A NEW BOY HAD STARTED TODAY, his name was Reita Toritsuka, and was in class 2, Keiko saw him earlier that morning but never got the chance to speak with him, from what she saw he had long purple hair which was put up in a white headband. Throughout the day she heard rumours that he had powers to see people's protective spirits.
She was walking with Kaidou down the hallway as she spoke up "I heard there's a new boy that has the power to see someone's protective spirit or something. What do you think of it?" she asked the blue-haired boy.
He scoffed "Sounds stupid to me, not something I could care about." he said hiding the fact that he was desperate to find this psychic to see what his protective spirit is. As they walked further down they noticed a crowd of people surrounding the so called purple haired boy "Tch, look at all those people desperate to find out their protective spirit." Kaidou laughed.
"I don't know. It does sound quite interesting, but having superpowers doesn't seem very realistic." Keiko giggled.
Kaidou gasped dramatically "Mochizuki, did you forget that I have secret powers I have to conceal so I don't reveal myself to The Dark Reunion." he whispered the last bit before glancing around the paranormal way in case anyone heard him, he looked back to see Keiko had already walked up to the group.
As she got there she saw Toritsuka now talking to Kinekshi, something about a tennis player who was still alive, Saiki was also there too with his usual stoic look. Kaidou cut in, his hands in his pockets now standing next to Keiko "This is all so stupid." he said smugly, "Well I suppose I will ask. Who is my protective spirit?" he asked.
Keiko raised a brow "I thought you said you didn't care to know."
"I have no idea what you're talking about Mochizuki."
Toritsuka had now fully turned to face Kaidou "Your protective spirit is abnormal." he said making Kaidou jolt with surprise.
"What is it? Go on." Kaidou eagerly asked, now blushing pink from excitement.
Instantly, Toritsuka instantly pointed on top of his head "It's a Chihuahua."
"A Chihuahua?!" Kaidou asked, flabbergasted as some students around him started to laugh his way "This is a joke. You made that up, didn't you?"
Toritsuka now glanced at Keiko's way and instantly tried smoothing his hair out "Hello, pretty lady~ What would your name be?" he asked confidently, now moving closer to her.
"My name is Keiko Mochizuki, I heard you just started today," she replied simply.
"Oh yeah, I haven't seen you around here yet. Do you wanna know your protective spirit?" he asked, trying to act smooth.
"Go on then."
Toritsuka looked at her for a seconds before his jaw hit the ground "Wow..."
Kaidou jumped in front "Seriously?! What is it?" he asked frantically.
Toritsuka shook his head and stood up straight "It's a goddess-" Not surprising "With golden armour and a sword! With a lucky cat on her shoulder!" Okay now, this just sounds exaggerated, Keiko let out a confused look while Kaidou went pale from shock.
"Oh... That is interesting, you have quite a unique power." she said.
"So... Why don't I take you out this weekend?" Toritsuka asked with a sly grin.
"No thank you."
Toritsuka was now on the ground, his heart shattered as Keiko was now walking away, no longer interested in protective spirits 'He's obviously just made that up to win girls' attentions' she rolled her eyes. Saiki turned to look at the back of her head as her figure got smaller You're right about him wanting girls' attention, but you do actually have a goddess as your protective spirit.
The green-haired girl was laid across her bed, she was wearing a tank top and some shorts while her feet were in the air, she was reading her Attack On Titan manga admiring a certain Captain 'Oh my god. Levi is so hot, that man can rail me into next week-' her thoughts were cut off when she heard a frantic knock on the door, she was home alone so she obviously had to answer the door.
She sat up and stretched her arms, now walking out of her room walking towards the door, she grabbed the handle and opened it yawning, she paused mid-yawn as she saw Saiki standing there in a white polo shirt, his very basic style. He was giving her a slightly concerned look after hearing her previous thoughts.
"Saiki! What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I need your help with something."
"Okay... Um, how did you know this was my house?"
Shit, I need to come up with an excuse "We live near each other and I saw you walk into your home one day" he said, giving her his usual stoic look.
Keiko nodded "That would make sense then. Anyway... What did you need help with?"
"Are you afraid of cockroaches?"
Keiko now stood in Saiki's house as she awkwardly glanced around "So... Do you remember when you last saw it?" she asked, he nodded and pointed under the fridge. Saiki literally came all the way to her house for help to get rid of a cockroach, which she thought in a way was quite cute of him. The seemingly emotionless boy, afraid of bugs.
The girl had now knelt down looking under the fridge, however since she was wearing shorts, it exposed quite a bit, Saiki's eyes widened but he quickly turned away now avoiding looking at Keiko on the floor "Saiki, are you strong enough to move the fridge up slightly so I can catch it?" she asked.
Saiki gave a stiff nod now moving to the side of the fridge, he can lift the fridge with his pinky but he can't make it look obvious he has super strength, he used both his arms which tilted the fridge up to the side and the cockroach instantly came crawling up under, Saiki jumped and dropped the fridge while Keiko went crawling after it. She held her arms out and trapped it, she folded her hands like a shield so it couldn't get out "Phew..." she sighed.
Keiko stood up and walked over to the open window and dropped it out and closed the window not a second after, she turned around to see Saiki staring at her in shock "What?" she asked.
You goddess. He shook his head and his face went back to neutral "Thank you for getting rid of it, Mochizuki."
"It's no problem at all. Was that the only one?" she asked.
"Yes." he said, now they both stood in silence until Saiki spoke up again "Would you like to stay for tea as thanks?"
Keiko gave him a warm smile "that would be lovely thank you."
Saiki made some tea and they both now sat on his sofa sharing a few words with each other, that was until the front door opened "We're back!" The cheerful voice of Saiki's mother spoke out, both her and Saiki's father walking into the living room, they were wearing clothes as they had just been at a wedding.
Saiki's father started admiring the room "Wow! This house looks so clean." he said, Saiki's mother had noticed that Keiko was also sitting there with Saiki.
"Oh my goodness Mochizuki! Did Saiki invite you over? Did you have a nice time? Did he treat you well? How are you dear?" she asked multiple questions.
"Mum leave her alone, she doesn't need to be smothered by you." Saiki flatly stated, taking a sip of his tea.
"I don't think I've met you yet, I'm Kuniharu. Kusuo's father." he said.
"My name is Keiko Mochizuki, Saiki invited me over because he wanted help getting rid of a cockroach in the house, and then he invited me over for tea Mr and Mrs Saiki." Keiko said politely.
Saiki's mother let out a small giggle waving her hand "Oh please just call us Kurumi and Kuniharu."
"Oh well if you say so. But I should really be getting home now, It's starting to get late." Keiko said, placing her cup down and now standing up.
"Oh well, Ku can take you home, won't you Kusuo?" Kurumi asked, her face going serious as she looked over at her pink-haired son, Saiki gave a quick nod and stood up now leading Keiko out the house. The two walked to her house together and were soon outside her door.
"Thank you for taking me home Saiki. Your parents a lovely by the way." she smiled.
"It's fine and trust me, once you get to know them, you'll be sick of them."
A/N I'm sorry if Saiki seems out of character :( I am trying to get this at a slow pace but I need two characters to get closer as friends.
Of course, you can imagine differently <3
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