INTERVIEW with @Qalb-E-Katib

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Hello peeps!🖐

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!☺

Hope you all are doing well?

So are you all ready to meet with our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee☕ and Chat.

Interviewer: aiieeshaaadfff

And please welcome the Most Fabulous and Hard Working AuthorQalb-E-Katib🤝

So yeah let's get started😙🤞


Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. It's a pleasure to be here.

I am Ahshan Ibnat Tuba, a Bangladeshi Muslimah. I will be 16 in March 15,this year. Writing and reading are one of the most favourite parts of my life. I am an extrovert but sometimes introvert, most of the time I am easy going,like to experience new things. Life is very beautiful and comfortable for me, Alhamdullillah. I like to be optimistic and jovial.

What inspired you to start writing?

Books. My mother is a bookworm when she introduced me with the same world at a very early age. But the more I liked to read ,the more my imaginations unleashed to create Characters and plots. Now,the people around me and circumstances inspire me to write more than books.

When did you start writing?

I started writing at the age of 12-13. I used to write short stories in Bangla or English and sometimes they have been published in school, children magazines and newspapers.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

The answer is no. It was my hobby but now obviously I want it.

What comes first the plot or the Characters?

I think the Characters along with plots. They both come simultaneously. But it differs from book to book.

What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

To maintain the flow of the story till end. Sometimes my mind cracks or weird thoughts cloud which disturbs my soothingness. Finding the exact and suitable word which describes the plot or characters properly is also difficult.

When you're writing an Emotional, Sad, Romantic scene,how did you get in the mood?

I know this is weird but I eat snacks like chips or peanuts, fruit juice etc before writing any sensitive scene 😂. That's my own comfort but importantly I put myself in that scene then give time to myself to feel it deeply. I am weak at writing romantic scenes very much. Readers must agree.

What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing Journey?

The most favourite part was to see the characters of my story grow and living in an imaginary world with them. The comments and feedbacks were also like chocolates for me.

The least favorite part was procastination and mental inability to write. Sometimes my eye problem also bothered a lot.

Did you find it more challenging to come up with your First Book?

No. ' What's the detective's name? ' was a very comfort zone for me. I didn't have many expectations but I lacked experience and skills,which made me think no one's gonna read my book. That was not a problem. I was writing it as my own wish and satisfaction. Actually it was a bit challenging too, to complete it as I knew nothing about wattpad books and started writing with no goals.

How many books have you written? And which is your Favorite?

I have finished one book ' What's the detective's name?' and two books are ongoing, ' Love,Justice and Niqaabi' & 'Paralyzed Heart '. WTDN is my favourite.

Which of your books where most enjoyable to write?

I enjoyed writing all of them but WTDN was the most enjoyable and relaxing journey . LJ&N is hard sometimes but thanks to Jihaad who makes it easier for me. PH is more closer to me than any of this emotionally. Writing gives me pleasure anywhere, anytime.

Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?

My first book 'What's the detective's name?' is mainly a mystery,humor and crime genre book. Fahad and Fathima both have their individual personalities along with a good sense of humor. The story continues with a murder case which they both ought to solve. Through this journey their rom-com remains and finding the killer becomes the main twist of the story. It also shows the growth of Fahad in religious matters in which Fathima helps him. Throughout, Fahad had emotions for Fathima but Fathima's side is still undiscovered.Above all, it's a mixture of both recreation and teachings. To be honest, I don't think this story was so well written as I was very childish and inexperienced writing it. But it contents me which matters the most.

What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

I am too young to give an advice rather I need it. But I would like to say, be authentique and ace your flaws in writing. What contents your heart is enough to pen down and show case your hidden talent. Find a true purpose of writing. Writing is the best place to show what you want to say. I don't know if some will agree with it or not,but one should not attempt to write anything without the basic knowledge. It ruins the potential and well thought plot.

Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

Yes.I am. I am currently writing 'Love, Justice and Niqaabi' and 'Paralyzed Heart'. This two stories need time to catch up. Please my dear readers have patience. Studies are on head, so I am trying to keep the plots gradual.

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

As far as I can remember, there are 2 plot ideas waiting to be written. I am currently working on the next book of WTDN very very slowly.I know this unstoppable mind keeps cooking stories all the day and ends up making a khichdi. I would rather not say the plot ideas now as they are not furnished yet.

Which was the first book you read?

I would say but sorry I don't remember at all. Thanks to my goldfish memory. But at the early times I joined wattpad I read Operation Dard and Devotion. Believe me, It is still ongoing. *smacks head*

What is your favorite genre to read?

Mystery, Spiritual, Humor and I wouldn't mind if there is a sprinkle of halal romance. Adventure is wow.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?

Of course. They are like the oxygen of books. Thankfully, I haven't yet gotten any bad review but if I get I would like to know the reason and see if that really deserve to be rectified or not.

Who is your Favorite Author?

qasmey- makeitmatter sprinkleofhayat
su_shhii __Miss_Fantasy__ , there are many more whose books I read regularly.

Outside wattpad, Humayun Ahmed,Arif Azad , Maurice Bucaille, JK Rowling, Kazi Nazrul Islam,Christina Georgina Rosseti (poetess),Agatha Christie,

(I only like Shakespeare for writing the Merchants of Venice).

Which book is currently on your bedside table?

The adventure of Feluda by Sattyajit Roy.

It's a Bangla book.

Do you have any writing goal in General or just Wattpad?

Actually,wattpad is not my real goal. I am also into Bangla writing. I wanna publish Islamic stories in our country as the trend of Islamic stories have reduced to a great extent in Bangladesh.

Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?

Ya Allah. That is the most difficult task. As there are so many lovelies here.fathima_1313, Niqaabi_Muttaki, Henuviya_Sheikh, aru_writes, LihaMirza, nobleshaikh, writing-with-sabr, ablaze_heart, __Miss_Fantasy__, An_estrella, su_shhii , sadaf846, RedRose_515, kithaab_lover9 Oh my Allah, there are many more I can't ignore. I love them all.

How does it feel when you get so much Support and Love from Reader's?

It feels so good I can't describe in words. I am grateful to every person who brings a silly smile on my face and make me dance like a monkey on bed. May Allah bless them all with all happiness. Even in real life, I can't deny how much supportive the people around me are. One word I can say, Alhamdullillah.

Lastly would you like to share something with your Reader's or Writer's?

Yes. I wanna say a biggest thank you to whoever shows their kindness for me and my book. I know this is just a tiny pleasure but matters to me a lot. I get excited and satisfied in very little. Apart from my craziness there is a fragile part also.I hope to make you guys feel the same I feel for you. Do not let your shine fade away for any reason.

May Allah bless you all. Ameen.

Jazakillahu khairan for having me here.❤️

Hope you had fun doing this interview with me?☺

Yes, It was great time doing this Interview.

It was fun chatting with you😚

Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation Qalb-E-Katib 💜💙

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