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A WEEK HAD FLEW BY QUICKLY, Keiko now stood in front of her friends at the airport ready to say goodbye. Right now she was getting crushed by Mera in a tight hug. As the red-head hugged her she looked up at all her friends and scanned their faces, it was going to be ages until she could see them all again.

Kaidou placed a hand on her shoulder, "Try and message us whenever you can yeah?" he asked.

She smiled up at him, "I'll try... I just hate the timezone differences. When I'm awake you will all be in bed."

Aren waved it off, "Eh it's fine, I'll make sure to be awake whenever you message." he said, as Mera let go he then pulled Keiko into a hug, Kaidou joining in with them both.

Keiko then moved to Teruhashi, Yumehara and Nendou. Kinekshi gave her a fist pump before wrapping her into a hug.

"Wait a minute." a loud voice said, everyone, turned to see Saiko marching down the airport with his two bodyguards behind him, "Move out of the way peasants I want to talk to her." he waved everyone away.

After a few protests from Aren, Saiko now stood in front of Keiko with his arms crossed, "So." he started, "You should've asked for a private jet."

"You know I don't like it when you try to spoil me." she said.

He sighed, "I know. But you don't know what could be on those public planes." he shivered.

She rolled her eyes but smiled nevertheless and pulled him into a surprising hug, "Since you're rich enough, come fly to see me. I wouldn't mind mending the friendship we used to have, Metori..." Saiko's eyes widened, she had finally wanted to be his friend again.

He gave a small, genuine smile and hugged her back.

After the two were released, Keiko was quickly jumped on by Mikoto, "I'm going to miss you Keiki! Even if we can't speak as much we have to video chat!" She whined, the tanned girl then grabbed Keiko's face and gave her a friendly peck on the lips, "Sorry if that was forward, but hey! Now you know what my lipgloss tastes like."

Keiko just laughed, "I've never been kissed by a girl before, it was nice." she patted Mikoto's cheek until she was now faced with a certain someone. Everyone seemed to notice this so they moved away to give the two some space.

Although the two had confessed their love for each other, it was pointless as it was too late for them. Kusuo took a few steps forward and looked down at her. He pulled a box out of his pocket and opened it revealing two seethrough hair clips with purple floral patterns on them.

"I know they're not much." he said quietly, "But just something you can remember me by."

Keiko glanced up at the boy, "Put them in for me, will you Kusuo?" she asked, removing the clips that were already in her hair. He bit his lips and removed the clips and softly brushed her hair up so her could click the clips in. When he did, he adjusted her hair so it wasn't covering her face.

"They look nice." he said shyly, avoiding eye contact.

She looked at the sad look on his face which made her frown.

This was going to be a stupid decision.

Her hands reached up to grab Kusuo cheeks, making him face her. She went onto her tiptoes and placed her cherry lips on his own.

His eyes widened, for a psychic, he sometimes forgot to read Keiko's mind. His cheeks went red as her lips moved against his own. He then closed his eyes and kissed her back, slightly more forceful than she kissed him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped around her waist, embracing each other into their first kiss.


Kusuo was quick to get home as soon as Keiko got on her plane, he avoided the rest of his friends and when he was out of sight, he teleported into his bedroom.

He rubbed his hand over his face and went to sit on the edge of his bed, he then noticed the drawing he did of Keiko when he was in his art class, his ears flushed pink when he remember getting home and his mother wondered why such a detailed drawing of Keiko was on his bed.

She definitely noticed his face go red.

He picked up the drawing and stared at it.

He felt like such a pervert for keeping the drawing but it was her, so he couldn't get rid of it.

Kusuo couldn't look at the drawing anymore so he placed it in his draw along with the polaroids Keiko gave to him, most of them were pictures of them both, some were with their other friends. If he kept on looking at anything that was related to her, his heart would hurt more.

So he picked up everything she ever gave him, the bracelet with the dessert charms, his baby blue blanket with cloud patterns, his snow globe and a card she had given him for Valentine's day and placed them in the draw with the sketch and polaroids.

It was now the Keiko draw and it shall never be opened again.

(Kusuo is so dramatic and extra, and for what?)

He wasn't being dramatic, he thought.

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