Bad Luck

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"Larry, nothing could stop me from trying. The Tablet gave me this gift for a reason, and I intend to figure out why," I huffed, resting back in my chair. The café was warm, but the words passing between myself and the night guard were heated by emotions rather than a comforting atmosphere.

"You need to realise what we're dealing with here. The Tablet is giving you powers, maybe even trying to control you. How could something like that be good for anyone?" Larry took a gulp of coffee, shaking his head. "For Ahkmenrah's sake, don't get your hopes up. You have a chance at a future with any man in this world. Ahk can't live with anyone because he can't leave the Museum. And a family is something he'll never be able to have. So if you do love him, please don't use your powers again."

I crossed my arms, thinking hard about Larry's words. He was right, but I wanted him to be anything but. I raised my tea to my lips, wondering how Ahkmenrah would have reacted if my powers had worked.

"I'm sorry, but I had to try. I feel like he's been abandoned by everyone, and I don't understand why. But I won't Larry; using my powers again would be like teasing him. Plus, I doubt Jed and Octavius are able to grow again without my help. It's probably only temporary." Larry nodded.

After finishing our drinks with polite conversation, he led the way down the street to the Museum. It was already getting dark, and I wanted to apologize to Ahkmenrah.

"Are you absolutely sure that you won't use your powers again? DO you promise?"

"Yes! Now let's go already," I huffed, motioning him inside.


The Museum emptied fast, and grew dark before Larry and I had the chance to turn on all the lights. Teddy was already sitting with Sacagawea, waiting for us to finish with the chore.

Just as we finished, Jed strode into the room, not looking very miniature. Octavius came behind him, looking less full of himself and more dignified.

"Howdy, Firea. Fancy this: We're tall again! All thanks to you and Ahk's Tablet!" He scooped me up into a giant hug, lifting me off the floor. Octavius gave me a kind smile, but didn't make any move towards me other than a small wave.

"I'm glad. Speaking of Ahk," I glanced around. Jed quickly took my arm and dragged me towards Larry. The startled night guard was then grabbed in a similar fashion and we were both taken to the men's washroom. Throwing us inside, the cowboy soon followed.

"What the hell, Jed? I'm pretty sure that was unnecessary." I was about to rip a strip of him when he roughly placed a hand over my mouth.

"Would you stop and listen to me for a second? Something's wrong with Pharaoh-Man up there! He's been awake all day!"

Silence fell like a thick woolen blanket; not that I could say much, anyways. Larry stuttered for a moment before regaining his voice.

"Do you mean that Firea's magic worked on him? Like, it actually worked?"

"Yeah, that's what I mean. You need to take him home tonight, Gigantor, or he won't be able to hide from everyone again tomorrow. It was difficult as it was, with all of us being unable to do anything but listen to him run and watch him avoid the crowds. You two have to do something, or this is gonna go really badly," Jed released me, and left us.

Larry turned to me, looking exactly how I pictured a murderer would.

"It wasn't my fault! How the hell was I supposed to know that it would work?"

"You could have no done it; how about that? Would it have been so hard to leave it alone? Now I have an Ancient Egyptian King to watch over, during the day!"

Larry stormed out of the washroom, but I followed close behind.

"I could do it you know; I'm not an idiot, and I would be totally fine with him staying with me. After all, that is the reason I used my powers on him."

"No. He needs his own room, and I still have Nicky's. You don't have an extra room, do you?"

I stayed silent, but Larry had already realised his victory. "I'll take him during the evenings and nights, but he can spend the days with you if he wants."

I fist-pumped the air. "Yes!"


"Larry, I'm really not sure about this. I don't know what life is like in this century. What if society rejects me?" Ahkmenrah was puzzled, but I rubbed his shoulder.

"You'll get used to it; and you can spend the days with Firea, if you want. I won't be able to take you anywhere, but she can show you around the city. And no, you will not be leaving the city," Larry gave me a stern look. "Are you okay with that?"

For a moment, Ahkmenrah was silent, pondering. The profile of his face was angled perfectly; not too sharp, but not soft. His jaw cut through the air in a proud way, leading the way for the rest of his kingly demeanour.

"I'll do it, Larry." He glanced at me, his eyes showing a mix of fear and relief. "It isn't like I have a choice, with all the people around."

"All right. I'll just head out and grab some clothes for you; there's no way you're wearing those in the 21st century."

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