AT SCHOOL, KEIKO'S CLASS WERE IN ART. Aren was showing one of his sketches to her, Nendou and Kaidou, "Like this?" he asked.
"Not bad, transfer student." Nendou replied.
Aren smiled, "I doodled a lot of characters from Dragon Ball when I was a kid. I can draw anything." he then turned to Keiko, "What did you draw, Keiko?"
She held the sketchbook in her hand, "Well, I only really draw anime characters, I'm not very good at realism... But I drew Levi Ackerman..." she said with flushing cheeks.
"What's wrong, does he look bad?" Kaidou asked.
"No... But I got carried away and drew him shirtless." Keiko replied.
Nendou laughed, "Now I wanna see that! Show us it greeny."
Keiko stared at the sketch before turning it around, showing the three the glowing beauty of Levi Ackerman.
(Look how beautiful, perfect and scrumpdidiliumptious my husband/lover/soon to be dilf because I'd have his kids)
(The artist is called DinkleBert but I don't know what platform they used, but I found it on Pinterest.)
The three boys stared at the drawing in awe, blinded by Levi's beauty. Keiko was going to frame it when she goes home but needed to hide it away from her mother who would probably whack her with a slipper if she saw any pictures of shirtless men.
The teacher suddenly could for the class to pay attention so he could give instructions for the lesson, "I'm going to have you sketch today." he said, "Split off into pairs and draw each other's portraits."
Keiko wanted to pair with Saiki so she could draw with him, but because he was so perfect at art, he needed to draw a generic face, in his eyes, Keiko was far too beautiful to be generic.
Keiko turned to see that Teruhashi had already gone up to Saiki making the girl frown, maybe she should go with Nendou instead. Suddenly, Teruhashi's fanboys started to surround her, begging to let them draw her.
This was Keiko's chance, she sprinted across the classroom and stopped right behind Saiki, a trail of cartoon dust following behind her, "Saiki, wanna be partners?" she asked with a smile.
He turned down to look at her, YOU'RE NOT GENERIC! But with the happy look on her face, he couldn't say no. Keiko had him trapped. He nodded, "Sure." he couldn't make her portrait too perfect.
The two sat in front of each other with their A3 papers and a sketching pencil in front of them, 'How to draw him... I don't want to make him look ugly. So I'll play it safe and draw him as an anime character. But if Saiki's drawing me, I don't want to pull a weird face, I need to stay focused.'
"Do you want to draw first?" he asked, he still needed to plan a way not to make her look too perfect.
She nodded, "Okay... Just stay where you are and keep your face as it is, you look perfect." she said, not realising what she said. Saiki could feel his cheeks heat up as she placed the pencil on the paper.
She drew out a base to get his proportions right, she then did an outline of what she wanted his face to look like. She then sketched it out, rubbed out the needed lines and shaded his face.
"Phew~ I'm done." she smiled and turned it around to show him.
He was pleasantly surprised at the sketch, she made his usual stoic look, look much softer. She even included his glasses and antennas.
"It's cute." he complimented, "My turn, sit still." he told her.
She nodded and sat straightly, I have to draw something. First, an outline. He attempted to draw an outline but ended up drawing part of her face in a realistic style, Oh, I accidentally finished 30% of her face perfectly. He crunkled up the page and threw it away, moving on to the next one.
He then tried drawing a simple sketch but his drawing ended up being too perfect, he kept changing things until it looked like random shapes on the page, he kept on throwing away pieces of paper and Keiko sat there with confusion, 'Is my face that hard to draw? Does it look hideous to him?'
Saiki struggled to draw her for the next half hour, he sighed and just decided to draw her face perfectly. He couldn't make her look bad. He sketched her face down, every proportion was correct, it looked like a photo had been snapped onto the paper with how realistic it looked. He didn't even need to look at her to draw her, he remembered how perfect she looked to him that it came naturally.
He turned it around to show Keiko, he looked to see her mouth gaped at the drawing. She took it out of his hands and stared at it, "Wow... It looks so realistic. I didn't realise you were an amazing drawer Saiki."
"Let's see that Mochizuki." A random boy in the class said, taking the paper out of her hands, his jaw dropped at the sketch, "Hey everyone! Look at this sketch Saiki did of Mochizuki!" he waved it around showing it around the class.
"Wow, it looks just like her!"
"He made her look so beautiful."
"I wish I could draw like that!"
Compliments were thrown their way until Teruhashi stared at the portrait, her face when red in anger, why couldn't she of pared up with Saiki? He would have made her look ten times better, she was the perfect pretty girl of course.
Saiki finally managed to get his hands on his drawing again, he couldn't let anyone touch his perfect drawing, so he tore it out and placed it in the bag when no one was looking, but he teleported it onto his desk at home so it wouldn't get crinkled in his bag.
Mikoto was hanging out with Saiki, but all of a sudden he had teleported away, she was confused why until she heard a voice behind her, "Oh, Aiura what are you doing here?" she turned to see Teruhashi behind her, "You're alone? Weren't you with someone?" she asked.
"Yes, I was on the phone. What's up?"
"I heard you talking, so I came over."
"Well..." Mikoto then realised why Saiki was running away from her, she had found out that Teruhashi was Keiko's love rival and was not too happy about that. Teruhashi couldn't get in the way of Keiko and Saiki's love.
Teruhashi was suspicious of why Mikoto was so close to Saiki, she was much better than her in every aspect. That was until she looked down and saw that Mikoto's boobs were much larger than hers. Was Saiki into trashy girls like Mikoto and Keiko?
Mikoto smirked internally, "I was wondering, are Saiki and Keiki going out, I was curious to know because of how close they were." she nearly burst out laughing when she saw Teruhashi's sweet innocent face turn hideous from jealousy
Shut up, you idiot.
"U-Um no I don't think so." Teruhashi replied, "I heard he might have a crush on someone else."
"Oh? And is that person you by any chance?"
Teruhashi jumped back, "N-No, don't insinuate that."
"So you would like him too?" Mikoto asked.
"Make an excuse to get out of there, stop talking to her." Saiki told her telepathically.
Mikoto sighed and then dashed down the stairs, "Well, I have to run. See you later!"
Mikoto had run down the corridor until she bumped into someone, "Oof, sorry..." she muttered, rubbing her head. Her eyes widened when she saw Keiko standing there.
"Miko, why did you ask Teruhashi if Saiki and I go out?"
Mikoto gulped, 'Oh poop.'
"I- Uh..." she started, she looked at Keiko's confused face, "I gotta dash, bye!" she shouted before running away.
Keiko turned back confused, did it seem like the two of them were going out.
Keiko sat at home that night thinking about Mikoto's question to Teruashi. She knew Mikoto never had bad intentions for anything, she was a good friend. However, she was more slightly worried about Teruhashi. She knew that she liked Saiki.
The problem was, Teruhashi was more beautiful in every aspect. Boys liked Teruhashi, not Keiko. She was slim, had perfectly straight hair, long lashes and pale skin. Keiko saw herself as the opposite, she could never be as beautiful as Teruhashi.
Wait, why was she so bothered if Saiki did like Teruhashi. It's not like she wanted him to think she was beautiful... or would want to be with her instead of that blue-haired girl. She wouldn't need to think that because she wasn't in love with Saiki.
Keiko held her knees up against her chest, she kept overthinking overwhelming thoughts on the situation until her eyes slightly widened.
Oh dear.
"I think I might be in love with Saiki."
Her cheeks went red. She finally admitted how much she actually loved the boy, she wasn't sure why she was ever in such denial before. It all made sense, she loved Saiki and she wanted to be with him. But did he like her back?
"Keiko, can you come down? We need to talk to you?" he mother called.
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