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Keiko blinked as Mashiro and Daisuke, "What?" she asked.

Daisuke adjusted his glasses, "We're moving dear. To England."

Keiko's eyes widened, "England? B-But that's so far away. Why so far?" she asked, hoping her parents might be joking.

Mashiro grabbed her daughter's hand, "Well... you know how granny and grandpa moved there a few months ago? Your father and I have spoken about this, and we want to move there also. The company your father works at is global, we don't need to be financially worried about anything. He can still work fine."

"But-" Keiko started, "Our life has been in Japan. What about my friends, I can't leave them." she said quickly, 'I can't leave Saiki or anyone else.'

"I'm sorry, Keiko." Daisuke said, "It was a hard decision but we think it's best for our family. Anyway, where we want to move to England is a beautiful place, it's called Knaresborough. It's in the North of England."

"I-I don't know what to say." Keiko said.

"I'm sorry it's been thrown on to you all of a sudden, dear. We weren't really sure how to tell you." Mashiro told her, "I'm sorry that we have to take you out of PK Acadamy, but we can find a lovely school in England. I believe they also have their students wear uniforms. Think about it Keiko, it will be a fresh start for us." she smiled.

"Please excuse me." Keiko said, shuffling up and running out the room to her own.


Keiko had not said a word in school for the entire day, and no one knew what was wrong with her, even Saiki, conveniently he wanted to wear his ring where he couldn't hear peoples thoughts, he was in a grouchy mood because he had to hear a disturbing thought from a random stranger so he rushed back to his house to retrieve his ring, it was just for one day.

He seemed to notice Keiko's slightly off behaviour, maybe she was having a bad day too. He was confused when she told the friend group she needed to tell them something. They all stood back at the end of the class now looking her way.

Keiko kept fiddling with her uniform sleeves, she looked up at the friends she had made over the years, Kaidou, she remembered buying the cape for Christmas, he was so happy about it. Nendou, he was a good friend, she always found the nickname greeny sweet. Aren, he had become a best friend ever since he transferred. Yumehara, they had gotten closer, she enjoyed the girl reading her romance novels to her. Chisato, she was always really supportive. Teruhashi, there was a point Keiko wasn't too fond of her, but she didn't mind her really. Mikoto, she may not have known the girl for long but Keiko was 100% the two could've become best friends. Kinekshi, he was a good motivator, always wanting to do something.

And finally, Saiki...

Keiko wasn't sure where to start, she never thought she would ever fall in love with someone like him. From the time she had gotten to know him, Keiko realised she had been oblivious this entire time, a part of her had always loved him but she didn't want to admit it, she wasn't sure why. Maybe it was likely that Saiki didn't share the same feelings, he was reserved and didn't seem like that kind of person. He was the main reason she didn't want to leave, she was unsure what to do without him. She would be 12 hours away with a 9 hour time difference.

She didn't realise her eyes were starting to water.

"Hey, Keiko. What's wrong?" Aren asked in a comforting tone.

"Huh?" she asked, suddenly wiping her eyes.

"You good, Keiki?" Mikoto asked, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I-" she started, the group watched in concern as her lips started to quiver.

Mikoto and Chisato instantly went up to her, holding the girl in reassurance. Kaidou then placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, you don't have to tell is if you're not comfortable with it." he said, smiling.

Keiko sucked in her lips and looked down, "No, I have to tell you all." she said quietly, "I'm moving." she said.

Nendou let out an awkward chuckle, "What's wrong with moving? You'll still be close by, right?" he asked.

Keiko looked up at them sadly and shook her head, "No... I'm leaving the country."

"What?!" they all asked at the same time, Saiki stood frozen, unsure of how to take the news of Keiko leaving him them.

"You're leaving the country?" Chisato asked, looking shocked.

"What country are you moving too?" Yumehara asked quickly.

Kinekshi pulled them back, "Don't overwhelm her you guys." he said sternly.

"I'm moving to England."

Teruhashi placed a hand on her chest, "But that's so far away."

Mikoto stood in front of her, "When are you supposed to be leaving?" she asked, frowning.

Keiko's lips quivered again, "In about two weeks."

"Two weeks!?" Aren asked, "But that's too soon!"

"I'm sorry..." Keiko said, "I don't want to go, but my parents want to move..." she crossed her arms and turned away.

"But, what are we going to do without you?" Kaidou asked, his face looking glum.

"I'm sorry..." she repeated, Keiko had no idea what to say. It was all so last minute that she herself couldn't have time to think about what she would do without her friends. The tears welled up in her eyes and she placed a hand over her mouth, "Excuse me..." she said before rushing past the group and out of the classroom.

The group stood in silence, unsure what to say at the news Keiko dropped on them. Mikoto shook her head and turned to Saiki, "You." she snapped her fingers, "Outside, I need to speak to you."

Mikoto had dragged Saiki out of the classroom, "What are we going to do?" she asked.

"What do you mean what are we going to do?"

"What-What do you mean? What do you mean?! I mean, what are we going to do with getting Keiko and you together-"

"I never agreed on this."

"Oh come on! It's clearly obvious she loves you back!" she then suddenly whispered in case of any incoming people, "For someone who is psychic, you're an idiot. You need to speak to her before it's too late."

"Why? She's moving to a different country." he argued back.

"Don't you want to tell her? Especially when there's a chance you may never see her again." she could see the look on Saiki's face, this was the first time he looked like he was going to cry, "Tell her, before you regret it." she said.

Saiki blinked and sucked in his lips, "I don't know how to tell her."

"Just tell her straight up, it will be better to get it off your chest if you tell her."

He huffed, "Fine."

Saiki then used Clairvoyance to track Keiko down, it seemed that she had already run out of the school on was running home, the problem was, she was running through a busy street, it would be impossible for him to teleport without being noticed.

He held in a breath and turned to Mikoto, "She's run out of the school, I'm running after her." he declared.

"What?! Why can't you just teleport?"

"It's too busy where she's running, if I run fast enough using a small push of my powers, I'll be able to catch up with her, Keiko's not much of a fast runner."

Mikoto then patted his back, "Well then. Run after her, lover boy!" Saiki nodded and suddenly dashed past her. Mikoto smirked and ran into the classroom, "Guys! Saiki's running after Keiko to confess his love for her!" she jumped excitedly.

Everyone's jaws dropped and they rushed to the window, they all stood patiently waiting to see Saiki, not a moment after they saw him run down the entrance steps and zoom out through the gates. As he ran, the group cheered for him except for a blue-haired girl.

She watched sadly as the boy ran to his lover, she bit her lip then pulled a soft smile, 'I think I also knew that he had loved Keiko. They deserve to be together.' she watched his figure leave "Go win her heart, Saiki!" she cheered with the rest of the group.

Saiki ran fast, other people who were walking stopped to look at the boy who was running at an incredible speed. He did have to push past a lot of people but he knew he was catching up with Keiko quickly, he would make it to her in exactly two minutes, she was running out of breath from running.

Keiko started to slow down when she came to an empty park, she stopped and placed her hand on her knees, breathing heavily, she thought she was a coward for running away from her friends, how was she going to face them at school now? She should be there spending time with them instead of running away from her problems.

She was so out of breath she didn't notice the rapid footsteps behind her abruptly stopping, Saiki stood there and stared at her out of breath figure, he sucked in his lips, he was scared to speak to her, it was the fear of rejecting, he couldn't bear to read her thoughts, so he kept the ring on.

"Keiko." Keiko felt shivers down her spine when she heard a familiar voice but it sounded so real, she jumped back when she saw Saiki standing there.

"How the hell did you catch up with me so quickly?!" she frantically asked.

"I need to speak to you." he said, his lips moving, this was coming from his heart. Why would he speak to her in her thoughts.

"If it's about moving, I'm sorry I ran away. It's because you all looked so disappointed in me." she said quickly, looking down in embarrassment.

"I'm not here to speak to you about running away, it's something else, and I need you to listen to me." he told her.

She looked up, confused, "Huh? What is it?" she asked.

He stared at her cute confused face. God, she couldn't leave, he wanted, no, needed her here with him. Keiko has basically been the only person who could make him smile or laugh, if he had the choice of getting rid of his powers or Keiko staying with him, he would pick her without a second thought, he could live with his draining powers if she was by his side.

"Saiki?" she asked.

"Please... Call me Kusuo." he huffed with a smile.

"I- Are you okay, Kusuo?" she asked, she watched in shock as she saw his lips tugged into a warm smile at her, he barely smiled. She wasn't sure why but tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't want to leave home, especially when Saiki was there, he completed her.

"Kusuo?" she asked again.

"I love you."

Her mouth gaped and started to quiver, "Huh?" she made a noise of shock, "You..."

"I love you, Keiko." he said again, "I-I've been in love with you for months now. I had to tell you how I felt. I fell in love with you because you were just so perfect to me, you-"

"Don't." she said, crossing her arms and facing away from him, "Don't say that when I may never see you again." she sobbed, crystal tears rolled down her cheeks in sorrow, she wanted to say the words 'I love you too' but she couldn't, it was too hard to utter those words knowing that she may never see the boy she fell in love with for years.

Saiki felt a sharp stab to his heart when she turned away from him, his mouth slightly gaping as his eyes very slowly started to water, "Keiko..." he walked behind her and watched her small shaking figure in front of him, "I couldn't let you leave without telling you, I love you, so much."

She cried harder, she then turned around and gave him a weak punch to the chest, then started to repeat the punches, "You're making it harder for me to leave you, idiot!"

"Why?" he needed her to say the words.

"You know why."

"Then say it."

"Because I love you too!" she shouted, "I fell in love with you too, Kusuo." she cried, turning away from him again.

That was enough for him to pull her into a hug from behind, she turned and accepted the hug, crying into his chest, "I-I don't want to leave you." she sobbed.

He rubbed circles in her back, he refrained from crying but he was going to burst soon, "I don't want you to leave either..."

They held each other closely and tightly for what felt like hours, they just couldn't let go, that was until Saiki moved his head from a distance from hers and lifted her chin to make her look up at him, he could see how red and puffy her eyes were. He grabbed her hand with his own and leaned his head in.

She understood what he was trying to do and leaned her head in two, this was it. She was going to have her first kiss with the boy she fell in love with, but as she got closer she started to overthink, if she kissed him she knew it was going to be even harder to leave him.

As their lips started to brush she recoiled back, "I-I can't..." she whispered, placing her hands over her face and shaking in her spot.

He stood frozen for a few moments, he knew it was a bad idea trying to kiss her, even though he wanted it so much. It was going to hurt both of them even more, "I'm sorry..." he said.

"It's not your fault. I really do want to kiss you but you know why I can't. I'm so sorry Kusuo." she could feel more tears run down her face again.

"It's okay." he smiled and pulled her into another hug, a tear now falling down his cheek, knowing that maybe he and Keiko were never meant to be.

I bet you all hate me.


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