Chapter 24《The Angel Light》

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Reich and Soviet laughed happily.

"My sweet Soviet, I want to try to fly!", Third Reich told him happily.

He let him go and said, "We'd better get out of the forest for this!"

The angel nodded happily and Soviet ran ahead, excited about his partner's new abilities.

Out of the forest, Reich immediately started wishing he could fly and jumped. He hovered over Soviet Union and the other flew after him.

Third Reich closed his eyes happily. Soviet flew close to his side.

They flew over the area together and held hands.

"We forgot the basket!", the Soviet remembered, whereupon Third German Reich summoned the basket.

USSR was very impressed by this and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made his partner start to giggle.

They ended up back with their parents.

German Reich sprinted out to his son, hugging him tightly. His son returned the hug and the remaining three smiled happily. They hugged for a while.

Reich's powers were able to become invisible so that he did not wake Soviet while they slept peacefully. It was an exciting and beautiful day.

Reich dreamed of Kira, whose soul visited him.

"Kira!", said Third Reich happily. "Reich!", she said happily.

He hugged her and she wagged her tail happily.

"I missed you so much!", he cried with joy.

Kira said, "I missed you too!" and licked his face, making him laugh.

Reich snuggled up against her, licking his face no longer bothered him. He just missed his best friend.

They hugged some more before she said: "The Countryhumans on the island need your help!"

"Why?", he asked, "Has Britain done anything?"

"Yes he has!", she replied, "He won't let any Countryhumans onto the mainland anymore. They're trapped in the big room. Britain has repeated again and again that he wants to take the other Countryhumans with him."

"I don't know if I can help.", said Third German Reich.

His dog immediately said: "Yes, you can! You are the only one who can save them, thanks to your abilities! You even managed to create me at a time when you were unwell!"

The Countryhuman looked at the soul with wide eyes. She smiled at him.

"I created you?", he asks.

She explained: "You're the one who gave me a body and I've been with you ever since. Even though it was just me living on the island as a dog, I always had you, my best friend! We could read each other's minds and you gave me the most beautiful life I could imagine."

Reich hugged her tighter and cried even more.

"Reich?", he heard Soviet's voice in his head, "Reich?"

She licked his cheek again and said: "Please think about it!"

He woke up and his partner's arms were around him. Third Reich had been crying in his sleep, which was why Soviet wanted to wake him up, not that his poor Reich was plagued by nightmares.

Greater German Reich snuggled up wearily against him, while USSR held him close. The Countryhuman, who had just been woken up, smiled and gave his partner many loving kisses.

Both felt better and cuddled together until they fell asleep together again.

Well rested and with lovely dreams, they woke up tired, but at different times.

Soviet Union was the first to wake up and went to the forest specifically to find mushrooms for his favorite Reich.

The big Countryhuman woke his partner with a gentle kiss. Third Reich woke up slowly and calmly.

When he finally woke up, he smiled and Soviet giggled. It was still quite dark, as Soviet had left the room's shades so that it wasn't too bright for his partner.

The angel was very grateful for this as he was able to sleep better, but was still afraid of the dark.

"Good morning, my little angel, your breakfast is ready!", Soviet Union greeted him.

Third Reich had to hum happily and smile more. Shortly afterwards, his clothes were on top of him because Soviet wanted to motivate him to get up. The tired Countryhuman grumbled in annoyance, but also giggled.

His partner also giggled. Soviet left the room again. The angel pulled himself together and got dressed on the toilet before going downstairs and once in the dining room he scolded: "Soviet! You forgot something very important!"

He then immediately asked: "What have I forgotten?" Reich gave him a passionate kiss that made his partner melt.

They looked at each other in love. Reich's father went to the dining room with the food and then went over to his son and tickled him first.

Third Reich laughed loudly. "What did I tell you two about morning kisses at the dinner table?!", he says cheekily.

"I-I got it, Papa!", he said, laughing and his father stopped.

The Countryhuman with snow-white wings sat down on the bench and quickly kissed Soviet before wishing everyone good morning.

Unlike the others, Reich had fried parasols and thanked Soviet while happily enjoying his meal. During the meal, the big Countryhuman put his arm around his partner.

They cuddled while eating and Reich told his dream.

"You really shouldn't rush into anything!", said Prussia, "I'm sure he's just waiting for you!"

"I think so too, but I really want to go and help!", he told him.

Soviet Union's mother said: "Try to stay here a little longer and train your strength!"

He agreed. Soviet and Reich's father preferred not to let him go to this island and see the demon again.

The angel's father asked, "Please think about it very carefully Reich, you suffered there and now you want to go back? What if Britain killed you?"

"Please, Dad don't be so worried about me, I really want to do it!", said his son with conviction, "Then I can bring Mama back here to you and apologize to her."

"Still, please think about it, I don't want to lose you!", he asked again. Soviet joined in: "I don't want him to get you either!"

He smiled and kissed his cheek gently and lovingly before taking him in his arms.

Reich was also unsure, but his feeling drew him back to the island.

The angel practiced teleporting through doors after eating.

Soviet wanted to hug him unexpectedly, which made Third Reich frightened and put a protective sphere around himself.

Reich had no strength to attack and he didn't want to attack anyone anyway, that wasn't his style, but this worried USSR even more. Reich also practiced with his angel form.

After a few days, Third Reich gathered his courage and spent the last day before the trip with his family and Soviet.

Soviet no longer had his fake teeth in his mouth and loved to see his Reich with his important hat, but he was still very insecure and was worried and afraid that his beloved angel would not come back, which he could not allow.

They went for a walk together. Soviet was lost in thought, which Reich quickly noticed.

"What's bothering you, Soviet?", I ask him worriedly.

He was snapped out of his thoughts and just said with a blush, "E-Em... What did you say?"

"Something is bothering you!", he repeated.

"I'm worried about you and your trip.", he replied.

Third Reich hugged him tightly. "We can do it!", he said. "We?", USSR repeated. The angel giggled and said, "Yes! If you're that worried, you're welcome to come with me!"

He got a surprised look from him, to which he chuckled and said: "I won't stop you if you want to be with me, but please stay behind me so that he can't hurt you, I don't want anything to happen to the most important Countryhuman in my life."

Soviet Union began to smile and hugged him tightly. Greater German Reich giggled and hugged him back before saying: "You've watched too many movies!" "How else was I supposed to pass the time on the island?", he said, making his partner giggle.

"We're lucky that we live in the country now, there's more to do than watch TV!" said Reich and they both kissed briefly before walking away hand in hand.

When they arrived at a feld, Soviet began to fly and they raced to fly home.

"I won!", said Soviet happily. "Only by two seconds!", he said, laughing.

Laughing, they went into the house and drank.

They lay and sat on the couch for a few hours and played backgammon and Maleficent. There was a lot to laugh about.

The two lovers cuddled at night so that they would not be plagued by negative thoughts when falling asleep.

Third German Reich woke up Soviet Union with a kiss, which made him smile.

"I like to be woken up like that.", murmured the big Countryhuman. Of course, that made his partner giggle.

He slowly got up and they ate fried dumplings with sauce. The couple then prepared psychologically for their journey and whatever might come their way.

The three experienced Countryhumans couldn't convince them to stay there.

Reich opened a door to his basement. The basement was brightly lit and larger. They went in hand in hand.

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