The Tablet's Abilities

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"There isn't anything," I yelled in frustration, throwing down the stack of papers in my hand. I had raided the archives underneath the Museum, looking for anything related to the Tablet making people glow.

"We just have to keep looking," Larry said, trying to calm me down. It wasn't working, but I appreciated the attempt.

"We've looked everywhere. And besides, it's getting late," I glanced at my watch, stretching for effect. Larry shook his head, but stood too, motioning to the lady who worked in the archive that we were done with the material. She began to file it all back, and waved off our attempts to help her.

"Go be night guards. I'll finish this up and head home."

The Museum was silent. Larry and I began shooing the last few stragglers out and getting ready for everyone to wake up. I tried to calm myself down, but it was getting to be too much; the Tablet was affecting even my emotional state.

After I had passed out, Ahkmenrah had gotten Larry and together they helped me out of the exhibit. When I awoke, they told me what had happened. Ahk was scared, no doubt; it was his Tablet that had hurt me. But Larry and I were determined to figure it out. All day, we sat down in the archives, searching for a meaning to the events that had conspired yesterday night. All we found was that it had "mysterious, unknown powers". I had no idea what that weird artifact was doing to my body.

"That's it; the last person has been evacuated. It's almost time; I've got to go get Jed and Octavius. Why don't you head up to Egypt? I'm sure Ahk will be worried about you." Larry set off in the direction of the two miniature heroes.

"Maybe I will," I said to the empty space he left behind. I felt a little worried myself, especially because of Ahk. I just hoped he wouldn't shove me away.

"Is there a reason you're standing there, Firea?" Teddy rode up behind me, leaning down slightly to talk. I sighed.

"Not really, Teddy. I'm just feeling a little scared is all," I answered, turning to face him. He smiled grimly.

"I heard about what happened; we all did. I have no idea what to think. The Tablet has never done this before now, and I've no idea why." He shook his head. "I hope it's for the best. I can't imagine something that brings so much life could cause any amount of harm."

"Me neither, but you never know. I just know that Ahk is going to blame himself," I said, closing my eyes and opening them to see Teddy's reassuring smile.

"Ah, don't worry. He'll understand that it isn't his fault eventually. Besides, I know that he has strong feelings for you; and you for him. Just be careful: if you find you love him right away, it could be some kind of trick. He hasn't seen a woman as beautiful as you in a long time."

"Are you saying she's more beautiful than I?" Sacagawea walked towards us, raising an eyebrow. Teddy winked at me.

"Nay, my love, you are truly the most beautiful woman here in my eyes. I was talking about someone else's eyes."

"Oh, the young King's, I presume?" She swung up behind Teddy, wrapping her arms around him lovingly.

I blushed. "Yeah, Ahkmenrah's eyes. I think I'm falling in love with him, but this thing with the Tablet serious. I don't know what it'll mean for any of us."

"We'll figure it out when we get there, all right? For now, just enjoy being with him." Sacagawea smiled, and I could see her wisdom though she seemed so young.

"Alright. I'm going to head up to see Ahk; we'll talk later tonight about everything. I think Larry is going to call a big meeting."

Egypt was dark when I arrived. Ahkmenrah hadn't yet turned on the overhead lights, but there was one that was on. At the end of the exhibit, I could see the Tablet glowing as it brought the Museum to life. And framed below in the dim light was Ahkmenrah, on his knees with his head bent low.

"Ahk? Are you alright?" I approached slowly, not wanting to startle him. He nodded, but didn't rise. I knelt beside him and took his hand. He jerked away, but I held firm.

"I'm not letting go; not until you tell me why you're being like this," I stated, settling down to stay for a while. Slowly, his head rose and he looked at me with tear-filled eyes.

"I didn't want to hurt you like that; I know it wasn't my fault, but I feel like I have to take responsibility for it. Please forgive me," Ahk choked out, a tear escaping down his cheek. I wiped it away to plant a kiss in its place.

"I forgive you. It wasn't your fault whatsoever. The Tablet was just acting up. I'll be fine now. Besides, Larry is calling a meeting to talk about it: and make sure that everything is going smoothly. We should head down soon," I rested my head on his shoulder, not wanting to leave the exhibit. Ahk stroked my hair, soothing me into sleep. I had forgotten all about sleeping that day; I was too hyped up on adrenaline to even take a moment.

"Fine. Let's go down," Ahk eased me up and led us down, not letting my hand leave his.


"Firea and I were unable to find out any information on the Tablet, other than a bunch of Egyptologists telling us how mysterious it is. Ahkmenrah, do you think you can tell us anything about the Tablet giving people tattoos?"

"Larry, my father didn't tell me very much about the Tablet. He wanted to wait until I was ready, but I was killed before that happened. I can tell you that this hasn't happened before to my knowledge."

I stepped forward, my mind racing to a new conclusion. "Wait. The Tablet has powers, right? And it transferred it's markings to my arms last night. Do you think it could have transferred any powers to me as well?"

Stunned silence followed my inquisition. Larry looked like I was the new Einstein, and Ahk looked horrified. Teddy, on the other hand, looked apprehensive.

"Perhaps, my dear, you do have powers. But what would they be? Even we don't know what the Tablet can do."

"I know, but what if? I might be able to bring you guys to life in the daytime, or even permanently. Or..." I thought hard, trying to come up with something plausible. "Make Jed and Octavius human-sized!"

The two tiny friends looked overjoyed. Good, I thought. I've won them over; now for Ahkmenrah.

"Just think about it, Ahk." I approached him, taking his hands and smiling as I spoke. "We could be together. Truly together, and you could live with me, outside of the Museum, if you wanted."

His face remained a mask. "I want to know if you do have powers, then. Before I start to hope," he said, a pained look crossing his beautiful features.

"Alright." I walked towards Jedidiah, motioning for him and his buddy to stand on the floor in front of me.

"Everyone, backup. I don't want this to affect anyone else." I stared at the two little men, concentrating on them. I imagined what they would look like my size, walking around by themselves, without help to keep up. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. When I opened them, a strange sight greeted me.

They were big. Jedidiah and Octavius were life-sized. Completely life-sized! I had done it, beyond all my hope. Perhaps I can make Ahk a real man, I thought hopefully.

Jedidiah looked thrilled, to say the least. He was about six foot, which was taller than me by a head, and Octavius was about the same. The Roman hugged me, lifting me off my feet while thanking me nonstop. The cowboy, on the other hand, looked like he was over the moon. He walked up to me in two strides, gripped my shoulders, and pressed his lips to mine.

The kiss was short and sweet, and I knew it was meant as a 'thank you', but Ahk looked furious. I wanted to reassure him, but I knew it would be futile. Men will be men, as my mother always said.

"I can't believe that actually worked," Larry said, disbelief in his tone. "Maybe Ahk can be with you."

That made the colour rising to Ahk's face halt. He whipped his gaze from Jed to me, and strode forward.

"You can't keep doing this. It could hurt you," he whispered, gripping my arm gently.

"Not if I can bring you to life. I'm going to try no matter what, you know," I shook him loose, and began to concentrate just as I had with the other two. I saw Ahk and myself at my apartment, eating dinner together at the table every night; I saw us lying in bed together, sleeping (among other things) every night; and I saw our wedding. It could be whatever we wanted, big or small, just as long as we were together. I believed those pictures in my head. I saw them coming true.

The disappointment must have shown when I opened my eyes. Nothing had changed. Ahk was still Ahk, and my heart was cracking, threatening to shatter. He gathered me in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Firea...just promise to be careful with this, alright? I can't be with you. Apparently we aren't allowed."

"I know. I'll be careful. It was worth a try," I joked, pulling back. I made up an excuse to leave then, something about more sleep, and left the Museum to go to sleep however it decided to.

When I got home, I wept silently. I wanted to be with Ahk more than anything, but evidently it wasn't meant to be.

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