Epilogue《Light in the Heart》

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A few years later...

"Are we there yet?", asked GEAU's small, excited voice.

Soviet told her, getting annoyed now by her constant repeating of her question: "No, but I hope soon!"

The two had a daughter.

Like her parents, she was red and had her mother's peace symbol on her right eye, which was not white but gold. She had her mother's blue eyes and also white wings, like him. She was a little bundle of energy.

The three flew together to the Countryhumans' island. The sea was calm and had a strong blue color, although it became darker as you looked down into the depths. Some seagulls flew.

She didn't know the history that her parents experienced on the island, she was a little too young for that.

They lived together in the house of their relatives, German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Russian Empire and Prussia. It was peaceful and beautiful at home, but they wanted to visit the island again after a long time and Reich was able to convince Soviet to take their daughter with them, who was thrilled about it.

They already saw the green island. And floated relaxed towards the beach.

"Is this the island?", asked the little girl. "Yes, it finally is!", replied her father, who was relieved that they were finally arriving. Reich giggled.

The island was green and lively again, especially when the sun was shining so beautifully.

Shortly afterwards they were close enough to see Austria on the beach and started to land.

"Who is that?", asked the little girl. Reich replied: "That's Austria!"

They landed just a moment later. GEAU ran to her and hugged her.

Austria was surprised by this, but hugged the child back with a smile before saying: "Nice to see you again GEAU!"

The child looked up at her and asked: "You know me?" "Yes, but you probably don't remember, you were too small then!", she explained to her.

"How small?", she asked. Austria answered her: "You were only a few months old then."

She was fascinated. The grown lady giggled.

The little girl let her go again and asked: "Can we play?" "Later! I would like to show you your rooms first!", she replied friendly.

The two parents stood nearby the whole time and watched with a smile.

Third Reich and USSR were very proud to have such a wonderful daughter.

For a long time they thought that it couldn't work for them to have a child, but they found another way and became parents.

They look after their daughter with love. Every now and then they thought about having more children, but for now one energetic, heart-warming little girl that could hug the whole world was enough. She was the most valuable treasure of the two adult Countryhumans.

She flapped and ran around excitedly as Austria accompanied the little family to their house. GEAU quickly distracted himself with spiders and beetles. She was completely amazed and fascinated by nature and observed the creatures and talked to them.

The three stopped and watched. Their hearts were opened by how sweet and gentle she was with the animals.

"It seems to me like she's growing up in the right family.", said Austria. Reich and Soviet held hands.

Soviet Union went to his daughter and gave her a piggyback ride. She held on to him and laughed, her wings were also spread out a little. Her father laughed and held her little legs lightly as she felt more comfortable from that.

In front of the house, USSR put her down again and she was very excited while Austria opened the front door.

Reich cheekily tickled his daughter briefly, whereupon she hid behind Soviet, both parents giggling. Austria smiled and let the family enter.

Reich led the way, followed by his daughter and his partner. They went upstairs to the guest room and made everything nice, with GEAU mostly exploring the upper floor.

The little family walked through the village and they saw some Countryhumans. GEAU saw someone in a corner, but he always disappeared when she looked closer to him. This only made her more curious.

As Reich and Soviet greeted Ireland, the young girl saw the man again. She ran to him this time and she looked for him before Soviet Union picked her up.

He asked her: "Where are you going, little angel?" "There was a man, but he always runs away when I see him!", she replied.

He couldn't explain it. They went back to Reich.

They also went to the beach for a few hours before putting their daughter to bed.

After her bedtime story and a kiss, Reich walked out of her room and the three Countryhumans enjoyed the silence outside.

Reich and Soviet were happy to be here again and to see how well their daughter was doing here. They enjoyed their vacation.

GEAU meanwhile had pushed the curtains aside and was looking at the star-covered night sky.

She saw a shooting star and wished she could find new friends.

Just a moment later, a creature was at her window. It was dark.

GEAU opened the window with a smile.

"Hello little one!", he said. "Who are you?", she asked. He replied: "I am Britain!" "Hello Britain!", she greeted him. "What's your name?", he asked, giggling. She replied to him: "I'm GEAU!"

"You're Reich and Soviet's daughter, right?", he asked. "Yes, that's me!", she answered happily and asked curiously, "Were you the man who always ran away?" "You got me!", he chuckled and said, "I wasn't sure what your parents would think about seeing me. But I'd like to show you the best spot on the island for stargazing!"

A little while later, Soviet went upstairs to check on his little girl, but he panicked when he couldn't find her and the window was wide open.

He ran down. "Reich! Our daughter disappeared!", he calls and came to him. Before he could ask, the big Countryhuman replied, "The window was wide open!"

Reich and Austria joined in the search for the young girl without saying a word. They searched the entire island and Reich found her.

Britain was sitting on the roof of the old abandoned hall and had the tired little GEAU with him. They both looked up at the starry sky, smiling.

Reich landed up there and she said quietly happily: "Mama!" Reich kissed her gently and looked at the demon, who apologized: "Sorry for not just going to you, but I didn't think you would let me be with your daughter."

Britain was unsure if Reich would get mad at him, but he just wanted to get to know the child. Reich had no problem with her being with him, but he had a problem with not saying anything. The angel wasn't angry.

"Ask us next time!", the angel asked the demon. Reich flew briefly to Soviet and Austria. She returned home and the two men flew on the roof to their daughter, who had her head on Britain's lap.

He gently stroked her little head while the two parents smiled and looked up at the sky.

Slowly but surely the little girls' eyes closed.

The End!

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