Chapter 14 《The Meeting》

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When the two returned, they went for a walk with Kira.

Greater German Reich ran after Kira while USSR followed them, giggling.

Kira ran to the beach where Reich slowed while Kira ran through the water.

The Countryhuman giggled happily and looked happily at his friend, with whom he sat down on a rock.

Both looked at the setting sun and since it was a bit cold, Reich hugged Soviet and snuggled up to him. Surprised but still pleased that Reich felt so comfortable with him, Soviet Union hugged him back, making his friend feel warmer.

Both loved this moment. They snuggled even closer, crossing their wings to share even more warmth.

"What about your wish to fly away from here?", Soviet asked his friend.

"I'm not so sure anymore.", he admitted, "I'd like to stay with you and Kira and I don't know what Austria will do then either, because I'm sure she'll fly too, but it won't do much because she's always going to be flown back to her country anyway."

Reich hung his head as he wanted to stay with his dog and his best friend.

Soviet Union hugged him more and said: "It's not that bad for me here, besides, I could take care of Kira and you could come visit us if the journey isn't too far."

"Nevertheless, I will miss you!", Third Reich sobbed and hugged his friend tightly.

Soviet Union couldn't help but hug his best friend tight.

Third Reich said: "Actually, I don't want to fly away if I can't take my friends with me."

"But you don't like it here.", Soviet contradicted.

"Yeah, I don't like it here, but the only good thing about this island are my friends.", he said, and continued, "And I'd like to have everything I like with me when I fly home."

USSR had to smile and said affectionately: "You are a treasure!"

Third German Reich giggled happily at this and smiling, snuggled up to the tall Countryhuman who hugged him.

After hugging for a while, they threw some balls and went home.

At Reich's home, Third German Reich prepared to take a shower.

Soviet meanwhile found a letter addressed to him and took it in his hands. The letter was carefully opened by Soviet and he let it through before pocketing the letter and shouted Reich: "I'm away for a moment!" "See you later!", he heard back.

Then he ran to the center of the island. He ran into the familiar building and is looking for the room he was called to.

Slowly Soviet opened the door where he quickly spotted Great Britain sitting in the tallest and most expensive looking chair with his back to him. The room was quite dark and only dimly lit by a small lightbulb dangling over the table. The table was in the middle of the room and there were only two chairs in the otherwise empty room and these chairs were next to each other.

Soviet Union walked cautiously into the room, keeping an eye on Britain as he had an extremely uneasy feeling that grew stronger with every step.

Britain didn't move and Soviet sat in the chair next to him and looked sideways at him. Britain looked blankly at the blood-red drink in his glass, which was also most likely blood.

The tall Countryhuman really looked like he wasn't even faking emotion at all. His facial expression consisted of his bad-tempered looking eyebrows and eyes, but otherwise he was nondescript in expression, except for the lifeless eyes that didn't even reflect the light on the ceiling, which made Soviet more nervous.

The last time Britain was like this was when he cut Soviet pay for no reason at all, so he knew something was about to happen and braced himself tensely for anything.

"Take your eyes off me or I'll rip them out of your damn face!", Britain hissed in annoyance.

Soviet quickly stopped analyzing him and looked at an empty glass in front of him that wasn't there before.

Soviet felt more and more helpless and imprisoned.

According to Soviet Union, Great Britain had the whole area under his control.

Anxious and panicking, he sat on the chair and looked at the glass in front of him, whereupon it filled with the red liquid, from bottom to top.

"Drink!", ordered his boss next to him.

"No!", Soviet tells him as he turns to him, "I don't drink blood!"

Britain remained silent, which frightened Soviet even more.

After what felt like an eternity of uncomfortable silence, Great Britain said: "I know what's between Austria and Reich."

Soviet getting more nervous.

"Nothing happens on this island without my noticing.", he says, more threateningly for Soviet, before making it clear, "This is my island."

"What are you going to do now because of these two?", Soviet Union asked uncertainly.

"I'm waiting.", said the taller Countryhuman.

Still uncertain, USSR asked: "What are you waiting for?"

"For the powers to stop working.", he said.

"What powers?", Soviet Union asked curiously.

Britain still replied, without a difference in tone in his voice: "The powers that manipulate others around him to love him, like you."

Soviet didn't believe his words: "Reich don't manipulate anyone and I just like him. I can't love anyone."

"Then why were you friends and then enemies and you just kept getting kinder to him as he was about to get his powers back?", Britain asked him.

"I don't know, but he just makes me feel so good when I'm with him. He's so interesting and so nice", USSR told Britain, "and he doesn't manipulate me like you do. You tell me, for example, that I would be so strong if only I would use my strength to teach others a lesson. And then sometimes I even do it because I want to see myself as stronger.", he turned to him again and scolded him, "You manipulate me and take advantage of me, but Reich makes me feel like I don't need to prove myself. I just need to be me and just have a good time and the more time I spend with him-"

Soviet was interrupted. "...the more you lose yourself. You're no longer the Countryhuman showing everyone who doesn't belong in our society which direction to go. You've gotten weak and soft and you've fallen in love with him, because why otherwise you give him every secret and everything tingles.", said Britain and finally looked at him, "How do you feel about Austria and how do you feel about him?"

Soviet looked down. "She's very nice, but..." He was at a loss for words because he was really thinking about being in love.

However, Soviet Union associated being in love with weakness, making him not happy to know what was probably wrong with him.

Britain was still staring at the even more uncertain Soviet, who looked at him a moment later. Soviet Union fears and insecurities grew and Britain seemed ever more threatening.

"Totally wimpy and weak!", says Britain, and the words linger in Soviets' mind, allowing more words to appear that only reinforce him.

Eventually tears formed in his eyes, but USSR fought them immediately by telling himself he wasn't in love and not weak and wiping his tears away with his hands. He told himself that Reich was his friend and that Britain was just trying to manipulate him.

Britannia's words still echoed inside him, but he had had enough of them and yelled at him: "Stop it!"

Britain stared into his eyes even more hypnotically and the whole room went dark before Britain took a gulp of blood and his eyes turned red like it.

"Run!", Great Britain uttered.

Soviet was still too captivated by the menacing eyes.

"Run or all that's left of you are your teeth.", he growled, his pupils slitting as his red iris covered his entire eyeball. He got horns like a goat and sharp teeth like a goblin shark, plus he had a tail trying to wrap around Soviet's leg.

Soviet Union got a grip on himself again. His life was in danger. He got up quickly and ran out of the room.

"If you get home alive, I'll leave you alone for now if you stay at home.", said Britain, finishing forming.

Soviet cried in panic and used his arms to push off the walls for faster turns. He knew Britain could easily kill him and was probably chasing him for sport.

Britain was close behind him, which was natural since he was part demon and that made him clearly faster than a Countryhuman, but he just wanted to have his fun.

Soviet Union ran for his life. He made it out of the building and briefly considered running to Reich, but quickly decided against it due to the doubts in his head from earlier.

He ran down the street to his house and unlocked the door with the key as fast as he could, but Britain caught his right eye and clawed it out like it was nothing. Soviet ignored this to keep his life safe.

He closed the door and breathed in panic, while quickly feeling this excruciating pain on his right side where his eye was. USSR ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, where he saw six claw marks and they tore off part of his face.

Soviet was still in such shock that he didn't even realize the real pain. But seeing the blood and the missing eye made him feel sick.

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