INTERVIEW with @Henuviya_Sheikh

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Hello peeps!🖐

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!☺

Hope you all are doing well👍

So are you all ready to meet with our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee☕ and Chat.

Interviewer: aiieeshaaadfff

And please welcome the Most Amazing and Hard Working Author Henuviya_Sheikh 🤝

So yeah let's get started😚🤞


Assalamualikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh !🤗

I'm Zehra, known by her pen name Henuviya Sheikh or Zehra, on wattpad. I'm a 17 years old tomboyish Drama Queen, who is enjoying her teenage living in the city of Lucknow with her friends and family. I'm a proud extrovert, who will eventually make you do what you can't.....I mean I'll make you laugh🙈🤭.I guess I forget to mention that this Zehra is a certified procrastinator and a well known chatterbox too.😎😂♥️

🎤What inspired you to start writing?

Though I have been always in love with the books, I never thought of writing anything. And if there's someone whom I can say has inspired me, then it's no doubt My sister, she has supported me in everything and has been there for me everytime I needed her.💚💚

🎤When did you start writing?

I started writing about 5 years ago. And It all started with a two line poem which still finds a big place in my heart.

🎤Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Maybe yes........or maybe not?! Sorry I don't know how to answer this question.😅

🎤What comes first the plot or the Characters?

Talking about the arrival of plot and characters at the junction of my imagination, I would say for me it's a ratio of 2:3. 40% it is the plot and 60% are the characters, because it is the character only whose attributes makes me drown in the ocean of thoughts for him/her, and write the story.

🎤What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

The most difficult part about writing for me is to wake up my lazy self to write. Honestly, I'm a very lazy I'm so lazy that even in exams I cut short the answers so that I don't have to waste my energy writing them and Alhumdullilah even after applying such not-so-cool tricks, I still get good grades.😅🙈😂

I know my readers will beat me after reading this but lemme tell you that I can write 4 chapters a day with word limit more than 6k, but sorry I don't write this much because I'm a big kaahil😪😂

🎤When you're writing an Emotional, Sad, Romantic scene,how did you get in the mood?

When I write an emotional or a sad scene, I just put myself in the shoes of that character and then I'm done. I'm so in my characters that they have made me cry in my dreams too, just like yesterday when my sweet baby was getting slapped............ouch!!!🥺🙊🤧

And about the romance, umm..........can we leave romance?
I think emotional and sad is enough.🙈
Ah fine🙄😂. So, whenever I write a romantic scene I always imagine myself in the scene, hiding behind a tree from where I can see the couple, in this way I save their privacy.🤷‍♀️😂♥️

🎤What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing Journey?

Most favorite part is when I see my readers enjoying the story. Trust me, it feels like I'm having biryani when I read there comments, and my least favorite part is proof reading. Can't tell you how much my myopic eyes aches because of continuously staring the screen.

🎤Did you find it more challenging to come up with your First Book?

My first is actually playing hide and seek with me, as I don't know where is that copy on whose backside I wrote its 3 long chapters. My first book is still incomplete and yet to be drafted on wattpad. But yes, It was definitely very challenging when I thought of writing its very first word, as I was planning to let someone else see what my mind thinks. It took me almost 2 weeks of research on different writing styles, how to enhance my description when I'm writing a raw, vulnerable or a jolly scene. Not to mention that I also read almost 30 novels, during that research period.

🎤How many books have you written? And which is your Favorite?

Till now I have written 6 books, out of which 'Ishq' is completed, while the rest are still on going (Including Humsafar which is getting ready for a comeback). If we are talking according to LihaMirza's theory, my favorite should be my first baby aka Humsafar, but I would say DTA is my most favorite one.😅🙈😂♥️

🎤Which of your books where most enjoyable to write?

I have enjoyed writing every single one of them as I learnt something new every time, but writing DTA was most enjoying for me, because when I see the incidents which took place in my past, now becoming a part of book(of course with a fictional touch).......It just makes me smile lunatically. Yes, about 20% of the scenes of DTA has a mention of the incidents which took place in my life, like that scene where Zehra threw stone on someone's forehead.🙈🙊👀♥️

🎤Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?

I still have to find where my first book is hiding right now( I mean I still have to write it on wattpad dude!). Because after then only I can book the tickets for its writing journey on wattpad.

🎤What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

I would say 'write what you want to read', write what makes your heart bloom with happiness. Don't stress yourself if your book is not getting fame, and never think of running after FAME! Remember this saying of mine, "Good Books Don't Ask The Eyes To Glance, They Just Make Your Heart Fall In Their Love."

🎤Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

Right Now I'm working on 'Dil-e-Ghumshuda'(or The Lost Heart) whose first look is already shared with my Dear Readers, and I'ave planned to publish its first chapter on the person's birthday whom I have dedicated that book. And Yah......! I have One Major Spoiler for you people regarding this book i.e., You should make your heart understand beforehand only to not get heartbroken when you will see Faaris who I guess will love someone else!!!🤧🤭

🎤How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

There are Infinite number of plots(Actually the Characters) who are begging me to change my lazy self and write them. But among all I'm so dying to write the story which will have my dear, Qalb-E-Katib as my protagonist.🥳💃

🎤Which was the first book you read?

Honestly I don't remember. Maybe it was Snow White or The Sleeping Beauty because it was after then that I started imagining some handsome fictional guys in my mind.

🎤What is your favorite genre to read?

Romance, Spiritual, Fantasy, Thriller and a lot more. I can even read the stories which come under the genre of horror if the story is tragic. I really love tragic stories. They make you hate and love them at the same time!

🎤Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?

Of course I read them. They are like my favorite packet of chips whose last piece is about to be eaten by other. The good ones always leave me speechless and make me smile like nothing can. And about the bad reviews, well I have not got any till yet.

🎤Who is your Favorite Author?

There are many, but if i talk about the most favorite Writers whose books I can read daily and for infinite number of times then it will be OwnerOfTajMahal, Shiba_Sakeen, makeitmatter, Ufaq_I, su_shhii and the one whose work almost got me beaten by my mother one day aka Hafsa_tahir, with one of her character, Zalaan Shah (Ps. right now his dialogue is dancing on my lips). And my favorite poets here are kaNisar, aniaaahehe and _arshi___. I can assure you that you are gonna find yourself smiling after reading their poems

Apart from wattpad, there are many writers whose works are just WOW, like Jk Rowling, John Green, Jeffery Archer, O'Henry, Veronica Roth.

🎤Which book is currently on your bedside table?

The book which is right now eyeing my with angry and kinda hurt gaze is, ISC Physics for class 12. _Mostly_sane knows why my hus-, I mean why my book is angry with me.👉👈🙈

🎤Do you have any writing goal in General or just Wattpad?

For now Wattpad is enough for me. But who except Allah knows what future holds, maybe with His mercy I'll become a well known author someday.

🎤Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?

I don't have friends on wattpad, and whom I have here.....I call them my family. And about naming them......Sorry I can't, because I fear that if I forgot to someone, they will get hurt which I can never afford at any cost. Every Single Person in the follower/following counts in my Family...🥺♥️

(Ps. I know I'll have to book a whole city if I ever thought of a wedding at my place....after all my whole family will be invited.😂♥️)

🎤How does it feel when you get so much Support and Love from Reader's?

I wish I could tell you in words how much my readers support means to me. My readers just make me cry in happiness, as they let me think that Yes.....even I can be someone who makes others smile. Thank you so much Jaanies.

🎤Lastly would you like to share something with your reader's or writer's?

To readers, I Love you. Not just by words, but with my heart. JazakAllah Khair to everyone of you who supported me not just by reading my works, but also by advising me when I used to panic. May Allah let me meet you all some day...Ameen.

And to my dear writers, I just want to say one thing to you(its actually for every human out there who had felt her rope of hope slipping from their hands),

Koi agar Ek khwaab todey tumhara,
toh tum Sau Khwaab Sajaa lo.
Kyuki Woh Khwaab hai Yaaron,
Jinkon dekhne ke liye tumhara mashoor honna zaroori nahi.
Aur kon kehta hai Khwaab sirf Maqboolon ke poorey hotey hai,
Jub Mujh jaise Jhalley log aapke Saamne Muskuratey hue Maujood hai


Stay Blessed, and Be kind to yourself.

🎤Hope u have a fun doing this Interview with me?

Yes I did enjoyed spending time here, and I'm really grateful to my beautiful interviewer who thought that a crazy mind like me deserves to be interviewed....hehe!🤭♥️

(Hahahaha Thank you🌻)

It was fun chatting with you😚

Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation Henuviya_Sheikh 💜💙

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