Ch 28 [A Toast]

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[Art is not mine]

Satsuki's P.O.V

Tomorrow is the last day's of my mother's reign over Honnoji, we already had a plan for our rebellion against her but the only thing we can do is hope that it goes off without a problem, i had the sewing club leader Shiro Lori make new three star uniform's for the elite four knowing that some of there uniform's were destroyed durring the election.

Gamagori:"Lady Satsuki, what is our first course of action."

Satsuki:"You four go to your room's and retrive your mark two uniform's, after that meet me in the council room."

All:"Yes lady Satsuki."

They left for there room's so they could get there mark two uniform's as ordered, once they did they came to the council room where we discused our plan of action.

Nonon:"We're here lady Satsuki, what's the next part of our plan?"

Satsuki:"We wait for tomorrow, at sunrise by the time the student's arrive Ragyo will be here, once the rest of the member's of our rebellion arrive then we attack."

Uzu:"Sound's simple enough, but as we've experienced thing's don't always go according to plan."

Hoka:"Now Sanageyama, i'm sure lady Satsuki is prepared for something like that to happen."

Satsuki:"Indeed, i am prepared for the worst but we can only hope for the best, and if all else fail's we back up and regroup, we are not going to back down and let her win."

Gamagori:"We are prepared to battle until the last man.

Satsuki:"Good, but if all else goes sideway's at the very least get that amulet from around Tanjiro's neck."


Nonon:"What's it for? You wouldn't just try to take some plain peice of jewelry if it didn't have something to it."

Satsuki:"From what i've been told by Y/N that amulet is a key component to opening the hell gate that rest beneath this school, if we get that in our possession we can prevent it from being opened."

Uzu:"And if they can't open the hell gate there plan fall's appart, almost to a point where they can't come back."

Gamagori:"We will ensure that amulet does not reach the gate lady Satsuki."

Satsuki:"Good, now-

-A toast, to the rebellion."

All:"To the rebellion."

All of us sat in our seat's and drank our tea, while we drank i began to think about the Kiryuin name.

Satsuki:(If i could find a sutible husband i may just be able to rid myself of the Kiryuin name, even though the blood will forever be in my vein's and the name will be in my past i will now longer be know as Satsuki Kiryuin, i may end up with a different last name, it may take some time to find a sutible husband but i am willing to wait as long as it need's.)

Even though i wanted to eventually get married i have zero skill in relationship's especally romantic, i might have to swallow my pride and ask that girl that wear's a lot of red for advise if nothing else.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

|Here we go again, double upload|

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