My New Job

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"All right," I said, sitting down heavily next to Larry on the couch. "Ahk and I are going to be night guards, just like you."

Larry started, looking at me strangely. "Are you sure you want to? You'll have to go back to college and then you won't ever get to sleep, or get anything done. Have you thought this through?"

"Yes, Larry, we have," Ahk walked up, smiling down at me lovingly. It had been a couple of days now, and Ahk had convinced Larry to let him move in with me. We were trying it tonight for the first time, and he was excited. We had explored lots of the city, and I had seen some new places too.

"Fine then. But you both need to hand in resumes, and I will have to hold proper interviews. I want this to happen normally, or Dr. McPhee won't be happy," Larry stood up, shaking his head and leaving us. The sun was almost rising, and Ahk was still wearing his new clothes. He was convinced that he would have to get used to them, so he hadn't worn his ceremonial robes since his first sunrise.

"Well, we may as well start saying goodbye and getting home. We'll make you a resume and drop it off with mine during the day. Then we can stay home and watch some chick flicks," I smiled at him, earning from him a kiss to the top of my head.

"That sounds lovely, Firea." Ahkmenrah took my hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow, leading me out of the Museum and to our shared apartment, stopping only for quick goodbyes.


"I have no experience, Firea! Not unless you let me put down "Fourth King of the Fourth King" and "Pharaoh of Egypt". But no one will believe me," he slumped into the chair beside mine, defeated. I giggled at him.

"How old are you, Ahk?"

He looked at me, startled. "What?"

"Your age, silly."

"Seventeen, I think. Why?" A curious aura came over him.

"Most seventeen-year-olds haven't ever had a job before. So they don't have any experience as it is. You'll be fine." I smiled at him, hoping to reassure him at least a little. "All right, skills are next. What kind of skills do you have?"

At this he sat up, knowing the answer. "I can read in English and Egyptian. And write in them, too," he leaned forward, watching my fingers fly across the keyboard as he spoke. "I am very willing to learn and can learn fast."

"All right, I think we're done then." I clicked "Print", and sent it off. My resume sat beside me on the desk, already finished and ready to hand out. I had been searching for a job, as my savings couldn't keep me going forever, and had already handed out quite the pile. But, evidently, to no avail.

"At least I know that I have a good chance of getting this job," I muttered to myself, drawing Ahk's attention.


"Nothing, Ahk. Talking out loud." I glanced around the apartment. "So, what movie do you want to see first?"


James had arrived from Scotland the day before classes started, texting me that he wanted to see me on another date. I had the horrible job of telling him that I was seeing someone; someone that was thinking about applying to the University. Ahkmenrah had come a long way from stepping out of the Museum and into the sunlight, even going as far as to move in with me. Larry hated it, acting very much like the older brother I never had. But for the first time in a long time, life might actually be working for me. The only challenge now...get through a night with Ahkmenrah in my bed. 

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