The Light of Day

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The clothes suited him, but he still didn't seem to like them. Dark jeans showed off his slim yet muscular legs, while his short sleeved t-shirt outlined his chest nicely. He quickly grabbed the hoodie Larry had gotten him, and slipped it on somewhat ungracefully.

"Well, you look like quite the specimen. You'll blend in nicely," I said, looking on in appreciation. Seeing him in the sunlight was fun, and not just because of his reaction. The black of his hair was overridden by the colours reflected by the sun; blues and greens, with some purple. Almost believed then that he really was descended of the gods.

"I don't know. Clothing is very different than now than it was when I was alive." Ahk studied himself in the mirror, still unsure. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He blushed, looking down and busying himself with figuring out the zipper of his hoodie. I nestled my head into his back, breathing in the scent of him that was already clinging to the fabric.

"What do you want to do today, Ahk?" I asked, knowing that we wouldn't be able to do everything he wanted to, but perhaps by the time I went back to school we could cut down the list by quite a bit.

"Everything! I think we should just start walking and see what happens first," he smiled, his straight, white teeth bringing a smile to my face.

"Sounds great. We should head over to my place first, I need to change my clothes." I took his head, leading him to the door. He walked a little awkwardly in socks and shoes, but he'd be okay by the end of the day.


The sun was about to rise as Ahk said goodbye to the Museum for the day. Jed and Octavius both shook his hand and wished him luck; he was to tell everyone about the day when he came back that night. Larry and I watched from by the door, ready to walk out with Ahk when the sun rose.

"You think he'll be okay in this time period? It's so different than his."

Larry turned to me, a smile on his face. "As long as he's with one of us, he'll be fine. One day, he might even be able to function normally. But he needs to be able to make that decision on his own. He'll live with me for a while, but when he feels that he's ready, he can move in with you. Does that sound fair?"

"Yeah, it does. Thanks, Larry."

"I'm still mad at you, don't get me wrong. I think you've made a huge mistake," He waved at Jed as they walked towards the Hall of Miniatures. Ahk began talking to Teddy as he climbed onto Texas. My skin shivered; Larry was fatherly and that was nice, but not all the time. Guilt rose up in my chest, making me once again regret something that I had no power to change. The Tablet chose me, for whatever reason, and I had to live with the consequences.

"Ahk, you ready to go?" Larry called, motioning to his watch. Ahk nodded, waving to Teddy as he walked over to us.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the doors open and walked out the moment the sun rose over top of the skyscrapers. Larry and I followed him, but had to inch around to see his face. He looked stunned, staring at the sun like a long-lost friend. And his face was beautiful. The sun struck his cheekbones in precisely the way that they should, and lit up his eyes to show every sliver of colour residing in them.

Ahk's face quickly broke into a wide grin, and he ran at me, picking me up and spinning me around, faster than Jed had. When he put me down, his lips met mine in a harsh, claiming kiss. I think he was saying thank you, but I was lost as my thoughts scattered. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his pressed my body to his. I was about to slip my tongue into his mouth when Larry cleared his throat, loudly.

I pulled away, both of us breathing hard. "You should be looking at the sunrise, not me, silly," I said, pulling away and taking his hand to lead him down the street.

"Being with you is better than experiencing every sunrise I have missed," he said, the cheese dripping off his compliment and making me blush hotly.

My apartment was clean, but I still felt horribly self-conscious of it when Ahk walked in and began looking around. I had some pictures of my family up, but mostly the shelves and counter and every other available surface were covered in tall, wobbling piles of books.

"Sorry for the mess, but I have too many books than I know what to do with," I gestured around as he nodded.

"So it would seem. I'd like to take a look around, if you don't mind?"

"Of course! I'll just be in my room changing, knock if you need anything." I disappeared into my room, closing my door behind me. I chose to wear light blue jeans and a green tank top, and grabbing a hoodie myself. I didn't put it on, but I knew I would want it when we were walking around.

I stood and watched him for a minute before announcing that I was back. He was bent over a book, studying the words with a newfound intensity. It was hot, and it made me long for afternoons with him, reading and lounging about. Just spending time with him, to be honest. And now I could.

"Hey, Ahk."

He started, but relaxed and smiled when he saw me. "Yes, Firea?"

"You ready to see New York?"

"Yes. But I may want to borrow this book."

I glanced at the title. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. "Of course. You'll love it, I promise."

As we explored New York, we laughed and talked, seeing most of the actual city. Ahkmenrah spoke about everything, pointing out things that seem so natural to me that I wouldn't have noticed them. For the brief hours that we spent, I saw the city through the eyes of another; wondrous, dirty, but an adventure waiting to happen around every corner. It was truly astounding.

We ended up back at the Museum, our bellies full of hot dogs and pizza. Sitting on the steps, we watched as the sun made its way towards the buildings.

"I would love to spend the night with you, Firea. I know that Larry would not let us, though." I leaned my head on his shoulder, allowing his arm to slip around my waist.

"We should take it slowly, Ahk. Larry is only helping with that. Besides, he said that when we're ready, you can maybe move in with me," I glanced up to see his smile.

"Well, he better not become too protective over either of us. I am a Pharaoh, after all, and he is but a Guardian of Brooklyn. What could he possibly do to stop me?"

I thought about it. Ahkmenrah could probably be quite scary when he switched into the mindset of a Pharaoh, and I had no idea how Larry would react to that.

"We'll just have to see how things play out, eh? It'll be fun," I kissed him briefly, but he pulled me closer for a longer kiss.

"Yes, it will be," he said seductively as he moved away, leaving me breathless.

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