KEIKO WAS WALKING THROUGH THE HALLS AT SCHOOL, she paid no attention to everyone around her and seemed lost in thought, that was until she saw Saiki and Toritsuka standing in the doorway through one of the classrooms, Saiki seemed to be eagerly looking in while the boy next to him looked lost.
"Hello, you two." Keiko softly smiled, Toritsuka was the only one who turned.
The purple-haired boy waved "Oh, hey Mochizuki!", she stood in between them to see what Saiki was looking that.
"What are you two doing?" she asked.
"Saiki seems interested in Satou Hiroshi, literally the most boring and bland guy ever." he rolled his eyes.
Keiko's lips went into a thin line and turned to who Saiki was looking at, the boy had brown hair and eyes, he was sitting at his desk reading a book, he seemed very average.
Keiko then turned to look a Saiki who was surprisingly smiling, her eyes slowly widened 'Wait... he's never been so interested in someone before' her mouth gaped, Saiki then started pointing out the amazing things about this average boy.
The girl's face went blank as she stared at Hiroshi 'I didn't know Saiki was interested in men.'
Keiko was jealous, to say the least. She sat with Aren, Nendou and Kaidou at lunch, if she wasn't eating she was glaring at the back of Satou Hiroshi's average head, she didn't understand why she was so mad at this random boy. Was it because of the way Saiki looked at him? Maybe she wanted Saiki to look at her like that.
Keiko's glare was so menacing, the chopsticks in her hand snapped in half making the three boys jump.
"Hey, Keiko are you alright?" Aren asked.
Keiko didn't seem to realise her chopsticks broke until she looked at her hand "Oh." was all she said.
"Come to think of it greeny, you've had that look on your face all day. You look constipated." Nendou added.
Keiko's face went red "I am not! I-" she cut herself off when she realised she just shouted, she placed her hands over her mouth "I'm sorry..." she uttered.
Kaidou patted her arm "It's okay, Keiko. You seem worked up on something, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen you like this before." Aren said.
She placed her hands on her lap "Um, just something on my mind is all, nothing too serious." she said, now forcing herself to smile.
"I saw you looking at the back of that guy's head." Nendou jabbed his thumb towards Hiroshi.
"I-" she stuttered.
"Ooo has little greeny got a crush?" he teased.
"Nendou-" Aren started but was cut off by Keiko who stood straight up.
"No, I do not! I now need to go, bye!" she said stiffly before excusing herself out of the lunch hall.
Saiki was amused, he had been watching Keiko all day, he loved how her cute face went all red when she was jealous, he didn't think he would ever do anything like this but he found Keiko's jealousy amusing. He didn't mean to make her jealous, he was just so interested in how Hiroshi could be so average.
Toritsuka kept giving Saiki weird looks, this was not like him at all. Saiki would never look at someone so fondly, he kept bugging him all day about his issue with, soon Mikoto joined the two "What are you complaining about now?" she groaned to the purple-haired boy.
"I think Saiki's got a crush..." he muttered.
"Are you talking about Keiko?" Both Saiki and Toritsuka's faces paled, TORITSUKA DIDN'T KNOW, YOU IDIOT.
"Wait, say that again?" he asked, wondering if he misheard her.
Mikoto sighed loudly "Keiko, of course. Are you deaf or what? I mean it's kinda obvious by now." she crossed her arms.
Toritsuka head snapped to him "You- ACTUALLY LIKE SOMEONE?!" he shouted, "Better yet, IT'S KEIKO MOCHIZUKI."
Saiki slapped his hand over the boy's mouth "Shut the hell up." he seethed "I wouldn't be surprised if she heard you."
Toritsuka moved his hand "Wait, so why were you looking at Hiroshi like you just won the lottery?" he asked, confused.
Mikoto let out a snort "Isn't it obvious?" she laughed "He's obviously trying to make her jealous, AND it's working, you should've seen how she was glaring holes into the poor boys head earlier."
"Oh Saiki, you sly dog!"
Saiki glared at the two "Well thanks to you." he motioned to Mikoto "He now knows, and he can never shout his mouth." his head then snapped to Toritsuka "And you. You better not say anything or I will make your life a living hell, If I hear that Keiko knows, you're the first to die."
Toritsuka and Mikto both cowered away "Of course, Saiki. Nothing will be said to Keiko whatsoever." the boy said, waving his hands frantically.
Saiki gave him one final glare "Good."
She wondered what was going through that stupid average boy's head, was he doing this on purpose? Did he know Saiki was looking at him like that? He may seem plain but Keiko could see his dark motive.
Her jealousy was so strange was that she hid in one of the cupboards of his classroom to see if he would make any dark movement, he could try and advance to Saiki any moment, she observed the boy until she realised what she was doing 'I can't believe I'm literally stalking someone... What has gotten into me?', when it was safe, she got out of the cupboard and smacked herself for her ridiculous actions.
She continued to smack herself as she walked along the corridor, some students gave her some strange looks as she walked past.
Keiko jumped, she sweatdropped as she saw Saiki standing behind her. She cleared her throat "Heyyy Saiki..." she awkwardly said.
He smirked internally "You okay?"
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"
"You seem jumpy."
Keiko let out a scoffed laugh and flung her hands forwards "Pfft, no. I'm good, very good in fact!" she waved it off.
"Well." he started "If you're okay, I'll see you later."
"Probably going to look for Hiroshi..." she muttered after he walked past.
"What?" he asked, pretending to sound confused, he heard her perfectly fine.
Saiki smirked in victory as he walked away.
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