"What?", asked Reich, surprised. Soviet was also surprised and looked at Reich's wings.
"You heard right, my son! Angels have brought you to us.", repeated German Empire.
It took Reich a while to realize it, but he couldn't say a word about it either.
"W-Why weren't you with me?!", he asked next.
German Empire answered him: "We promised Britain so that he wouldn't kill you in return. Me and your mother really loved you very much, so we agreed, but we didn't think that he would tear out your wing or your appearance would change and your old friend Soviet Union can't remember either."
"But Austria-Hungary came to the island at some point.", Reich said.
"She was so desperate that she agreed with him to sell her body so that she could at least see you.", he explained.
Third Reich looked at him in surprise and shock. "So you never left because of her?"
His father's look confirmed it. Reich felt more guilty. "I hurt her even though she was innocent!", he now realized.
Soviet stood up and walked over to his friend before hugging him and telling him: "You couldn't have known!" He cuddled him and hugged him.
The angel took a moment before hugging his partner and they had a comforting embrace. Both also kissed briefly. They hugged each other some more in a calming silence. When Reich was well enough, they let each other out. Soviet gave him another kiss on the lips, which made Reich smile more and that smile infected him. Reich stroked his cheek and looked at him with a grateful smile before giving his partner a quick, gentle kiss.
Soviet couldn't help himself and picked Reich up before sitting on his chair and letting Reich sit on his lap, causing him to giggle.
Reich hugged him and looked into his eyes full of love.
They then told their relatives together how they ended up here and more about the past. The old Countryhumans and their younger family members had a nice day together and Reich and Soviet met at the balcony where they cuddled up together.
They look into the garden full of fruit trees.
"I am an angel.", said Reich.
Soviet Union said: "Yes and the sweetest in the whole world!" This made his partner giggle happily and blush slightly.
Third Reich turned to him and pressed his lips to his partner's. They both smiled happily into the kiss.
The kiss lasted a few seconds before Third German Reich broke away.
He saw in the reflection of Soviet's eyes that the trees behind him were tinged orange from the light of the sun.
The Countryhuman turned around and saw that everything was colored orange and yellow. It looked as if everything that the remaining light of the sun touched would glow.
A few blackbirds and sparrows chirped and a breeze rustled the leaves.
You could see hills in the distance with a forest and more houses.
Reich hadn't seen such a beautiful sight for a long time and he tried to recognize every single leaf and remember what he couldn't do, but tried anyway.
The crickets also slowly started chirping loudly.
"Do they always have to be so loud?!", Prussia could be heard annoyed from under the balcony.
The two red Countryhumans on the balcony had to giggle at this.
Third Reich and Soviet loved chirping, but having to hear it every day for a while every summer was annoying.
Soviet wrapped his arms around his Reich and rested his head on his right shoulder, whereupon they kissed softly.
Reich then took a deep breath and tried to spread his wings, but he quickly remembered that he only had one left.
His mood sank again. Soviet realized this and hugged Reich more before taking him up, as he stood on the wooden railing of the small balcony.
Uncertain and a little worried, Reich said: "What are you planning to do?" He closed his white wing again.
Soviet spread his and said to him: "I will rise into the clouds through our love!"
"There aren't even any clouds!", the angel said, becoming more anxious.
Soviet ignored this, knowing that Reich was scared, but he had a lot of confidence that he could fly and from this height, it wouldn't hurt them so much to land on the ground if it didn't work.
Third Reich clung to Soviet's arms and asked anxiously: "Please stop it Soviet!"
"Just trust me with this!", he said.
Reich was too scared to trust, but Soviet just went for it, flapping as he jumped off the balcony.
Reich clung to him fearfully as they fell, but there was no impact, making him realize Soviet was flying.
The angel opened his eyes and saw that they were flying over trees, he could also see his partners wings before he looked up at Soviet who was trying to fly higher.
He was amazed that his partner, his Soviet, could fly.
He wobbled, but still flew well. Soviet didn't make it too far and ended up in a plum tree.
Reich and shortly afterwards his partner started laughing and Reich hugged him tightly. Both Countryhumans were incredibly happy about this success!
"Soviet, you did it!", cheered Third Reich, from whom the fledgling Countryhuman received an intense kiss. Soviet happily returned his kiss. They both kissed and hugged each other.
"Are you all right?", asked the Russian Empire. Soviet replied to his mother: "More than good!" She smiled up at the couple, who soon kissed again.
A few weeks passed quickly. Soviet managed to learn more and more to fly and his partner supported him and in return he fulfilled his dream of flying by taking him with him, which Reich was also able to help him with because of the missing eye, which the big Countryhuman was getting more and more used to .
Reich had given him a soft eye patch as a joke when he noticed Soviet was feeling better and started making jokes about his missing eye. Soviet Union loved this eye patch! He loved putting on the eye patch because it was soft and warm and was a gift from his beloved Reich.
The families grew closer together, especially the couple! Both supported each other and loved each other more and more, Reich with his fear of Britain and Soviet with his eyes and learning to fly.
It was autumn and the forests were full of mushrooms and Greater German Reich and his partner USSR were exactly such a forest. They walked around smiling happily.
Reich had a basket with some chestnuts and parasols. They were looking for more. They wanted to challenge themselves for fun.
They jumped, ran and flapped around looking for beautiful edible mushrooms for the sauce or frying them.
Soviet Union found the next one. The white-winged one laughed happily and hopped around the forest more than looking for mushrooms, since they already had some with them that would definitely be enough.
The leaves were falling from the leaves and everything was full of warm colors.
Reich followed his feeling. Normally he would pay attention to Soviet and not go too far, but his feeling was pulling him further and further away.
He kept running. Tall trees stood everywhere as the descent became increasingly steep. He came to a beautiful part full of orange trees, but there were also some ginkgos with their buttercup-yellow leaves standing around. There were willow trees and a huge birch tree.
The curious Countryhuman came closer to the tree before gently touching it with his hands. He smiled happily as he felt good and started hugging the tree.
Third Reich had not noticed that he had let go of his basket.
The positive energy flowed through him. He smiled more and more happily and his hair and feathers stood up. Everything was suddenly soft and cozy and warm.
He couldn't stop smiling. His skin slowly began to tingle. It was a pleasant, nice tingling.
Without Reich noticing, his flag changed. He no longer had the white circle and black cross, but the white peace symbol on his face.
On his left side, where his wing was missing, a transparent wing emerged from golden energy. Above Reich's head floated a crown of light that distributed the colors of the rainbow violet, dark blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange and red.
His body was glowing and he had gold and white energy around him.
Reich was given a white and gold robe and blue trousers while his shoes became white.
His scar from Britain was still visible on his chest.
Everything around him was full of light, life and color.
The tree also began to glow and everything around it. The creatures of the forest gathered peacefully.
Soviet saw through the animals that something had happened and ran after them. He could also feel the positive aura there and he saw that Reich had received his angelic form.
Overjoyed, he smiled for his partner and went to him.
Reich turned to him and let go of the tree before he smiled broadly at Soviet and they embraced with arms and wings.
They were both so happy that they started crying and hugged each other tightly.
They looked deeply into each other's eyes and kissed intensely.
They enthusiastically turned in circles while hugging.
"There you are! You'll come back here soon and then nothing will be left of you!", said the demon. He prepared for the arrival of the angel.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net