"KEIKI IS JEALOUS OF THAT HIROSHI GUY." Mikoto said to Aren, she had dragged him away so she could gossip with him.
Aren furrowed his brows, "Who is Hiroshi?" he asked confused.
"Nevermind about that, but Keiki is jealous because Saiki paid attention to him over her, you should've seen her face!" Mikoto laughed loudly.
"Why would she be jealous about that?" Aren asked.
Mikoto smacked the top go his head, "Are you stupid? She's in love with Saiki." told him in an obvious tone.
Aren looked confused, "I didn't know she did..." he then thought about it for a moment, "But what has it go to do with me?" he asked.
Mikoto gave him a sly grin, "Your little group are off to see the blossom this weekend right? Invite her and flirt with her in front of Saiki. Make him jealous."
Aren scratched his head, "I'm not sure if that would work... Saiki is a pretty emotionless guy." he said.
"Oh, trust me, it will work. Try to act natural though, don't make it obvious or he will know."
"You're late, Saiki!" Kaidou said.
Saiki walked up to the group and saw that Kaidou, Nendou, Aren and Keiko were all together, he also noticed how Aren had his arm conjoined with hers.
"At this rate, the blossoms will be gone." Aren pointed out, he then noticed the bored look on Saiki's face, "Why aren't you more excited? Cherry blossom viewing is fun! That's why I invited Keiko because I knew how much she liked blossom trees." he smiled.
Keiko smiled too, she was questing why Aren was being so clingy, it wasn't usually like him. But she appreciated the fact he went out of his way to invite her to come with them. She then turned to Saiki and he small faltered a bit, she hadn't spoken to him recently, not since the Hiroshi incident and she felt bad for being so petty.
Saiki internally rolled his eyes, I could have invited her if I knew she wanted to come.
Aren then questioned since it was full blossom if they were actually going to get a spot anywhere.
"That's why we met up at 4 am." Kaidou did a peace sign, "Shopping took longer than expected, but it's still 6 am. It will be empty." he reassured.
"Aren, I can't believe you came to my house to wake me up so early..." she muttered, "Luckily my parents weren't home or they would've beat you to death."
"Well, I couldn't let you miss out on the opportunity to miss out on the cherry blossoms." he smiled warmly, his plan seemed to be working as Saiki sent a quick glare his way. "I see them!" he then pointed out.
"Let's run!" Nendou shouted.
They all got closer to the trees that were in a park, "It's in full bloom!" Kaidou noticed.
"Tim to find the perfect spot." that suggestion was shattered when they saw that the park was already filled with people.
"I thought you said no one would be here..." Keiko muttered.
"It's still 6 am! They've got nothing better to do? We've got to find a spot!" Kaidou shouted.
Suddenly some mysterious man from behind them laughed, "Trying to get a spot at 6 am? Look at you amateur spot-takers."
Kaidou rolled his eyes at the man, "What time did you get here?"
"I got here at 5 am. Don't get the wrong idea. I was here at 5 am, two days ago."
Keiko quirked a brow, "You've been sitting here for two days so you could get a spot?" she asked.
"You're in for a surprise." the man said, "There are spot-takers here who are far more impressive than me." he then pointed out multiple people, "There's Fujiwara who some call the Book Store. And that's the Muscle Creator, Ando. Even Kishida the Stuffed Animal Leaver is here." he then turned back to the group, "Just turn around and go home. You won't find a spot."
"Over here!" Nendou shouted, the group turned to see him pointing at a spot, "That spot's free."
"Go grab it!" Kaidou shouted.
The man then warned the group to not sit in that spot, Kaidou and Aren laughed it off until some old guy walked up to them, "I reserved this spot. Get out of the way!"
"But there's nothing here." Kaidou said.
"Are you blind?" he then pointed down at a tiny rock on the ground which had the words 'Matsumura' written on it. Aren and Kaidou tried putting the blanket down again but the man pulled down his trousers and squatted claiming he was going to take a dump there.
"Sir?" Keiko asked.
The man stopped and looked at her, she seemed to have a sad look on her face, "We woke up early just to see the cherry blossoms and I've always wanted to go... I don't want to miss this chance." she said innocently.
This made the man blush from embarrassment, he couldn't let the young girl miss on an opportunity like this, "I uh-" he started, he then pulled his trousers back up and picked up his rock, "Take the seat, young lady..."
The fours eyes sparkled in delight and placed their blanket down while Saiki stood behind them in boredom.
As the group had sat down a gush of wind spread through and a few lonely cherry blossoms fell into Keiko's hair.
Saiki was about to get them out for her but Aren moved quicker, "Here Keiko, let me get those out for you." he said warmly. Saiki internally strangled the boy in his mind.
"Oh, thank you, Aren. I should've tied up my hair..." she said.
"By the way, I really like your dress." he told her, "I think it looks pretty on you, you suit it a lot. You have nice taste.
Saiki sneered his way, I chose that dress for her. Of course she looks good in it. He didn't seem to realise he was falling into a trap.
"Thank you, I saw it in a shop one time and it was really cheap so I decided to buy it." she smiled.
"Hey, there's this new cafe that opened the other day, I was wondering if you wanted to go next weekend at some point-"
All four friends turned in shock when Saiki had just shouted out, Aren grinned in his mind. It worked. Keiko, Kaidou and Nendou just had confused looks on their faces.
"Buddy, you okay?" Nendou asked.
Saiki sat there in silence as he stared at them, he then nodded, "I thought I saw a bug."
Kaidou and Nendou just laughed at him, Aren let out a little laugh but cut himself off, "So, Keiko, what do you think about going to that cafe?"
Saiki's eyes flamed, if she said yes he would go there and ̶S̶t̶a̶l̶k̶ observe what Aren's intentions are, it was only for Keiko's safety.
Keiko looked at Aren for a moment, she couldn't help but feel she would be disloyal to Saiki for doing that. Aren was her friend but she had no idea if he meant it like a date or not, she didn't want to lead him on so she looked up at him, "No, I'm sorry but I'm quite busy next weekend."
The flame from Saiki's eyes seemed to disappear, she said no? He couldn't help but feel releaved.
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