Ch 29 [I Declare Rebellion]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

Today is the day, the day of the rebellion against Ragyo they psychopathic moron who want's to open the hell gate and unleash the demon's on Honno city, we won't let that happen, we're currently waiting for lady Satsuki to give the sign.

Ragyo:"Hello my student's, today ypu revel in the greatness that is-gah!"

Y/N:(Yes, almost time!)


Satsuki:"As of this moment, Satsuki Kiryuin and Honnoji academy are in rebellion against you!"

Ragyo:"You're trying to take the throne from me?"

Satsuki:"No, i'm not!-

-People do not live for the sake of clothing! I, Satsuki Kiryuin, am rising up to overthrow Life-Fiber's!-

-Honnoji academy is the fortress i created in order to defeat you! Remember that Ragyo Kiryuin!"

Mako:"Alright, let's go!"

Dina:"You heard her, let's kick some ass!"

Nui and Tanjiro jumped in to fight us off, i was going to face my brother alone and i was going to get that amulet even if it kill's me.

Tanjiro:"You wish to face me again brother?"

Y/N:"Yes i do, only this time i know that you have something i want."

Tanjiro:"Heh, our mother's amulet?"

Y/N:"MY mother's amulet, you have no right to call her mother and you have no right to call me your brother, from this day forward i've disowned you perminantly."

Tanjiro:"If that was ment to make me upset it is not going to work. If you want this amulet-

-You'll have to take it by force."

Y/N:"And i'm fully prepared to do so. What do you say to round three-


Tanjiro:"I was worried you'd never ask."

We charged at one and other with our blade's drawn and ready for battle but even with all of his power he is still limited to his own energy, if i can outlast him i can get my mother's amulet back.

Tanjiro:"You're stronger than last time brother, what is so different now?"

Y/N:"I'm done giving you the family excuse, today-

-I intend to kill you."

Tanjiro:"Then give me all you have! Don't hold back!"

Even though the both of us were using our Sin Devil Trigger's we ended up exiting the form's for increased speed.

Y/N:"You killed an innocent woman for this!?"

Tanjiro:"That woman, mean's nothing to me."

Y/N:"What do you even want to accomplish with that amulet!?"

Tanjiro:"My goal's are beyond your understanding, brother."

Y/N:"Beyond my understanding!?-

-What i understand is that you were a sorry excuse for a son! What child would willingly kill there own mother who did nothing but love them!?"

Tanjiro:"It was all done, to bring myself closer to my goal, you wouldn't understand."

I was beyond pissed, i at the very least hoped to hear some level of remorse even if it was just a little in his voice but now i know that a heartless monster will never have any remorse for there own action's. I pulled back my sword and thrusted it forward and threw him against a wall, as he was recovering i lunged forward and burried my blade into his chest, i could hear the sound of his ribcage breaking as i forced my sword deeper into his chest.

Tanjiro:(No no no no! I can't die here, not when i'm so close to my goal! I'll have to use this old trick again then.)

Suddenly he teliported away and took my sword with him, but he wasn't able to fight anymore. That wound was too deep for those Life-Fiber's to fix, he would have to use is own power to heal himself.

With him retreating i decided to aid the rest of them with the King Cerberus' devil arm, Nui and Ragyo were the only one's left alive at the moment and i had full trust that lady Satsuki could beat Ragyo. Boy was i in for a shock.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

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