AFTER SAIKI SAID THOSE WORDS HIS FACE WENT RED, he just realised this was the first time he admitted he loved Keiko, what made it worse was that he told the new girl. Mikoto looked at him in shock before she excitedly pointed at him "That's so cute!" she shouted "You love her." she then pulled out her phone and flashed a photo of the blushing boy holding the sleeping girl "Honestly... You look so perfect together." she smiled warmly.
Saiki gave her a stern look "Don't you dare repeat those words to anyone else." he ordered, he didn't look intimidating since his cheeks and nose were still pink.
Mikoto waved it off "Of course I won't." she grinned, then calmed down and walked over to him "I know I've only been here for a short time but Keiko's made me feel more welcomed than ever. I haven't known her for long but I know she deserves the best, I can see why you fell in love with her."
"That's why I'm not going to tell her."
Mikoto pulled a poker face "Huh?" she was silent for a moment "What?! Why?" she hurriedly asked, it was so obvious that the two were in love with each other, they were practically soulmates.
Saiki sighed and placed Keiko down next to the sleeping Yumehara against the wall "Because she does deserve the best. I can't be that for her. She'll want someone who can be affectionate, someone who will always smile at her. There are normal things I won't be able to do with her. If she found out I was psychic she'd hate the fact I could read her personal thoughts, she'd be uncomfortable with me. If I took off my glasses in front of her, she'd turn to stone. Say I lost one of my control devices that stop my powers go out of control, I could kill her with the slightest brush on the shoulder. I don't want to endanger her in any way, she may be lucky but I don't know how lucky she really is."
Mikoto stood there in shock, Keiko must have meant a lot to him. His powers were stopping him from confessing to her, he wants to be a normal person to be able to be with her. He's scared to tell her about his powers because he doesn't know how she would react. The tanned girl just gave the boy a soft smile "I saw the way she looked at you earlier, she loves you. She doesn't seem like the person to judge someone, I know that if she truly loves you, she won't judge you. She would be understanding, I know she would."
Saiki said nothing but gave Mikoto a small look of appreciation, on cue the two heard a soft groan from beside them, they turned to see Keiko opening her eyes, she seemed confused for a moment until her hands grabbed all over her face "I- I'm alive?" she asked herself.
She looked up to see Mikoto and Saiki staring down at her, "Of course your alive, silly!" Mikoto said.
Keiko gave a lost look before standing up "Must've been a nightmare..." she turned to Saiki "When did you come up to the roof Saiki? I didn't think you'd still be at school at this time."
Before he could answer Mikoto butted in "I called him! I didn't know where you lived and he offered to take you home." she winked.
Keiko just blinked "Oh! Okay then." she smiled "My parents are probably worried so we better go now."
The two walked side by side as they walked to Keiko's house, it had been silent and no one had said anything, usually, Keiko would strike a conversation and Saiki would give his usual blunt answers, but he seemed different, more distant in fact.
It was getting close to winter and Keiko was slightly chilly, she wished she brought some sort of coat with her to school but she didn't realise she was going to be out till night where it was at its coldest. She let out little shivers but tried to forget about the cold since she would be home soon.
She hated this silence, she needed to say something "Are you okay?" she asked suddenly, she saw Saiki's face furrow, not seeming to expect the question.
He looked down her way "Fine." he said stiffly "Why?"
"You seem distant." she revealed "I don't know... but has something happened?" she asked.
Saiki didn't answer but she saw him sigh and stop walking which made her stop, he looked lost in thought, like he was debating something. "Saiki?" she asked, she was about to place a hand on his arm in comfort until his hand grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into a hug, his other arm wrapped around her back, and his nose dug into the side of her head. She let a cut-off sound, not expecting something so intimate from Saiki.
They stood in silence for a few moments before both of her arms wrapped around him in return, it was nice, hugging Saiki. Unfamiliar but natural at the same time, she was about to say his name again until he asked something "Say I kept a huge secret from you. How would you feel if you felt out about this secret?"
Her eyes widened slightly until she let out a soft giggle "Well you don't have to tell me things if you are not comfortable. Unless you've killed someone I don't care what the secret is, whatever it is, I'll support you either way." suddenly his grip on her tightened, it felt almost protective. Whatever this secret was, it was clearly personal to Saiki and it seemed difficult for him to talk about.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hug you."
She looked up at him and gave him a sly smile "I quite enjoyed that hug, I might have to hold on to you for a little longer." she teased, she held him tighter and dug her head into his chest. What she didn't see was the way his eyes softened down and he had let out the biggest smile he had ever made in all his years of living. I love you, so much...
A small part of me sees Kyo and Torhu in Saiki and Keiko which is honestly really cute lol.
Btw one of the comments had asked a question about Saiki not being able to see a person but only through their skin, I kinda forgot about that 🧍♀️ I think it's when he only uses his x-ray vision so for now let's just say he can see peoples faces.
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