Ch 27 [The Feikā]

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[Art is not mine]

Tanjiro's P.O.V

It is almost time, my plan is going off without a hitch and they're none the wiser, for all of Ragyo's attention to detail she never thought i'd really be working behind her back. My intention is to get ahold of my brother's sword so that i can destroy the hell gate and the original life-fiber myself, for all of the strength my brother has he hasn't truely accepted it and i don't think he ever will so my plan goes as follow's.

When Ragyo order's the attack on Honnoji i will confront my brother and engage him in combat, once he's defeated i will take his blade and absorb it's power and use it to eliminate the hell gate and the original life-fiber, once my plan is successful i will use our mother's amulet to seal Ragyo, Nui, Rei, and myself in the underworld permanantly.


Tanjiro:(Damn, that woman is starting to become a bigger problem then i planned for.):"Yes my dear?"

Nui:"Do i get a kiss?"

Tanjiro:"Of course my dear."

Due to the fact that me and my brother are over six feet tall i had to kneal down to kiss her, everytime we did kiss i felt sick to my stomach hell the first time we kissed i almost threw up but i had to play the part if i want my plan to go off without a hitch.


-I love you sweetie!"

Tanjiro:"And i you, my dear.":(Our "Love" is built on lie's, she's just too foolish to see it as i expected.)

????:"My loyal follower's-

-The day of our conquest draw's closer, soon we will show the world the true power of the life-fiber's."

Ragyo as expected is too blinded to see that i have no plan on sticking with her, i can imagien the look on her face once the four of us are locked away in the underworld, that will be the text book definition of a rude awakening.

Tanjiro:(Soon brother, we shall duel and your power will be mine, once that happen's you'll be able to live the peaceful life you've always wanted.)



Rei:"Don't think you can go against lady Ragyo's wishes without consiquences."

Tanjiro:(Shit, is she on to me?):"What are you talking about foolish one?"

Rei:"You must be planning to unleash the original life-fiber and open the hell gate yourself, don't you!?"

I looked Rei dead in the eye's with a dead serious look and spoke to her.

Tanjiro:"The only reason i'm here is to finish off my brother, once that is complete i will be headed to the underworld to finish my mission."

Rei:"Y-You don't mean that, right?"

Tanjiro:"To me my sword-

-Once i become king of the underworld you will take me seriously then, won't you?"

Rei:"What about your "Love" for Nui? Didn't you say you wanted to spend the rest of your life with her?"

Tanjiro:"Once i become king of the underworld, then i will go through with that promess, do you understand me?"

Rei:"Y-Yes sir, i'll be on my way."

After Rei left i let out a sigh of relief, she had no idea what my real plan was and thankfully i was good at lying through my teeth especally about my true intention's.

Tanjiro:"Soon brother, soon."

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

|My sister is the one that named the chapter|

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