lot of times you'll be in self doubt, wondering if your work is worthy enough to be kept out there. Believe me it is! You may not be perfect just yet. Always remember the saying, 'rome wasn't built in a day.' It takes time for new writers. But you'll be improving a lot if you practice writing every day. This is a constantly repeated advice, trust me it works, hundred percent.
Be kind to yourself and love what you're writing.
🎤Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?
I'm working on Abrar and Haya's daughter, Hidaya's story. As well as another new book with fresh characters.
The titles are, "His Wedding Planner" and "Meant To Be" I'm excited to pen down both but life is so busy these days.
🎤How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?
Not many really. For Hidaya I have two different plots in my mind. One of them is about how she unknowingly goes to work for her father's enemy's son and how she ended up marrying him instead.
🎤Which was the first book you read?
A fanfiction whose name I forgot, lmao.
🎤What is your favorite genre to read?
Romance, teen fiction and general fiction. Fantasy as well, because Harry Potter.
🎤Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?
Yes. I love reading them. It feels good when your work is being appreciated and acknowledged by the readers. But I'm very bad at dealing with the bad comments. I'm trying not to let it affect me, but it does sometimes.
🎤Who is your Favorite Author?
I am a picky reader and I have selective favourites! Jk Rowling, Kasie West, Stephanie Perkins and Sarah Adams is among them.
I can't tell you how desperate I am to hold Sarah's book in my hands. It's not available in India as a hardcopy version, I only read the e version of her stories. But God, they're so good. I hope one day they're printed here as well. Insha Allah.
🎤Which book is currently on your bedside table?
Harry Potter books. I write stories in third person point of view and those books really comes in handy as my go to guide as well as a good time pass.
🎤Do you have any writing goal in General or just Wattpad?
No, it's not just limited to wattpad. I have full intention of publishing a book. But just one book. I'm not that good yet although.
I believe in the phrase, "practice makes man perfect" So yeah, I'm going to practice a lot and Insha Allah, one day I'll publish my own book. Just one. It's like my dream!
🎤Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?
See, I'm a picky person. I chose my friends very wisely. Even in real life I only have two friends. Only two. Quality over quantity, anytime.
Wattpad is one such place where you don't get to see each other face to face and yet I managed to make few good friends here. I couldn't believe myself as well! Because my family makes fun of me for having less friends :)
First is StarsAndMoon1447 , we began as writer- reader at first. And suddenly we were discussing so much of books. And just like that, we were chatting day and night. We had so much in common. The connection was just unexplainable. I'm so glad I've come across her. She is a great friend, who listens to me rant. Gives me good advice and is always there for me. I love her a lot.
Another one is Sofia_Not_Sophiya , the bond I share with her is so different actually. We don't talk so much, actually we don't talk at all. But she's one of my biggest well wishers in this app. I remember how excited she'd be for my every new hundred followers. She'd personally text me every single time and it was just so cute. Nobody cared if I had three hundred followers or not but Sofia did. She made it a routine and congratulated me for 300,400,500 and so on. No, I'm not saying she's my friend just because of this. But her intentions were really pure and it's rare to find people who are genuinely happy for your success these days. So yes, Sofia is very precious for me!
🎤How does it feel when you get so much Support and Love from Reader's?
It feels very overwhelming to be very honest. I don't have enough words to describe how grateful I am for all their support. But it means a lot to me.
🎤Lastly would you like to share something with your reader's or writer's?
I don't have anything specific to share. But yes, thank you all for the constant support. I love you all!
🎤Hope u have a fun doing this Interview with me? ☺
Oh yes, I had so much fun answering these questions! Thank you so much for inviting me. Really appreciate your efforts <33
(Your most welcome ❤... Aw that's so sweet of you 🌼💙)
It was lovely chatting with you😚
Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation ShabanaTheStar 💜💙
If you like this then do Vote, Comment & Share👍
If possible then Do check my other Book 'Destined to be together'.
Happy Reading 🌼.
~Stay Safe.
~Stay Blessed✨
Thank You🥀
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