KEIKO HAD BEEN PARANOID ALL DAY IN SCHOOL, earlier that morning when she was walking alone, she noticed some old creep following and watching her on the way to school, he was lurking around alleyways and was always one step behind her. Keiko wasn't sure if she should walk home alone in case he might be there and approach her. The first person that popped into her head was Saiki, he lives close to her, maybe he would walk home with her if she told him what was wrong, 'But what if he doesn't want to walk with me, what if he thinks I am being dramatic and a pain?'
Saiki could already hear her thoughts, earlier he was planning on getting home early so he had enough time to watch Healthy Warrior Specialiser but he knew Keiko's safety was more important, and anyway if they both left at 4 then he would be home in time anyway. He knew that if he didn't go with her there was a 100% chance the creep would approach her, Saiki used his vision and could see the guy standing near the school gates, waiting for Keiko to come out. Is he really that desperate that he's lurking around, waiting for a teenage girl?
It was now after for Keiko was roaming the halls looking for at least someone to walk home with her, she was afraid that Saiki had already left the school however he was sitting in the toilets planning to get past all of his obstacles which were Kaidou, Teruhashi, Nendou and Kinekshi who all wanted Saiki for different reasons. Saiki just needed Keiko to go outside the school just near the lockers so he could go invisible and avoid the other four and walk home with her.
Keiko sighed, 'It seems I'm gonna have to walk alone, maybe I should take a different route' she thought now turning the corner to see Kaidou, Teruhashi, and Kinekshi standing outside a locker 'What are they all doing together?' as she was about to approach them the three turned and gasped "There he is!" The three said in sync, rushing over to whoever they were looking for.
Keiko walked up and saw that the three had now approached Saiki with Toritsuka standing behind him, the green-haired girl frowned 'I guess their needs might be a bit more important, I wouldn't want to disturb... Maybe if I run home I can avoid that creep' she went around the other lockers avoiding the group. Just as she stepped outside the building, a pale hand grabbed her wrist, pulling her out of the school.
The girl gasped and looked up to see Saiki speed walking in front of her "Saiki!? Is everything okay?" she asked as she heard the other three shouting after him, she turned back to see Kaidou and Kinekshi calling for him while Teruhashi was glaring at Saiki's hand grabbing her wrist.
"I needed to get away from them, I hope you don't mind if we walk home together. You're not busy, are you?"
The girls eyes widened and started to sparkle at the boy in front of her, her pink cherry lips curved into a wide smile "No not at all. I'd be happy to walk home with you." she beamed, happy that she didn't have to worry about walking alone that afternoon. "But Saiki, I was wondering... could we walk to and after school together more often? The truth is... I was going to ask you before because I saw a strange man following me and I'm scared to walk alone."
"As long as you're on time, I'll walk with you."
They both walked side by side not realizing that their relationship was blossoming.
"Everyone, we will hold a fire drill today." Kinekshi said standing at the front of the class.
Nendou sighed and closed his eyes "I don't need any drills."
Keiko turned around facing the thug-looking boy "It's for your safety Nendou, what would you do if there was a fire in the school?" she asked him.
Nendou gave her a dopey look and placed a hand under his chin balls "Uhhhh, I'd just walk out the school?" Keiko gave him an unimpressed look, That's not how fire drills work, dumbass.
Kinekshi placed his hands firmly on the desk in front of him "Nendou! Don't underestimate the importance of drills. For example, during a fire, you are surrounded by flames. The smoke blocks your sight, and you cannot breathe." Kinekshi went over to Nendous desk giving him a firm look
"What would you do? It is a difficult situation! How will you know what to do in that situation without drills? Preparation is everything!" he shouted with sweat now dripping down his face like he was already surrounded by fire.
Kinekshi moved away from Nendou, now moving back to the front much more calmly "When the emergency bell rings, follow my instructions to evacuate. This is a word to keep in mind when you evacuate." he said now writing the word down on the board.
Nendou leaned against his desk now looking up "Don'ts? I got it! Don't die in the fire!" he announced now standing straight, Keiko furrowed her brows 'I wouldn't say that's helpful.'
"That is not exactly it." Kinekshi said.
"How about 'Don't forget to bring the fire extinguisher'?" Keiko sighed, 'This class is hopeless'
Kaidou let out a small chuckle on the desk behind Nendou "You are as stupid as always." he mocked looking up at the boy who had now turned around facing him.
"What? Do you know what they are?" Nendou questioned.
Kaidou placed his hands on the desk "Of course." some dramatic music background music started playing while Kaidou imagined a fire around him "'Don't think you can run from my flames!'" he said, the whole class was silent as they stared at him "Kidding. They are 'Don't push, don't run, don't speak.'"
"Exactly." Kinekshi replied "Let's remember the don'ts when the drill starts." that's when a bell rang and someone started to talk through the speakers.
"There's a fire in the science room on the first floor."
Kinekshi whipped out an orange hood from somewhere "Don't panic! Take the hoods from your bags and line up in order of class number." Keiko pulled out her orange hood, 'Kinekshi's actually quite good at this, but where is the teacher?' My question exactly. The rest of the class pulled out and put on their hoods and some others left theirs at home which Kinekshi was not too happy about.
"Keiko, have you got your hood?" Kinekshi asked her from the other side of the classroom, which she pulled up and presented towards him.
"Right here."
Teruhashi lost her hood which made a group of boys rush up to her offering theirs 'Do they not have spare ones in the school? That would be ideal.' the boys said they would sacrifice themselves for Teruhashi which I guess would be their problem.
All students were now wearing the orange caps and were all lined up outside the classroom "Okay! Let's get started." Kinekshi said.
Takahashi, a green-haired grape shaped guy who stood near the back cut in "Oh, no. I forgot my phone." he said now turning back to the class but Kinekshi was already blocking his way.
"Hey, Takahashi! Don't you dare get out of line!" Keiko who stood in line sighed 'He's really making it seem like there is an actual fire...'
As Kinekshi carried on shouting, Kaidou spoke up "You two. Don't right over trivial things." 'I'm surprised that Kaidou is actually calm, usually, he freaks out over everything.' Keiko thought.
The class then started to walk down the stairs with Kinekshi in front "We're almost there!" suddenly he let out a scream and pointed at the blocked path "Don't know what to do when the path to the outside is blocked!"
"Wait I thought this lead to the science room, that would mean we couldn't leave through this entrance..." Keiko muttered You're correct but no one else seems to realize this. Everyone started to panic thinking they were now all going to die.
"Don't panic! There's always a way out. Way out? That's it! I finally understand why this path is closed. We are being tested." Kinekshi said "This is an obstacle. In a fire, there may be blocked paths. Don't let that stop you! In other words, we must breakthrough!"
"Uh Kinekshi-" Keiko started but Saiki placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head.
"Just let him figure it out himself."
The males in the class, except Saiki, picked up random school objects and started to fight their way through the shutters. In the end, they all got scolded by the gym teacher for breaking it
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