Chapter 25《Angel and Demon》

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After the door was locked again, Third Reich turned his head to the tall Countryhuman next to him.

USSR looked not at him but at the stairs in front of them.

To snap him out of his thoughts, the angel pulled his partner's head towards him and gently placed his lips on his as he smiled and looked into his big golden eye.

Soviet Union hadn't expected this kiss and was surprised, but he still enjoyed the gentle kiss and slowly placed one hand around his partner's back, then placed the other on his cheek.

He now also looked at him with a smile and looked into the shining eyes of his lover, forgetting his worries again.

They stood there like that for some time before Third German Reich broke the kiss and put his arms around Soviet's body to hug him. The large Countryhuman, carefully picked up his partner and lifted him up to be closer to him, to which Reich giggled enthusiastically.

Third Reich had put on a white and gold robe and blue trousers. He is barefoot. Soviet has his eye patch and hat on, a gray-blue jacket, dark blue pants and brown shoes.

They cuddled together and felt much more comfortable together. They loved each other very much!

Reich asked: "Shall we?" Soviet looked at the door before turning his gaze back to Reich and answering confidently: "Yes!"

He then brought Reich to the door, which the angel opened and they appeared at the front door of Reich's house. Slowly Third German Reich was placed on the ground.

It was a dark and cold fall Friday. Not a single living being anywhere. Everything was dead quiet. There wasn't a single leaf left on the trees and there wasn't any wind either. The sky was covered with red-black clouds that shot red lightning. Everything seemed lifeless and gray.

The two stood there with wide shocked eyes. This wasn't a normal fall! Third Reich walked out the door, his partner following him.

They looked around with wide eyes. USSR went behind him, as promised. They walked through the streets together.

Branches of the trees were lying around as if the trees were really dead and that was true for everyone. Not a single animal or plant survived. Everything seemed dead and as if monsters were lurking in the shadows for the next living thing they could get their hands on.

Every step the Countryhumans took, everything became darker and more dangerous. They felt like everything was watching them. Everything was after them. Everything wanted to extinguish the light of their lives.

Reich took Soviet closer to him so that he wasn't afraid. Both went on this adventure together. They loved each other and would stick together no matter what happened.

They already saw the center in front of them. All the plants were gone. Everything was black. Shadow creatures stood there and looked at the Countryhumans. The angel recognized what they were, they were souls, souls that couldn't let go because they had to experience terrible things.

"You won't find salvation here!", Third Reich told them, "Go back to where you came from, there you will find your salvation!" The souls dispersed, they went back to the places where they had died or where their families were.

Soviet Union was surprised by this and his companion told him: "I may be an angel, but they have to come to terms with their traumas themselves."

The angel got an idea and went to a former meadow, where he sat down and placed his hands on the gray earth. Reich spoke briefly in unintelligible German, causing the earth to turn brown again.

Reich then said to Soviet with a smile: "Once we have stopped Britain from destroying everything, I will give life back to this island, whether it is meant to be or not!" USSR liked his idea.

He stood up again and tenderly took his partner's hand. Step by step they ventured towards the tall building.

Soviet tore open the entrance and inside there was no electricity. Everything was dark, but it wasn't completely quiet anymore because the monster's roar could be heard, which unsettled both of them, especially Soviet, but they continued on.

They were here now and nothing and no one could stop the two brave Countryhumans. The monster that stood behind doors and walls roared louder. The further they went, the more destruction from Britain's claws they could see.

They were at the very last door. Soviet Union was behind Reich while he opened the doors wide.

"I knew you would come!", the monster roared, happy to kill him.

Britain looked terrible. He had horns made of ivory, eyes that glowed blood red, the pointed teeth of a goblin shark, but a little thicker, he had red-blue wings with pointed claws, he looked thin, you could see his bones a little, his head and claws were blue, most of his body was red, he had long pointed claws and a tail that was shaped like a trident.

All of the hundreds of Countryhumans were fine and in their seats. Austria and Austria-Hungary were most happy about Reich's return. Others, such as FRG and Ukraine, were anything but pleased.

This room was the only one with electricity on the entire island. It was lit, but Reich gave off more light than the lamps in the room.

Third Reich floated elegantly into the room. "I have come to free everyone, including you!", he said. The demon was confused and said: "What went wrong with you? I'm a demon, I don't need to be freed!"

"Yes! Your heart is full of fear, let me help you free yourself from that fear!", the angel said lovingly and held out his hand. Soviet was now also flying and the soul of Kira was at his side. The angel was afraid, but had faith.

The demon had enough and growled: "I will kill everything on this island! I have no fear, only bloodlust!" The angel knew this was a lie.

The demon jumped at him, whereupon he created a protective shield and his attack had no effect. He still tried to get further through the shell.

After a while he stopped, as this had no effect, he landed on the backs of the seats of Israel and FRG. "So you got more energy back. But you won't stop me from continuing to celebrate my victory!", he grumbled.

The angel who hovered not far above him said to him: "Britain, please listen to me for once! I won't hurt you! I want all of us here to get along and understand each other! You are also a Countryhuman, like all of us!"

"Can you babble something other than your stupid talk about how they should all stick together!?", growled the demon, "Everything you say is nonsense!"

The angel landed on the back of Ireland's seat. "If everyone sticks together, we can change the whole world with one wish! Every living being has the power to create, including you, Britain! You are trying to turn everything good around and in doing so you have robbed me of part of my strength, but I am not angry with you!", he told him.

The demon laughed and made it clear to him: "Then I'll make you angry!" Meanwhile, he ran to Soviet and wanted to attack him. This was too fast for the poor USSR and he couldn't avoid it, but luckily his partner was at his side.

He soon pinned Britain to the ground before letting him out. The demon used this opportunity to attack Reich with slashes, but again it was of no use.

He growled angrily and tried to attack Reich, but it was no use.

The Countryhumans moved away from them and were tense. Some were with Britain, some were with Reich and some were amazed, frightened or confused. Soviet kept its fingers crossed for Reich.

The demon was using more and more power while Third Reich was still doing well.

Britain himself recognized that he was powerless against the angel, yet it fought relentlessly. He couldn't attack anyone either, because Reich was looking out for everyone.

"You have the choice, Britain! Either you will leave this place or you will change!", Greater German Reich gave him the decision while the demon fought with his last strength.

The demon could no longer get off the island, otherwise he would feel the wrath of this world or be killed in hell.

He couldn't fight to his death either because Reich would probably prevent him and it would go on like this for eternity, which wasn't worth it to him.

He didn't want to change! "Please Britain! Change! You have a good heart within you, even if you don't want to believe in it, you have it within you! You have light within you! Please stop fighting me!", the angel begs, yes the demon continued.

"It's no use for you to fight me! I won and the good won before me!", he said and he actually stopped. Reich gave him a little more space and he transformed back into a Countryhuman.

The angel then said to him: "Even if you lost the fight, it doesn't mean that this is the end of your story! Maybe you're really trying to change. Set new goals that also make you think about the happiness of others! At least try and if you don't like it, you can always go to hell!" Third Reich smiled slightly at him.

Britain looked up at the angel with wide eyes and said: "I've done so many things and you're just giving me a second chance?"

"Yes! Everyone deserves a second chance and if you like it more than hell, you're welcome to stay here!", he said kindly.

The demon was truly amazed, but also grateful for this second chance.

Reich let him think for now and went to his mother and gave her a big hug, which shocked her but also made her burst into tears of joy. Austria hugged her ex-boyfriend happily and Soviet kissed him lovingly. Third Reich smiled overjoyed. Everything was much brighter and the darkness was gone.

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