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A GROUP OF FOUR WALKED TOGETHER, Keiko, Saiki, Kaidou and Nendou where on their way to get some ramen after school, it was a place Nendou recommended, not sure why Saiki is there though.

"When will we get there?" Kaidou asked, looking up at the much taller boy.

"Yeah, I'm getting quite hungry." Keiko added, before Nendou could reply the sweet toned voice of Teruhashi spoke out.

"What's this? Saiki! What are you doing?" The blue haired beauty asked, completely ignoring the other three with them, Nendou and Kaidou instantly started to blush around her while Keiko gave her a soft closed-eye smile, although the two weren't friends, Keiko thought that Teruhashi was such a lovely person which contrasted on Teruhashi's feelings towards the green haired girl who would send her tiny glares whenever she was around Saiki.

"Teruhashi?" Nendou squeaked  out, his voice sounded nothing like his appearance.

Teruhashi then glanced at the other three, making sure she gave Keiko a small glare "What are you all doing together?" her aura was glowing around her.

"He said he would take us to a good ramen shop." Kaidou quickly answered, gesturing towards Nendou, the two were still blushing like idiots.

"Yes! We're going to eat there."

"Ramen?" Teruhashi asked, in an overly sickly sweet voice "Is it okay if I go with you? Sorry! Am I being too blunt?" she asked, looking directly at Saiki, she was making it obvious that she had no intention to speak to the other three, only the strawberry boy was glowing in her eyes.

Keiko smiled "I don't mind you tagging along, I'm sure the other three wont mind either." she said, the two blushing boys were instantly agreeing, Teruhashi may have had a loving face on the outside but on the inside was much colder 'Why is she here as well? Is this her way of trying to get with Saiki?' Every male on the street seemed too notice that the blue head was there and they all had the same reactions as Kaidou and Nendou.

A five member was now tagging along on the way to get ramen, Nendou was trying to impress Teruhashi by speaking like some formal man while Kaidou went silent "Kaidou?" the girl asked, "Why do you always have those bandages?" she asked, pointing towards the red tape over his hands.

"This is for my powers." he hastily replied.

"Powers? Sorry, I'm not too sure I understand." she replied.

Kaidou instantly started unwrapping them around his hands, now embarrassed "I don't know why I have them!"

Keiko looked over at the boy who was rushing to get the bandages off 'Poor boy, he's gone all shy and embarrassed' she placed a hand on top of Kaidous, making him pause "Kaidou, you don't need to be embarrassed about wearing them, I think they look really cool."

Kaidou's cheeks went read and he looked away "T-Thanks... Mochizuki." he said, now slowly wrapping them around his hands again.

Teruhashi gave the girl a cold look but instantly changed it when she glanced her way "So Mochizuki... I didn't know you were friends with these three, I usually see you sitting by yourself." she mentioned, this felt like a small jab in the heart to Keiko 'Do I really seem that lonely?' she asked herself, now looking down embarrassed.

Saiki looked over to the girl and walked over to her, his shoulder softly bumping against hers to grab her attention, she looked up at him and he gestured towards Teruhashi who gave them a sour look, Keiko looked over and realized she didn't answer the girls question "Oh... Sorry I spaced out a little. Yes we are friends, we sometimes hang out with each other." she told her, giving an awkward laugh.

"Oh that's nice, maybe me and you should hang out more often." Teruhashi said, keeping up with the perfect pretty girl act, before Keiko could answer, Nendou stopped walking.

"We made it." he said, putting on the fake formal voice again "This is the place." he said, pointing towards the ramen restaurant.

"I'm so hungry." Teruhashi smiled, that's when they all looked at the restaurant and saw how bad the exterior looked, the place looked like it had been abandoned for years, Teruhashi's face dropped, "Oh, my."

"It's really delicious here." Nendou said, not even noticing how bad this place looked "My friends relative said that it was delicious, so don't worry.

"I have to-" before Teruhashi could finish her sentence Kaidou cut in.

"You must be joking! Teruhashi is not taking a step into that place!" He told Nendou, So did you completely forget that Mochizuki is here as well? before Teruhashi could protest Kaidou turned to face her "You won't eat at a filthy place like this one, right?"

Keiko looked up at Nendou "To be fair Nendou, this place doesn't really look like it's taken care of properly."

"No. It's fine." Teruhashi answered, with a blank look and a fake smile.

Keiko sighed and leaned over to Saiki "Which ever restaurant we go into, could I sit next to you?" she asked.

Saiki looked down at the girl and gave her a small nod "Sure." 

The five walked into the restaurant and it looked deserted, it was dusty and silent and it looked as if it could be set in a horror movie, "This restaurant is too gross." Kaidou spoke first "You don't have to go in there." he said looking over at the blue haired girl.

"I'm fine as long as it tastes good." she said, acting cute again which made Keiko and Saiki give her a blank look 'Is she serious right now, this is so unhygienic.' Keiko thought, her once nice feelings about Teruhashi now slowly falling down, Keiko seemed to notice that the girl was trying to be nice about it, but she was trying too much.

When they sat at the table, Saiki and Keiko sat next to each other, Kaidou sat at the end while Nendou and Teruhashi sat next to each other, Nendou raised his hand now shouting "Get us five bowls of ramen, sir!" he asked towards the manager, who was sweating under his clothes and had greasy hair.

A few minutes later the manager came walking in with five bowls of ramen, although four of them where greeting with bowls of some ramen that looked like it had been picked up from in a bin and was cooked in sewage water, Keiko's looked surprisingly decent which wasn't a surprise since she was lucky 'Although mine looks okay. I wouldn't risk trying it, there could be all sorts of bacteria floating around in it'

As everyone stared at there ramen, the sound of slurping could be heard which came from Teruhashi, she looked insane as she ate it, everyone gave her a concerned look until Kaidou spoke "You might want to stop." he said as the voice of Nendou could be heard in the background shouting at the manager. They soon left the restaurant, Teruhashi was clutching her stomach, Keiko could only wonder how much bacteria the girl had consumed.

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